Travel agency idea

Hey mates.

This post is about an idea to expand passenger missions.
It's about creating a "travel agency" button, where you could submit your ship with a destination, passenger seats and quality, and a time of departure.
The travel agency would then contract a number of passengers for your time of departure (a longer ETD would allow more passengers and better quality), and settle a price.

What do you think?

Hell, then they would say "Fk this! They trashed it again! We used to make real money with the travel agencies. Now it's just peanuts!"
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Hey mates.

This post is about an idea to expand passenger missions.
It's about creating a "travel agency" button, where you could submit your ship with a destination, passenger seats and quality, and a time of departure.
The travel agency would then contract a number of passengers for your time of departure (a longer ETD would allow more passengers and better quality), and settle a price.

What do you think?


Yeah I like this idea :) Adds another dynamic to an already enjoyable game role
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