To Solo Play Players: If You Could Disable PVP, Would You Play in Open Play Mode Instead?

Bounty hunting pays bad, yes. And PvPers want to have that changed for organic PvP.

And every time the PvPers want to have that ridiculous 2 million bounty cap lifted,
the PvP haters come out of all corners and tell the PvPers that this will be exploited,
citing that old engineering exploit from 2016 or so.

As if there aren't enough money exploits :ROFLMAO:
Nothing against big bounties, Fdev anyways seems to be somewhat illogical when it comes to credit "exploits".
My dear Mr. Bigmaec.

You mentioned that I should make a video of encounters with gankers. I am not averse to this. I suppose you know what is necessary soft - and hardware as well as setting etc for this. I really don't know anything about how to do this. Perhaps you can tell me what to do (via PM?). Thanks in advance.
If you have an nVidia GPU and you are using GeForce Experience (to get automatic driver updates), that software has a built-in video recording function.
But there are a number of other solutions as well.
My dear Mr. Bigmaec.

You mentioned that I should make a video of encounters with gankers. I am not averse to this. I suppose you know what is necessary soft - and hardware as well as setting etc for this. I really don't know anything about how to do this. Perhaps you can tell me what to do (via PM?). Thanks in advance.
If you're on PC you probably already have "XBox Game Bar" installed from an update. Have a look at its options. The default key press to start recording is:
Windows key + Alt + R
Press those three together and recording should start. Press them again to end the recording. You'll then have a mp4 file, probably in \Videos\Captures

I find that those mp4 files are quite big. I think the reason is that they save with very high frame rate. I use a free program called AnyVideoConverter to resample them and make smaller files when necessary. However, if all you want to do is upload to YouTube, YT sorts all that out.

Besides the Game Bar thing, your graphics card software might also have recording options.

If on a console, I'm afraid I have no knowledge.
As for the debate, please try to understand that there are players who aren't here for combat. Weird, I know, but since this is the case, no incentive or penalty will make them do it.

This game is an optional leisure activity and if someone doesn't want to do something in it, they won't. Simple as that. Make PvP unrestricted in Open and they'll play in PG/Solo (has already happened). Make rewards for PvP and they'll forgo the rewards. Buff NPCs to be as dangerous as players and they'll play another game instead.

I think I'm in the privileged position of being in the middle of the spectrum and able to understand both extremes (it's good to be King). I dabble in combat and Thargoids occasionally but don't see that as the main point of the game. I could maybe one day be tempted to join in some organised PvP once I've seen enough of everything else. I find space trucking and mining immersive enough to understand how someone can do solely that.

I can assure all the people proposing incentives for combat with complete certainty that it won't work. The people you're trying to attract (the ones who aren't already there) simply aren't interested and in a game nothing can make them join in.
You'd think so but they usually throw insults about at the mention of CQC. Don't know much about San Tu, I've never been to the system, though given how long a CG camper can rant after getting sent to the rebuy screen I doubt they have either.
I've never been either, but plan to head out there sometime in the future. CQC is intense and you blow up a lot, but you also get to blow up a lot of ships. Apparently I suck big time at it, so off to practice FA off soon. I used to play a lot of Descent so I know how 6DoF works, but since I use a HOTAS now, there's no muscle memory to rely on. Need to learn it again. At least I got one kill on my second CQC match! But I need to git gud before I can even hope to have a chance to be more than cannon fodder..

San Tu seems interesting but I've only seen it on youtube. If I were into PvP I'd go for either of those and not for seal clubbing.
I'm under the impression that a lot of people, including myself, prefer to play Solo mode all the time, not because we don't want to play with others, but simply because we don't want to PVP others.

For comparison, let me talk to you about of one of the worst launches in recent years, Fallout 76, which to the surprise of some has actually redeemed itself (at least to some extent), but owes it survival to its community, which stood during awful first year fo the game, but also a community that confused Bethesda because the devs were convinced their players wanted more PVP... and they were proven wrong, best depicted through many of the ironic headlines that gaming journalism used to deliver the "shocking" revelation:

Bethesda Didn’t Get Why ‘Fallout 76’ Players Wouldn’t Kill Each Other​

Bethesda Apparently Shocked People Didn't Like PvP in 'Fallout 76'​

Bethesda Surprised By How Many Fallout 76 Players Didn't Want to PvP​

Bethesda was surprised how uninterested players were in Fallout 76's PvP​

Bethesda got confused that Fallout 76 players don’t murder each other​

Why is everyone being so nice?

