Top Five Local Bounties reports - two of them, what is the difference?

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find an answer

In most stations there are two top five local bounties reports.
Clicking on them in turn shows different lists of commanders who have bounties against them.


Question is: What is the difference between these two reports - beyond that they show different lists of names?
i think those reports are generated, if someone visits the station AND something has changed.

so - someone visited 30.09., first report generated. someone visited later this day, list had changed, new report generated.

note that it lists bounties of all factions present, even if those are "created" in a different system.
Thanks Jmanis.
Guessing ...
The top one is for commanders who have caused problems locally?
Second - who has upset the local factions, though not necessarily here?
And third (if present), for commanders who have upset the local power (AD / ALD / ZH / LYR &c &c)?
Thanks Jmanis.
Guessing ...
The top one is for commanders who have caused problems locally?
Second - who has upset the local factions, though not necessarily here?
And third (if present), for commanders who have upset the local power (AD / ALD / ZH / LYR &c &c)?
Almost, if all three are shown the first is usually bounties for the local factions (numbers generally quite small but not always), the second for Powerplay (the numbers are huge), the third for the Superpower of the controlling faction (a lot of 11000 values).
Thanks Jmanis.
Guessing ...
The top one is for commanders who have caused problems locally?
Second - who has upset the local factions, though not necessarily here?
And third (if present), for commanders who have upset the local power (AD / ALD / ZH / LYR &c &c)?
Almost, if all three are shown the first is usually bounties for the local factions (numbers generally quite small but not always), the second for Powerplay (the numbers are huge), the third for the Superpower of the controlling faction (a lot of 11000 values).
Yup, what @FrogsFriend said.

When you upset enough minor factions enough, you get a "superpower" bounty which makes you wanted in all jurisdictions belonging to that superpower, regardless of whether you're wanted by that faction or not.

Unfortunately it seems to be based on quantity of individual fines/bounties, not total value... so I can be fined for twenty minor infractions of 100cr each in the Empire, and then get an Imperial interstellar bounty. But rack up multiple murders tallying in excess of 1m in bounties with a single federal faction, and it'll just be that faction who's annoyed.
Raising this with related question...

If anyone is hunting these wanteds, are they single targets or can I expect 2/2 and 3/3 NPC wings?

2021-02-09 (1).jpg
Players with low bounties (1400 cr or 600 cr as in OP), will often scrub their fines quickly.
Larger bounties - well, it is cheaper to replace a 'dirty' ship than to scrub the fines.
For completeness a players name will always be preceded by "CMDR". NPCs are just the name (without the "CMDR" prefix), although occasionally you may see an NPC with the name "Commander Bond".

Look them up on the Social tab in the escape menu, send a friend request (only possible if they are on the same platform as you, PC, XBox or PS4). If they are a PvPer they will accept & you'll be able to see where they are on your galaxy map so you can pursue or avoid them as you wish, if they are not a PvPer they'll probably refuse the friend request or accept & then unfriend you after a chat to establish why you contacted them.

As Paul says they will almost certainly be a PvE player, although not always. I've met some interesting characters off the bounty board, if you play a certain way it can be a good way to meet people & maybe find allies ;)
i'm still trying to figure it out, & am sure its not updated in real time every ten minutes, it may change names but those bounties could be up to 24 hours old, & you didnt have to blur the names out =D if someone say's otherwise regarding public knowledge i really wouldnt listen to much else they have to say either
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