Community Event / Creation Through Orion - Open event for a cruise to Barnard's Loop, the Pleiades and back again!

Through Orion cover2.png

The Travellers' Association invites you to join the Nautilus-Class carrier "The Weary Traveller" for a tour to one of the most beautiful parts of the galaxy! The Orion cluster is a region of space relatively close to the Bubble and includes iconic nebulas like Barnard's Loop, Horse Head Nebula and the Orion Nebula itself of course! She will then visit the Pleiades and finally go back to the Bubble.
The tour will start at LFT 1300, stop by Rigel, a blue giant near the Witch Head Nebula, and stay within the Orion cluster for the weekend. Next we will head towards the Pleiades with two stops on the way, to arrive in orbit of a planet featuring an active Thargoid base!
The Weary Traveller will stay here for two days and then return to the Bubble, close to Deciat, where Felicity Farseer is located. All those with a standing invitation at the engineer and acquired some meta-alloy during the stay in the Pleiades, can directly hand it over to her.

This is an open event and TAS membership isn’t required to join.
To attend, all you need to do is board the Weary Traveller on the 18th of June 3306 by 18:00 GMT. We will be out there for about a week.

There are no requirements concerning your ship, jump range or experience. If all you have is the starter Sidewinder, that's all you need. To get the most out of the journey we recommend a jump range of about 20ly, a SRV and a detailed surface scanner though. The carrier will get you to the locations and move on by schedule. Spent your time however you see fit.

Fleet Carriers are persistent through all game modes and platforms, and the event itself doesn't come with any restrictions but having clean records. Means, your notoriety has to be zero to be cleared for docking on the carrier.

The Weary Traveller
A Nautilus-Class carrier outfitted for exploration. Her services include:
  • Resupply of fuel, ammunition and vehicles
  • Ship storage
  • Universal Cartographics.

Keep in mind though, that outfitting is not available.

Route and locations
1. Rigel
A blue giant. Approach carefully!
Witch Head nebula is nearby and a good place to visit. There are a few stations and an engineer in the area, but also Thargoid barnacles.
In 3303 the Witch Head Science Center, an asteroid base, began operation in HIP 23759. In 3305 further installations were built to exploit the local Thargoid Barnacles for meta-alloy, briefly interrupted by Thargoid forces.
Later that year further human colonies were established in the region.
We will stay in orbit of Rigel for a whole day and embark early next morning.

2. The Orion cluster
The carrier will reside at Hawking's Reach, which is right in the middle of it. From there you can head out and explore the area. There are a multitude of beautiful planetfalls and interesting places. There's also the Orion Tourist center, should you need something. Also keep in mind that there are a lot of permit-locked systems in the area, especially around the Horse Head nebula.

Notable locations:
PMD2009 48: Orion Tourist Center.
Parenago 2149: Interesting Binary with planets orbiting neutron star.
NGC 1981 Sector AV-Y c5: Two water worlds and a few other interesting places.
Bark Mounds surface sites (biological) are pretty easy to find within the nebulas and you won't have trouble finding gorgeous vistas.

We'll arrive here on a Saturday morning and stay until Monday morning.

3. Cotton Candy Rings
This extraordinary system harbors 14 ringed planets orbiting a violett B class star. Landing on one of the planets close to the star will take you into a candy cotton wonderland, especially if you land at one of the geological sites.
Be careful though, planet 1 comes with a gravity of 2G!

This will be a short stay. We're heading out again just the day after arrival.

4. California Nebula
A few permit-locked systems might cause problems on our route to the Pleiades, so we are making a detour stopping at the California nebula which houses a research station. There are also Thargoid Barnacles in the area.
The carrier will stay in the nebula for one day.

We'll be heading off for the Pleiades right the morning after arrival.

5. The Pleiades.
When the Thargoids returned, the Pleiades were all over the news and in the focus of attention for a long while. Maia is still the only place where we are able to purchase meta-alloy, a Thargoid material.
Over the last few years a multitude of phenomena have been found in the nebula, including Thargoid Barnacles, Barnacle "forests", a few Thargoid crash sites and a number of Thargoid bases. The Weary Traveller will be located in a system containing an active Thargoid base.
Be aware that there are a lot of Thargoids in the area! However, if you don't get too close they are known to ignore human ships. You might also be hyperdicted when jumping on your own. Hold still and do nothing in that case. You will be scanned and there is a good chance they will just lose interest.
You will also be able to obtain meta-alloy in the Pleiades, either directly from one of the Thargoid sites or Danielle's Progress in Maia. This might be especially interesting for those with an open invitation to Felicity Farseer, who demands meta alloy in order to open her workshop for you. The raw material looks like a big bud growing from a spike.

Notable locations:
The active Thargoid base on the planet the carrier will be orbiting.
Maia: Maybe the most important human colony in the Pleiades. Here you'll find Obsidian Orbital as well as Danielle's Progress (surface port), which is the only place you can purchase meta-alloy. There is also a black hole in the system.
Pleiades Sector PN-T b3-0 – Planet A5, Thargoid surface site 5: Barnacle "Forest".
Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 - Planet 9A: Thargoid crash site.

