Hello Commanders!
We have the results from the ship transfer poll.
For reference, we posed a simple, two option question:
POLL: Should transferring ships and modules to your location take time?
OPTION 1: No, the transfer should be instant.
OPTION 2: Yes there should be a delay of 5 minutes minimum, 100 minutes to cross the human bubble, edge to edge.
As I stated in the initial post, we were already leaning fairly strongly towards having delivery times, but we wanted to get a snapshot of player sentiment to help us with our final deliberations.
39,902 people voted, of which 38,045 have validated Elite Dangerous accounts. We’d like to thank you for your participation.
Seventy percent of the vote was in favour of having delivery times.
This result has helped us confirm our decision to move away from having instant ship transfer, which we arrived at after much internal discussion, helped in part by vigorous debate on our forums, Reddit, etc.
It’s always great to be able to include feedback from you, the Commanders who play Elite: Dangerous, and we feel this has been a positive experience.