Titan Rewards Update

Is that possible? I mean, beyond some narrow time-window that might be a bug, can you really continue receiving core damage pay-out during the meltdown phase?

Yeah, when I was visiting Indra just before it went pop, the thermal core was extended and completely dead. Pretty sure that shooting it does absolutely nothing at that point.
Yeah, when I was visiting Indra just before it went pop, the thermal core was extended and completely dead. Pretty sure that shooting it does absolutely nothing at that point.

To be fair, shooting it before that point often yielded nothing, so for it to yield something after the event is just the bug flipped on its head, so to speak. I did three attack runs on the Titan - limited time to play. First run very little damage - based on Bond reward - despite it taking constant fire while exposed. Second run, ZERO damage despite dozens of AX Missile hits. Third run, normal damage, exactly what I'd expect based on prior Titan attack runs. Damage was often NOT counted, despite solid hits. Still, I got enough to qualify, and that's all I really wanted.
To be fair, shooting it before that point often yielded nothing, so for it to yield something after the event is just the bug flipped on its head, so to speak. I did three attack runs on the Titan - limited time to play. First run very little damage - based on Bond reward - despite it taking constant fire while exposed. Second run, ZERO damage despite dozens of AX Missile hits. Third run, normal damage, exactly what I'd expect based on prior Titan attack runs. Damage was often NOT counted, despite solid hits. Still, I got enough to qualify, and that's all I really wanted.
sounds like you were very unlucky. I've made a lot of runs at indra (well over a billion's worth), and something like that happened maybe once or twice in a large group of players.
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Bonjour, j'aimerais que vous m'aidiez, j'ai combattu les Titans depuis le début des attaques, Taranis, OYA, Leigong, Hadad et Indra, j'avais tous les stickers et je viens de me rendre compte qu'il ne me reste que les 3 étoiles, les 4 et 5 étoiles ont disparu de mon jeu ? Comment puis-je récupérer mes deux stickers perdus ?
Hello, I would like you to help me, I fought the Titans since the beginning of the attacks, Taranis, OYA, Leigong, Hadad and Indra, I had all the stickers and I just realized that I I only have the 3 stars left, the 4 and 5 stars have disappeared from my game? How can I recover my two lost stickers?
Hello, I would like you to help me, I fought the Titans since the beginning of the attacks, Taranis, OYA, Leigong, Hadad and Indra, I had all the stickers and I just realized that I I only have the 3 stars left, the 4 and 5 stars have disappeared from my game? How can I recover my two lost stickers?
File a support request
sounds like you were very unlucky. I've made a lot of runs at indra (well over a billion's worth), and something like that happened maybe once or twice in a large group of players.

It was a new one for me, but I know I wasn't the only person suffering from this bug. That's one of the strange things about ED, players can have such vastly different experiences. Titan stuff has been particularly buggy though. We were speculating on another thread that the timing of playing can have an impact. I.e. I'd usually engage with the Titan content during the last few hours of the Titan's life, when it's arguably busiest. This last time however, I was a bit earlier as the Titan took longer to fall. Though I do wonder if, in part at least, that was down to damage sometimes not being counted and / or long delays before the heat vents opened.

I'm yet to have a Titan encounter without something bugging out. Bad luck indeed, but with a FDev-shaped explanation lol.
I'm yet to have a Titan encounter without something bugging out. Bad luck indeed, but with a FDev-shaped explanation lol.
dude, you made 3 trips to Indra, I made well over 20. Your experience is not representative compared to mine, and even mine is not that statistically significant. There's lots of people who, like me, had very few issues attacking titan, so your case is an outlier, not an indicator of a widerspread issue.
dude, you made 3 trips to Indra, I made well over 20. Your experience is not representative compared to mine, and even mine is not that statistically significant. There's lots of people who, like me, had very few issues attacking titan, so your case is an outlier, not an indicator of a widerspread issue.

My relatively small number of trips does not change the fact that I, and others, experienced numerous issues. My experience is only representative of my experience, that's the only direct frame of reference I have. I've never claimed it to be a wide-spread issue, just that plenty of us have had problems. FDev themselves have acknowledged this fact multiple times though, suggesting they thought it was wide-spread enough, else they'd not have granted rewards for just being in the area. They knew people were having problems trying, and failing, to engage prior Titans, so they gave the reward for just being in the proximity. I benefitted from this myself for the first Titan. Subsequent Titans I have been able to engage, accruing sufficient bonds, but these were not trouble-free experiences.

I can't explain why some have a good experience and others not so much, that's down to FDev to discover why these instances can go so badly for some, yet be fine for others. I'm glad plenty of people are having a good experience with Titans, it's fun content when it works. I would likely have done more runs, if the instance wasn't being so buggy. However, once I got the qualifying amount of Bonds on that final run, I really didn't want to go through the possibility of Vents not opening or damage not being counted again. It gets tiresome when things go wrong.

If you only go in open, you may encounter bugged instances a lot more often. I went in PG and only encountered one bugged instance. In solo, none.

I did hear that Open can be particularly bad, so I wasn't in Open. I was in a small Private Group, however, no other members were online, so I anticipated Solo-like performance. I did intend to go into Solo, as advised by other forums member, but I forgot, logging into the PG out of habit. I only remembered once I was already at the Titan, and didn't want to relog only to be booted light seconds away, and have to traverse the caustic region again, consuming more caustic sinks.

