I so so badly want to use my Cutter for exploration again... But that jump range... The Anaconda spoils.
Personally I think both the Conda and Cutter aren't fun explorers at all.
They're heavy when landing on planets with more then 1.0 gravity and in supercruise (the flightmode you'll be using most) they're so cumbersome, steering clear from the entry star takes ages.
The AspX, DBX, Dolphin, etc. are far more suited for exploration.
Even the huge Beluga is much more convenient in supercruise but that thing tends to run quite hot.
Just my opinion though
You're right and I agree completely. The handling in SC does drive me crazy at times. But, you can't argue the versatility of the Conda. Immense jump range, lots of weapons, fighters, good view from the bridge, multicrew, big scoop, good shields... I despise the ASP (no matter how many I've owned, i just don't like it); the DBX is cool, but only single-seat, and same goes for the Dolphin. I've been flying big ships for quite a while in-game now, so whenever I'm in a small or medium ship, I feel very vulnerable.
Ooh but I too love big ships, my battle Conda is one of my prides and the Cutter is well......a Cutter, nuff said.
They're incredible versatile and everytime I board one of them I feel exhilarated, just not for exploration.
I don't realy understand the hate for the AspX, I've never used it for anything else hut exploring and it's very good at that.
Stunning, mate [up]Hey, guys wanted to share some of the Fantastic Photo's from The Azophi Expedition.
http://i.imgur.com/vEgeMpv.jpgThe picture was taken by - Photoniq - Xbox CMDRhttp://i.imgur.com/0bVN56a.png
The picture was taken by - SeraphimNeeded - Xbox CMDRhttp://i.imgur.com/ygKlD8U.jpg
The picture was taken by - Photoniq- Xbox CMDRhttp://i.imgur.com/gwsxS9e.jpg
The picture was taken by - memfius166 - Xbox CMDR
The picture was taken by - Xta80 - Xbox CMDR
The picture was taken by - Faux Human - Xbox CMDR
The picture was taken by - Chumboski- Xbox CMDR
The picture was taken by - CrunchyBaton955 - Xbox CMDR
The picture was taken by - Soulless DCLXVI - Xbox CMDR
The picture was taken by - Photoniq- Xbox CMDR
Hope everyone enjoys just a small portion of our journey in photos. Full Imgur Album is at the following link http://explorersconsortium.imgur.com/ keep checking back for more in the future.
I need to spread some rep, so here's a +1. Awesome pics, monogenetic!
I need to spread some rep, so here's a +1. Awesome pics, monogenetic!