Don't misunderstand: Fallout 76 do had (still has to a small degree) griefers and gankers, but the vast majority of players simply preferred not to engage in PVP.

Keeping things short, today many of the ways to engage into PVP have been disabled, pacifist mode is a menu option that makes it almost impossible to engage in PVP, and while the game's reputation will forever be tarnished by its launch, its actually in a better than many people expected (which can't be said for games like EA's Anthem, which already threw the towel and cancelled further development). It still is no substitute for a proper Fallout 5, but as a casual time waster with a Fallout theme: it's passable.

Back to Elite Dangerous, I think a lot more people would like to try playing in Open Play with random strangers in Elite if they had the choice to opt out from PVP, like having an aforementioned pacifist mode that disabled PVP interactions.

But that's just my impression, and I would like to hear what other thinks on this matter:

Do you think that Open Play would be negatively affected if PVP could be disabled?

Do you think Elite could benefit from having more people try to play & cooperate with others in Open Play?
I am happy with the solo option in Elite Dangerous. I have enough problems to stay alive with NPC's who try to kill me.
If you're on PC you probably already have "XBox Game Bar" installed from an update. Have a look at its options. The default key press to start recording is:
Windows key + Alt + R
Press those three together and recording should start. Press them again to end the recording. You'll then have a mp4 file, probably in \Videos\Captures

I find that those mp4 files are quite big. I think the reason is that they save with very high frame rate. I use a free program called AnyVideoConverter to resample them and make smaller files when necessary. However, if all you want to do is upload to YouTube, YT sorts all that out.

Besides the Game Bar thing, your graphics card software might also have recording options.

If on a console, I'm afraid I have no knowledge.
On the PS you can hit the share button and it will save the previous few minutes of footage (there's an option for video or screenshot) which you can edit down in Sharefactory.
You can then post that to You Tube.
On the PS you can hit the share button and it will save the previous few minutes of footage (there's an option for video or screenshot) which you can edit down in Sharefactory.
You can then post that to You Tube.
I am on PC. Will try some of the here mentioned methods over the weekend and see how it works. Videos would be mostly for internal squadron use and not for public audiences on YouTube. I don't want to mess with ED YouTube content creators 😅
Why should anyone not playing PvP care if the bounty cap is lifted then?

I don't have any interest in PvP and I don't think I could force myself to care about a bounty cap.

I suspect the answer to your question is this: some people want to dictate how other people play the game. Kind of like pvpers who get their undergarments all bunched up because Solo exists. It's sad, really. I want to pat their little heads, give them a lollipop, and tell them everything is going to be okay.
As for the debate, please try to understand that there are players who aren't here for combat. Weird, I know, but since this is the case, no incentive or penalty will make them do it.

This game is an optional leisure activity and if someone doesn't want to do something in it, they won't. Simple as that. Make PvP unrestricted in Open and they'll play in PG/Solo (has already happened). Make rewards for PvP and they'll forgo the rewards. Buff NPCs to be as dangerous as players and they'll play another game instead.

I think I'm in the privileged position of being in the middle of the spectrum and able to understand both extremes (it's good to be King). I dabble in combat and Thargoids occasionally but don't see that as the main point of the game. I could maybe one day be tempted to join in some organised PvP once I've seen enough of everything else. I find space trucking and mining immersive enough to understand how someone can do solely that.

I can assure all the people proposing incentives for combat with complete certainty that it won't work. The people you're trying to attract (the ones who aren't already there) simply aren't interested and in a game nothing can make them join in.

This should not be any big surprise, for anyone that actually looked objectively on this. As the tells and signs are all over the place, that trying to make a PvP centric MMO is a very hard challenge, and one of the biggest challenges, is there are not enough players to sustain many of PvP centric MMO's. We have seen examples in the form of Fallout 76, New World, to just name two MMO's that aimed to be go big.
Compare the "failure" of Fallout 76, with the success of Elder Scrolls Online, two franchises from the same game company. And how differently they designed PvP.

