Roller Coasters Triple Trueling Wooden Roller Coaster Project [TTW-Project]

This thread is late to the Planet Coaster forums, due to the fact that I was working on it with different sites before posting it here! But I plan on finishing this coaster with you guys on Planet Coaster Forums!

First off, welcome to probably the first ever attempt at a Triple (Trueling) Wooden Coaster on Planet Coaster! I say probably, because I haven't actually checked myself if there has been any, but as far as I know. It has never been done before! So check it out below!

Let me first start talking about the drop!

The ride is inspired by TheCodeMaster's Triple Trueling Wooden Roller coaster on another type of roller coaster game (Nolimits 2. I say the name of the game because it is in no competition with Planet Coaster's Theme Park simulator, while NL2 is strictly about the Coaster simulation.)

The main thing that is inspired by CodeMaster's TTW is the Drop system. Where two coasters turn to the left, while the other turns to the right.


Because of the way I had the drop set up, one train does ascend the lift faster than the other two.


Once the trains disengage it's all about the pacing of all three rides to make sure they line up in certain areas!


After the drop, it's all about Bronze and Silver for a little bit as they come around with each other and Gold simply stays ahead a little bit.



I needed to make a turn back towards the station, so I went with a turn around fly-by, sort of 270 degree turn.


In which Silver and Bronze trains meet with each other going the opposite directions! (I did want to make all three meet at the same are, but I ran out of room for the last train. Otherwise I would have done it! I may attempt to fix this a little later.)


By this point, the rides do their own little airtime moments as they start racing back towards the station,


This is where the rides start to separate from each other. Silver does a left handed bank towards a double down while Gold and Bronze do a High-five element (It's not fully banked towards each other, but sort of half way there.)


Gold and Bronze then start separating from each other as they do their own little things before they hit their relative brake runs.


Bronze does a fly-by over the entrance of the rides queue areas and continues on it's way.




Here is a full layout!


And here is the queue system! (Completed with Fast Lane options!)


Thank you for reading! And keep on coasting!
Here is the first major update since completing the coaster.

I've been working on a restaraunt at the base of Bronze Train's curved drop. Since the drop is 89ft, I took after Carowinds store, The Hive at 325. But in this case, It is a restaraunt/patio area called The Drop at 89ft. Of course sadly it doesn't match well like Hive at 325, but I still thought it would be a good little addition to the area.

The building was inspired by Jubilee Gardens recent episode where they built a Ferry Terminal. It mainly takes after the same colour pallet for the walls and windows, while still attempting to keep my own theme to it.



The food and drink options go as following, Chief Beef, Gulpee Energy, Gulpee Soda, and Pizza Pen.


Behind all the buildings, I have a Staff building for all of the staff inside the small park.

A lot has happened with this coaster since I first started it.

This specific forum hasn't been updated because I feel like just Coaster-Only projects don't get shown off often, or commented on. But I decided to go ahead and post everything I haven't posted yet! So get ready!

Since completing the restaraunt, I have added a lot of fence work, foliage, and even completed the complex station building!


Here are some shots of it as it was constructed!


Custom roof!


Dispatch buttons added to the Operator Booths!


Station completed.


Inside look


Backhalf of the station

The station is design to be very open and fresh-air feeling. I may need to impliment items such as fans which I will work on later.

I'm currently in the process of adding all the foliage near, and far from the coaster!


Here is the lake that runs along the coaster (I say lake because I changed it very recently so it's a larger body of water, more resembling a lake.


I leave off with a very nice sun-rise shot of the coaster operating in the background!
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