Too many oles

Browsing a few missions last night several of the NPCs were all using the same statements about their presumably 'unique' mission and they all described their enemies as 'oles'. I'm no prude but this was pretty jarring and there really seems to be no need for it especially in a game where hardened pirates call me 'wretch'. I've not checked to see if the profanity filter works on mission text; my guess would be no.

Am I being overly sensitive not wanting to think about anuses when accepting a mission?
ETA: irony of ironies the forum profanity filter removed the word from my post even though it's in the game! The word is a**holes.
To be honest, given the state of the expac right now, this is fairly low down on my personal totem pole of grievances, but each to their own I guess. If it annoys or upsets you, then so be it. You can always raise it as an issue and see if it gets upvoted. I suspect it would get kind of lost in the noise right now though.
To be honest, given the state of the expac right now, this is fairly low down on my personal totem pole of grievances, but each to their own I guess. If it annoys or upsets you, then so be it. You can always raise it as an issue and see if it gets upvoted. I suspect it would get kind of lost in the noise right now though.
To be sure. Definitely a low priority. It just struck me as odd especially when you can't say that word on the forum.

Tangentially related to this cookie cutter text I'm reminded of this claim from frontier:

Taking life on the frontier of space to new depths, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey’s emergent gameplay will let players forge their own path through a wide variety of missions, ranging from diplomacy and commerce to lethal stealth and all-out combat. Diverse settings, objectives, and NPCs will offer endless mission variety and a near infinite amount of content to enjoy.

Obviously I've only been playing for a very short time but is this claim realistic given what people have seen thus far?
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