UA Mystery Thread 3: The Canonn

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This was found a few days ago:
been in the game since 1.0 but has remained unknown/unreported until now
original post here:

Nice find - anyone see a picture of one yet?
Edit: I wonder if this was the one other thing remaining to be discovered about the UA...

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Now now, you're starting to sound like me... ;-)
Edit: Any bets exploring something on planets will involve pointing your boogie at it and holding down a button?

Great find but: No fruits for the UA ... (no reaction when both in cargo or outside)

We salute you!
Anyone catch the watch out for black holes warning in the newsletter? Also that planet looks hazy maybe we won't get completely airless worlds after all.
I'm telling you things have been leading this way for decades. We're being softened up, all of us, every persuasion. There's a hostile take over on the way. Galnet warns us how long this has been building, even today. The shadow messiah is about to be revealed don't trust her. Her way is death or servitude. Her God is the Sirus corp. Her name is a cold season but her breath is war. Sirus shows no mercy nor allegiance, murders from the top down. They're listening I go into hiding......

And so we lose another to the madness... :)
Just to say it, though: it's always safe in Powell House, home for the bewildered.
Anyone catch the watch out for black holes warning in the newsletter? Also that planet looks hazy maybe we won't get completely airless worlds after all.

I don't think airless has to mean absolutely no atmosphere. There is probably some atmosphere where the shielding is not needed.

By the way, I found this nice planet on the Explorer forum:

100% metal with 100% Silicate vapour atmosphere.

If the UA likes metal, it should go there.

Any planets like this in the Pleiades region?
I'm pretty sure this pointed out but I'm sure this is a clue to one of the story lines or may be they are just making a joke on our behalf.

Safe Flying (look out for black holes!)

Adam Bourke-Waite

To me it look like CG is being set up to launch us into a race into tracking down the first in game object injected by Frontier.

The haziness could just mean the planet is extremely close to the star.
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I have read all the stuff that you have done, try, and read on the wiki. And, I think it so simpel that is a Alien animal. nothing more. Making sound, die with smoke and stuff. So..if I have right, They screming for mommy. That why they have reported the system they are in with morsecod. Thats is my 2 cent. And there mommy can't be found.
I don't think airless has to mean absolutely no atmosphere. There is probably some atmosphere where the shielding is not needed.

By the way, I found this nice planet on the Explorer forum:

100% metal with 100% Silicate vapour atmosphere.

If the UA likes metal, it should go there.

Any planets like this in the Pleiades region?

I've seen a few that LOOK like that but 100% metal not yet. What is it the death star?
Oh I didn't know that.

That's kind of odd because when I did the 6 drop from the Hauler they all stacked, maybe stolen/non-stolen don't stack seperately, I just assumed they would.

I'll double check mine tonight.

Interesting to think that non-stolen sell for more, your UA is not only the longest lasting but also literally the most valuable UA in the galaxy.

Any idea how it lost the stolen status? Some bug?

When I was carrying three duplicated UAs after the first drop test I had two that were stolen and one that was not stolen. The two different types didn't stack. I don't know how one came to be not marked as stolen, I suspect there is a bug involved.
Hey Rizal, I'm home. My cmdr with Sol access and conda is over 600ly away. The other conda pilot is closer but don't have access to sol.

No problem, we'll do the test in a close system, altair for example. Give me your CMDR name, I'll be ready in a few minutes (time to put children to bed)
I think this is more just a CG for explorers with a bit of added back story. It's hard to justify an exploration CG so they might be using that story line for just cause.

I'd like to see a deep space exploration CG some day :D

Wish I'd known about this yesterday before I sold a bunch of data.
Going to Euclid Terminal right now (LTT 8517), to buy some of these things, and test them with the UA...


so my Alien animal suggestion is maby not that wrong at all =) fun that no one respond to my post..i guess it should be to easy to think that out. I hope I have right
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