UA Mystery Thread 3: The Canonn

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turns out I'm a thumb fingered klutz. Don't worry, nothing you can say will be as bad as what I already called myself.

Im on the wrong PC, no second screen, so I was alt-tabbing to speak to you gys. trouble is I missed alt, tabbed and boosted right thru it :(((((. So I'll waitr for another one. Sorry for the drama
turns out I'm a thumb fingered klutz. Don't worry, nothing you can say will be as bad as what I already called myself.

Im on the wrong PC, no second screen, so I was alt-tabbing to speak to you gys. trouble is I missed alt, tabbed and boosted right thru it :(((((. So I'll waitr for another one. Sorry for the drama

Welcome to the Fumblers club. You're in good company.

We've all done it, happens to the best of us. Take a seat and grab a drink. We're an exclusive branch of the canonn.

We even have T-shirts if you want one! Although in retrospect tinfoil is a rubbish material to make shirts with. We just have a surplus of the stuff around here for some reason.
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turns out I'm a thumb fingered klutz. Don't worry, nothing you can say will be as bad as what I already called myself.

Im on the wrong PC, no second screen, so I was alt-tabbing to speak to you gys. trouble is I missed alt, tabbed and boosted right thru it :(((((. So I'll waitr for another one. Sorry for the drama
Ouch, condolences.

Still, sorry can't help it, laughing out loud... :D :eek:
Well I'm currently displaced, though it will always be home.

I agree that it would, but, it was mentioned previously in this iteration of the Canonn thread ( I forget by whom) that we need to think inside existing game mechanics.

IE - what can the devs create inside the current game with out altering anything major. We suspect that the UA's are just a re-skinned toxic waste canister, we know that it emits Morse code, like the nav beacons. So we have two existing game attributes, just a re-skinned object with an added audio track, that is a slightly altered version of an existing audio track.

I would expect any further developments to this mystery to be in the same pool of slightly altered existing objects. So what current mechanics in this game can we find with a slightly different flavor somewhere? As that seems to be the mechanism used by FDev at this point in time.

It can feel lonely being a "rationalist". There are a reasonable number of us about, but there isnt a lot to say, all the rational things have been tried, or when a new one comes up, can be tested fairly quickly.

- - - Updated - - -

turns out I'm a thumb fingered klutz. Don't worry, nothing you can say will be as bad as what I already called myself.

Im on the wrong PC, no second screen, so I was alt-tabbing to speak to you gys. trouble is I missed alt, tabbed and boosted right thru it :(((((. So I'll waitr for another one. Sorry for the drama

Owch, have you remapped Boost to another less dangerous button yet ?
are these UA's only a one time thing per system? that meaning if someone finds it in a system, it no longer spawns for someone else looking for it?
I think I'm near the third planet. The brown gas giant.

Thank you... this pushes me further and further into believing that class IV and class V gas giants are somewhat important. Now if you read descriptions of those they are known to be A. hotter and B. contain heavier elements in their atmospheres. The V's I believe have metal in their atmosphere which may be significant to those who claim that metallic planets or pristine ring systems are somewhat key.
You can have mine. I'd like to continue my exploration.

Before you leave can you take a screenshot of the system and the planet where you found the UA floating nearby? Preferably with the planet highlighted so I can read its composition.

Thank You and well done.
MB has said that something we (y'all) have done with the UA's has triggered the event. IMO, we should not be focusing so much on the UA's, but rather something in the environment which has changed. Now, this is a massive environment so any change would be hard to come by, so I wouldn't be expecting to much there, but It couldn't hurt keeping our eyes open for any unusual changes (maybe a "new" signal source action? IE - new types of activities inside WSS, SSS, or USS).

My thoughts on this are that the Floaters (and potential - unconfirmed - loss of UA carrying convoys) are part of this change. The proverbial 'page flip' in this story. Though precisely what caused it still isn't clear, perhaps that will be revealed via Galnet in time.

My slaves were thrilled to see it. They liked Pleiades too.

That's some party in your hold! You treat them FAR too kindly.

The Hafnium convoy Nick mentioned that previously caught my eye had multiple T9s carrying 3T of it each (always 1T in one of the T9s for me previously), among other less interesting things. Just outside Earth orbit in Sol. This was right as the Floaters first appeared, which is probably why I neglected to mention it at the time in favour of high tailing it (and I'm a slow traveler it seems - must be the budgies in witchspace) over to HR 1185 as that started to happen...

Perhaps another element of the aforementioned page flip. Not the budgies in witchspace though, no they've been there forever.
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Keeping it simple:

To me the UA seems to be reporting its position. When it howles it lights up. Could this be that it is reporting its findings back to its senders? If so, when it transmits back home does it tend to point in the same direction? The lights seem like arrows to me.
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