Twisty turns

What I rate about this game, is just when it seems samey, an alternate reason to play pops up.
I am a player who never has enough credits, I never intentionally trade apart from some cg and missions. I dont make any money from combat as a few rebuys and restocks are just about covered. When I am really skint, I pop off on a discovery mission for a few weeks and make about 100 million. Which quickly goes through donation missions to rank up and trading up from a t9 to combat T10. So I was sitting in my T10 with enough cash for 1 rebuy, just and wondered what to do.
The last few cg came along with nice chances
First a mining cg to kit out the T10 and do a little cpmbat cg on my vulture (which I hated from the start, but put up with, although it's effective enough). Then dumped some materials at airman di for a cool 17 million and lastly the ram tah mission, finally persuaded me to do this, which is an awesome challenge, even with dognosh's guide
Anyway 160 million richerand I traded up the vulture for an Fdl, which just looks so awesome. I just flying out the station. Test firing and going back
Needs some careful power management. So I am mainly using my old vulture modules for time being
But it looks so great, no more tinny boost sounds and wild handling.
Cant wait for a combat cg to test it out befor I revert to my true vocatiom. Exploring in gold Pharoah asp.
Still change of pace the last few weeks was welcome, wonder what else i can try, perhaps visiting planetary wonders? I also took my cheap dbx to visit mount neverest. Land on Achenor 3 at 6.75g. Landing was easy.but taking off was nail biting evem with 4a thrusters, slowly inching the ship up the altitude.
Attempted a jet boost from a white dwarf, unsuccessfully but intact.
Probably wait for 3.0 before engineering anything else. Wish the HUD explained better what modules each engineer covers
Anyway trickylion out.
Woah there fella/lady. Are you saying you are actually playing the game? Not sure this forum is the place for you ;)

Not sure how long you have been playing for but I have been on a break for the past several months having played since original Beta. I'm waiting for 3.0 to drop and I think I'll head back in. Reading posts like this just help to whet the appetite.
Iv been on a break too. Played from launch, game clock just under 47 weeks. I got 3 billion to spend, all the big three & lots of smaller ships in my fleet.

Been to Beagle Point on the DWE trip & returned there about 9 months ago.

Iv always set my own goals & targets to keep me going & keep putting the hours in, but was so dissappointed with how FD are rolling out the Thargiod lore, at such a limping snail's pace, that I stopped playing in October last year.

The 3.0 beta, has got me interested again, & Im now just returning from a little jaunt that I went on.

Can't wait for 3.0 to go live & signed up to do DWE2 later this year, so plenty of modifications to keep me going & deciding what my ship will be when the expedition launches
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