Ships threat lvl 8 missionzzz

Dear Admirals,
you know what time it is! I need some tips how to defeat threat level 8 missions assassinate targets in a one vs three scenario.

I spent about 900M on my Anaconda. She has two class 2 multicannon ( over charged lvl 3 ) & 1 class 3 MC(overcharged lvl 3 )
she has two class 1 burst lasers() , two class 3 burst lasers( focused lvl 3)

shield boosters C two on each resist
6A guardian plant
new armor - mirrored surface( what to eng with

6A shield gen with (thermal grade 5 )+ can upg with prismatics...

how should she be upgraded?
what experiementals should i look for useing...

she is low on power, which plant should i upgrade to...
Sounds like you need to try
If you can describe your current build, people can advise better. Mock it up and post a link back.
hello Forum of Veteran Elite Dangerous playhers,

here is the ship , exactly what I got engineered...

the newest access is to buy the
prismatic shield generators... which is why the 6A shield generator is not ENG to class 5 thermal...

I also wanted to know should shields be engineered to thermal resist instead of heavy duty

and then the armors be resist to
blast and kinetic resists

and should the shield boosters be heavy duty ? for ONE VS THREE threat level 8 targets...
i have shield boosters it set to , ( 2 hvy duty, 2 thermal, 2 blast, 2 kinetic resists) ....what your opinions.?

Your courage is commendable. Back in my youth, I, too, have dared to face such foes with a clumsy ship like an Anaconda:
However, such ventures should be understood as a special challenge, with artificial difficulty.
Work safety regulations of the bounty hunters' guild clearly state that such foes shall be sniped from a distance, with a fast ship:
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