Top Tip! - Build a Mining Ship!

The limpets make a soothing bubbly sound 😌

Limpets make me want to throw things at my screen, stamp on my keyboard and hurl my computer through the nearest window, when more than a dozen of them indulge in mass-suicide, chasing after the same fragment, one after the other.

"Soothing" is not a word I commonly attach to the use of limpets. 😐
Type-9, hands down. Had one built for a couple years now. Will have to pick it up when I’m back in the bubble to buy a Carrier.
Limpets make me want to throw things at my screen, stamp on my keyboard and hurl my computer through the nearest window, when more than a dozen of them indulge in mass-suicide, chasing after the same fragment, one after the other.

"Soothing" is not a word I commonly attach to the use of limpets. 😐
You see, you have to treat them right, respect them, talk to them nicely ..... :giggle:

I refitted my Colonia Cutter for Painite Laser mining, and I really like it.

It drains the cap when the asteroid is down to ~10% on 4, the rest is lazored off on two mining lasers, no overheating.
12 collectors gather the stuffz very fast, 512 tons is more then enough for me. It took me roughly one hour to fill half
capacity yesterday, will fill the rest today.
I refitted my Colonia Cutter for Painite Laser mining, and I really like it.


I don't have that much experience in mining, but from what i've seen void opal mining asks for a ship with great canopy visibility, and good maneuverability so you can easiliy move around the asteroid. I've tried to se tup a python, she has the space for everything but canopy is terrible.

My best solution for the moment is an ASPX, here is the setup:

I don't have that much experience in mining, but from what i've seen void opal mining asks for a ship with great canopy visibility, and good maneuverability so you can easiliy move around the asteroid. I've tried to se tup a python, she has the space for everything but canopy is terrible.

My best solution for the moment is an ASPX, here is the setup:

If you use a 3A refinery (or 3B) in the c3 slot you can use a 5A collector limpet, giving you one more collector. It's a bit more efficient.
I really wish I could finally use my T-7...

Also - had that brilliant idea:
- refuel FC
  • go gather fuel again
  • dock to FC
  • then jump so you can refuel upon arrival
  • ...
  • profit.

Provided one single ship can store enough fuel for FC jump need.
I don't have that much experience in mining, but from what i've seen void opal mining asks for a ship with great canopy visibility, and good maneuverability so you can easiliy move around the asteroid. I've tried to se tup a python, she has the space for everything but canopy is terrible.

Give the Krait MkII a whirl. As far as mining goes, it's a Python with a little less cargo space and a far better view. It's what I use for mining and I prefer it to my T10. The Krait's speed makes it much more efficient at finding cores.
Give the Krait MkII a whirl. As far as mining goes, it's a Python with a little less cargo space and a far better view. It's what I use for mining and I prefer it to my T10. The Krait's speed makes it much more efficient at finding cores.

I already have one MK2 that i've outfitted and engineered for combat and bounty hunting. Great ship, but atm buying a second one is out of my budget.
What would be the ultimate miner? I'm guessing or hoping it won't have to be a deep core build but until we know more, what boat and loadout to use?

I've been assuming for a long time now that gas mining is on the horizon. It has potential to be very cool, and I cant think of a better way to get users to adopt it right away than FC fuel. There will of course be other things to mine, but mainly people will want that FC fuel.

Gas mining will be more profitable the deeper you go, but it will get darker and more dangerous, with lightning, harsher winds, and crush depths. Smaller ships will have higher crush tolerances than larger ships, so if you're being pursued by pirates you may decide to escape into the clouds, but if you stray too far you wont get out.

FC fuel can only be purchased at these cloud cities which mine it on a massive scale.

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