Anyone got a guide on makin creds with a carrier,? mine just eats them
Take 'mining expansion' missions (agri station, faction in expansion mode) where you have to obtain bertrandite, coltan, indite, gallite - all of these can be bought instead of mined. (38-50m reward per mission, a bit less if you choose g5 mats, less the cost of goods) Each one usually requires 600-1200 units.
I sometimes wing up with 1-2 other commanders, but usually solo it. If you wing up, you both get the reward for half the effort. In a wing of 4 it's really really fast. (With 4 I'd leave one cmdr at the station, snapping up more missions as they become available.)
Move the carrier to a large extraction station selling the minerals, and load 'er up. Most of the missions earn 30m plus net, so if you manage to find 20 missions, that's 600 million in the bank for each commander. You just have to set a buy price on the carrier at one station and selling prices at the other - hopefully more or less equal unless you're trying to tax your wingmates ;-)
That's one way, and I've made billions doing that. I have about 14 of those missions in my transactions tab right now, and they have a 6 day expiry so I'll get to them when I can wing up or put in the time myself. I like to do a set of missions then do combat, shoot some scavs, explore, scan some exobio in between.
An alternative is to use Inara to find goods selling way below market (hint: infrastructure failure.) Park your carrier next to the station and load up, then find another station paying top price. If you can get other commanders to help, using the carrier marketplace as an intermediate, so much the better.
Even if you have all the modules fitted, most carriers can hold 15,000 tons. Buy Palladium at 46k and sell for 71k and that's 375 million profit every trip, and the arbitrage seems to be constant. If not Palladium, gold and silver work too. Use an unshielded T9 or Cutter with 784 tons of space (I use a supercruise assist and docking module in case the movie/youtube/streamer on my second screen happens to get interesting at the wrong moment.)
Basically I enjoy hauling a lot more than mining - it's very chill, and I only push the faction to expansion every 3 weeks or so, which is about the time when I feel like doing some hauling anyway.