I like the look and feel of flying it, but ultimately I don't see a role for the Type-8 for the way I play ED.
- The Python is a better mission runner
- and the Python's niche is already narrow as a ‚long range‘ Vette outperforms the Python as armed nimble transport
- for Mining I use the Cutter or the Vette
- bubble-bus Phantom, Conda and DBX
- exploring the same
- 400 tons of cargo shielded,
- with class 4 GFB and class 4 Fuel-Scoop
- 3 class 2 and two class 1 hardpoints
- 55 LYs jump range,
I would see a niche for the Type 8.
My current Type-8:
EDSY is a ship outfitting tool for Elite Dangerous
Thank you, my thoughts exactly - though based only on looking at the specs, not flying the actual ship.
As it looks now, Python is still the mission runner here too.
We will see at the end of the month.
I use 1 for HGE and surface material farming. The optional 7 slot, coupled with another class 5 (a 6 being used for fuel scoop) is a lot of limpets on the go at once along with room for FSD booster and srv. And a respectable 50+ ly jump range with the benefit of extended stable SCO.
I also have another farming Type 8 I use for Titan debris fields. It does well on temperature which means you can fly around forever and not be spotted by anything that might bother you.
And a third I have set up as my medium Tritium runner, with 400 tons of carrying space.
The cockpit view is great in VR but I've not found a use to take advantage of that in game compared with other ships.
Huuuh, Titan debris field farming, cold? Now that sounds enticing!
Thank you, and care to post here your build for that, please?