Most of the time, PvE players do not mind that there is PvP in their game, as long as they do not have to participate in it.
Since the PvE player base is often much bigger than the playerbase that also enjoys PvP, we have a re-occuring theme, from PvP players to get PvE players into PvP scenarios, and one of the core reason for this is that there are not enough PvP players to sustain the PvP options in the game, so they need more players... it is a simple number game, to few players, not enough fun for the group of players.

So in the end, what it boils down to what fun can a PvP players offer a solo mode player? ie how can PvP player enrich solo mode players experience?
And this is skipping the other question. how can a group mode PvE player can enrich the experience of a solo mode player? this is a bit easier to find ways that this can enrich a solo mode player experience, but there are also several things that could be detrimental to the solo mode players experience... so there is no clear cut path to go solo mode -> group mode, so asking for the path from solo mode -> Open mode with PvP is an even harder one... and yet, we have very few stated reasons for why this would be good for the solo mode player, what we do have, is several reasons why it would be good for the PvP player...
I am on PC. Will try some of the here mentioned methods over the weekend and see how it works. Videos would be mostly for internal squadron use and not for public audiences on YouTube. I don't want to mess with ED YouTube content creators 😅
Nvidia had some capture software once I think. Or some oth4er Gfx card manufacturer. Nvidia has the Shadowplay now which is playback of the past couple mins (30?).

So in the end, what it boils down to what fun can a PvP players offer a solo mode player? ie how can PvP player enrich solo mode players experience?
And this is skipping the other question. how can a group mode PvE player can enrich the experience of a solo mode player? this is a bit easier to find ways that this can enrich a solo mode player experience, but there are also several things that could be detrimental to the solo mode players experience... so there is no clear cut path to go solo mode -> group mode, so asking for the path from solo mode -> Open mode with PvP is an even harder one... and yet, we have very few stated reasons for why this would be good for the solo mode player, what we do have, is several reasons why it would be good for the PvP player...
Variety. But that doesn't transform into regular PvP usually. What is completely backwards is thinking about for5cing players to PvP. That does never work.

Like I always repeat: PvE mode with PvP flags and dedicated zone is best. In solo noone can see you do PvP, but when players are in the same server they can watch each other do their things (even when they can't hurt each other). And that is sometimes enough to make someone try out something.
Variety. But that doesn't transform into regular PvP usually. What is completely backwards is thinking about for5cing players to PvP. That does never work.

Like I always repeat: PvE mode with PvP flags and dedicated zone is best. In solo noone can see you do PvP, but when players are in the same server they can watch each other do their things (even when they can't hurt each other). And that is sometimes enough to make someone try out something.
How about we leave the poor solo & PG players alone to play as they want, and we discuss how open could be improved to make it better for everyone? Though I guess I'd only have to search to find plenty of such discussions.. :D

Maybe something like better C&P that makes high security system virtually risk free, and anarchy systems very risky, while the others land somewhere in between. The mission rewards could scale with risk, making it worth to venture into insecure systems. Without considering PvP, this could conceivably make for bigger variety in open PvE and give all players from the noob to the fully engineered triple elite commander the challenge level of PvE they are looking for.

Though IMO the biggest turnoff are the griefing clowns, but I'm pretty sure that some game mechanics could handle many of the cases. For instance a pad camper at a CG, the solution seems easy, just pull the ship into the hangar when it's needed for a waiting commander. I wouldn't mind a bit of inconsistency in the animations if it would solve this annoyance. And it might not even be conscious griefing, maybe someone got pulled away by spouse or parent, sometimes RL does impinge on out gaming life.

Give the commander using autodock the right away, if someone runs into them or wedge them in the slot the station defences takes them out.

I'm sure that similar could be done with many other common griefing vectors (but surely not all of them).

If this was well done, maybe more people would frequent open, though I'm sure that many commanders just want to play PvE alone without any distractions..
Variety. But that doesn't transform into regular PvP usually. What is completely backwards is thinking about for5cing players to PvP. That does never work.

Like I always repeat: PvE mode with PvP flags and dedicated zone is best. In solo noone can see you do PvP, but when players are in the same server they can watch each other do their things (even when they can't hurt each other). And that is sometimes enough to make someone try out something.

There's the flag, it's called powerplay pledge.
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