The Weary Traveller will stay in the Pleiades for two days and return to the Bubble very early on the next.

6. Back to the Bubble
The final jump will take us back into the Bubble. We'll be arriving at Xinca, a system very close to Deciat, where Felicity Farseer's workshop is located. Those of you who already have an invitation and obtained some meta-alloy on the trip, will be able to deliver it directly after the trip.
Be warned that Deciat is known for its pirate attacks if you approach it OPENly.

On-board meetup
If you like, you can follow our INARA link to our Discord channel and join as a passenger. We’ll have a channel setup for you.

If you are not yet registered with INARA you can also message me on this forum.

New pilots
If you just recently left the training area, you might not be familiar with how things are out in the open galaxy.
You can join this event just like anybody else and even if your jump range might still be restricted to short jumps, you'll be able to look around. Systems in the Orion cluster are relatively dense, and at the other locations, the carrier will get you directly into the systems in question.
An SRV is recommended for visiting any surface sites, like the Thargoid base and Barnacles, and you'd need a detailed surface scanner in order to find the site on the planet. If you haven't got the cash to get one, you can also wing up with another pilot who then functions as a beacon.
There's another opportunity for you to also get some credits out of this tour: exploration data. It's very unlikely to find any earth-likes in the areas we will visit, but especially terraformable high metal content planets and waterworlds will net you more than a million credits each for making a basic full spectrum scan and then mapping them with a detailed surface scanner. You will be able to sell data at the carrier, but be aware that it cuts your profits by 25%. Also: don't explode. Ship destruction erases all unsold data!

Most important thing though is to be docked at the carrier at the time of the jump! Otherwise you'll be about 500ly behind.
In the event that something like that happens, we'll somehow find a solution to that problem if you are not able to get back on your own, but the event might be over for you.

Joining the Travellers’ Association
You don’t need to become a member to join the event!
TAS is an independent and politically neutral group. We don’t come with a faction or home system and use two carriers as base of operations.
We promote space faring and are especially interested in science, exploration and lore.
We accept members from all trades of space travelling and don’t impose any obligations on them. Members can be newly licensed Sidewinder pilots as well as veterans.
There is only one concrete rule: don’t be a jerk.
We do not tolerate people who enjoy themselves on the expense of others and detest bullies. We expect our members to respect their fellow humans.
TAS is still a pretty small group and does not aggressively recruit. For us individual people are more important than a faceless crowd.
If you are interested in joining us, find our portfolio, including a link to our Discord, on INARA here:

If you are not yet registered with INARA you can also message me on this forum.

Hope to see you in the black!
  • CMDR Valorin
  • CMDR Cervidian
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Orion route.png

Jump Schedule

All departure times given for when the jump is initiated. All times given in galactic main time (GMT)

If you miss the scheduled time for the jump you will be left behind! The carrier will go into lockdown shortly after the initiation of a jump and you won’t be able to dock, even if it still in the location!

0: Start
System: LFT 1300
Departure: Th 18.06.3306 - 18:00

1: Rigel
System: RIGEL
Arrival: Th 18.06.3306 - ~18:30
Departure: Sa 20.06.3306 - 7:00

2: Orion Cluster
Arrival: Sa 20.06.3306 - ~7:15
Departure: Mo 22.06.3306 - 7:00

3: Cotton Candy Rings
System: -malfunction-
Arrival: Mo 22.06.3306 - ~7:15
Departure: Tu 23.06.3306 - 7:00

4: California Nebula
Arrival: Tu 23.06.3306 - ~7:30
Departure: We 24.06.3306 - 7:00

5: Pleiades Thargoid base
System: -malfunction-
Arrival: We 24.06.3306 - ~7:30
Departure: Fr 26.06.3306 - 7:00

6: End (near Deciat)
System: XINCA
Arrival: Fr 26.06.3306 - ~7:15
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The Weary Traveller will arrive in LFT 1300 by Wednesday the 17th, 20:00 GMT and stay there until departure for Rigel on Thursday the 18th, 18:00 GMT.
The Weary Traveller is standing by for boarding in LFT 1300, orbiting planet 9.
Mind the planetary ring when approaching the carrier.

General things to keep in mind for interaction with the carrier

  • Docking is not allowed for notorious Commanders. If you have notoriety your docking requests will be rejected.
  • Departure times given by the jump schedule are the times the jump will be initiated, followed by 15 minutes of preparation.
  • 3 minutes and 20 seconds before the jump, the carrier will go into lock-down, not permitting docking manoeuvres to or from the carrier.
  • To reach some of the locations the carrier will have to perform multiple jumps. Due to FSD cooldown and preparation time, the stops between destinations will take about 20 minutes. Best don't leave the carrier during this time.
  • Due to a very strict security protocol you won't be able to leave the hangar for the duration of the jump and all external cameras will be turned off.
  • Arrival at our destinations will always be announced via system wide comms (PC only.)

Should you experience jump-lag accompanied by the intense feeling of being left behind, please stay calm, close your eyes and try disconnecting from the situation for a moment (means: if you encounter that bug where you are seemingly left behind, and you will also not hear any jump announcements or see effects, log out to the main menu and log back in to fix this.)
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