Instancing can be very flaky when other players are involved. I myself, as well as my regular wingmate, have suffered issues when someone with perhaps a weaker PC or a poor connection have joined a previously well-performing instance. One player arrives, and they're rubber-banding all over the place, damage doesn't get registered / huge damage suddenly applied and other weirdness. That's just ED for you. Those I've played with directly, on decent PCs (ED isn't that demanding) and good connections just don't see issues. This is what makes the Titan stuff so weird, no other players are in the instance yet I still had issues.
argue all you want, you are a tiny, tiny minority among the titan attackers with such issues since you do NOT have the numbers to prove anything. I have attacked Indra without issues a lot more times than you, and I was not alone, met plenty of others, played with them repeatedly, and none of them complained incessantly about any kind of issues with the titan like you do. I mean, how do people like me (and I know I'm not alone) make billions attacking indra if everyone unable to deliver damage due to some bug as you claim? You are the only voice complaining here, I don't see anyone else, instead I see others saying they did not have as many issues as you did. In fact, if there were enough players with such problems like yours, Fdev would've offered rewards for simply visiting the titan system like they did for the first three titans that did have a lot of issues.

Anyways, any further discussion is fruitless. You are obviously too obstinate to realize that statistics are not in your favor, and I don't have the time to convince you of such facts, so believe what you will.
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Well, bugfixing is usually no statistics game to play. However, this little discussion here perfectly fits the nature of the so-called bug-tracker: be popular or bite the dust.
I'm just happy I never had significant problems in my Titan game. I guess I'd not bother with it anymore, otherwise.
If you only go in open, you may encounter bugged instances a lot more often. I went in PG and only encountered one bugged instance. In solo, none.
Same here, in solo NONE. I tried open at Hadad and it was a disaster so no go.
What is the problem with going in in solo? You still get rewards and absolutely no bugs.
I do fine with KII bomber, hit 4 (or possibly 5 if I'm feeling edgy and focused) vents and open up with EAXMR's to get lots of damage.
In open in Indra, my experience was that it was a 50-50 chance that the instance would be bugged. Encountered the core being reduced to 0 but not retracting. Encountered the core retracting but the Titan not entering it's "defensive torus" phase and no bonds awarded. Encountered the Titan randomly doing the "defensive torus" (but it having no effect).

No issues I remember in a PG or solo.
Those I've played with directly, on decent PCs (ED isn't that demanding) and good connections just don't see issues.
Exactly - you have answered that by yourself. All (and that is EVERY single) PC's are all different hardware (whereas with console bugs - if it happens to one PS or XBox player it is the same bug for everyone on that console)
Sorry, had to say it - I'll get my coat......
Just because someone is in the minority doesn’t mean their grievance isn’t legitimate.
Personally, I always make the titan cash in PG wing and only then head to AXI for the chaos. It’s just simpler to make the money when there aren’t a million aggroed thargoids swarming. Never encountered a single bug in PG wing.
But, if I wanted to play purely open then the game should allow that. It shouldn’t be full of bugs and if it is, It should still give rewards out.
There’s no excuse for not awarding intended gameplay
argue all you want, you are a tiny, tiny minority among the titan attackers with such issues since you do NOT have the numbers to prove anything. I have attacked Indra without issues a lot more times than you, and I was not alone, met plenty of others, played with them repeatedly, and none of them complained incessantly about any kind of issues with the titan like you do. I mean, how do people like me (and I know I'm not alone) make billions attacking indra if everyone unable to deliver damage due to some bug as you claim? You are the only voice complaining here, I don't see anyone else, instead I see others saying they did not have as many issues as you did. In fact, if there were enough players with such problems like yours, Fdev would've offered rewards for simply visiting the titan system like they did for the first three titans that did have a lot of issues.

Anyways, any further discussion is fruitless. You are obviously too obstinate to realize that statistics are not in your favor, and I don't have the time to convince you of such facts, so believe what you will.
What are you talking about? You are using N=1 (ie yourself) as a statistic to counter someone elses claim and saying they have no numbers. You have no numbers either. And if you want to know, I have had problems in open and private group sessions at all titans. So by your version of 'statistics', people are twice as likely to run into trouble as not. Don't use words (statistics, facts) you have no idea of what they mean, especially not when demeaning someone.
argue all you want, you are a tiny, tiny minority among the titan attackers with such issues since you do NOT have the numbers to prove anything. I have attacked Indra without issues a lot more times than you, and I was not alone, met plenty of others, played with them repeatedly, and none of them complained incessantly about any kind of issues with the titan like you do. I mean, how do people like me (and I know I'm not alone) make billions attacking indra if everyone unable to deliver damage due to some bug as you claim? You are the only voice complaining here, I don't see anyone else, instead I see others saying they did not have as many issues as you did. In fact, if there were enough players with such problems like yours, Fdev would've offered rewards for simply visiting the titan system like they did for the first three titans that did have a lot of issues.

Anyways, any further discussion is fruitless. You are obviously too obstinate to realize that statistics are not in your favor, and I don't have the time to convince you of such facts, so believe what you will.

Why so hostile? Who's arguing? I'm simply sharing my experience, which hasn't been the best. So, if you personally don't experience an issue, it cannot possibly be happening? That's a very narrow view of things...

You're right, any further discussion with you is pointless, as you seem totally incapable of accepting that other people are perhaps not having quite the same experience as you.
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