UA Mystery Thread 3: The Canonn

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Here's a thought folks. Have any of you bought the ED soundtrack?
I have and there are 84 tracks on there.

Some of the tracks are named after different parts of space. Some are imperial or federation space some are in neutral.

Other tracks are the different bits on incidental music that you get during combat etc.

I'm wondering if the noise the artefact makes is imbedded in one of those tracks and that's the clue. A bit like when they revealed that the artifact could actually be seen in one of the game trailers.

After all one of the devs has said have you listened to it? Maybe he was referring to the actual game music......have you listened to it?

Bit outside the box but that's what I'm thinking. They have also said that it is obvious and if they gave any more clues it would give it away......

I Haven't listened to all of the tracks before you ask.

What do you think??
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Not at all! You did an awesome job!

Do you mean Pleiades Sector DL-Y D65 or Polaris?

Because I find it very interesting that there is a permitted system in the middle of nowhere, so close to the Pleiades!
I'll just go there again and try to deploy the UA in one of the closest systems, just to add more research to your research :D

Imagine if a Thargoid mothership is "camping" there, waiting for UAs it deployed, to come back to mommy... :D

Ill go to Pleiades Sector DL-Y D65 first...

Pleiades Sector DL-Y d65 used to be permitted but it's not any now. I've been there. It has a couple of terraformable water worlds but I didn't find anything else of interest. I didn't have a UA though.
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Pleiades Sector DL-Y d65 used to be permitted but it's not any now. I've been there. It has a couple of terraformable water worlds but I didn't find anything else of interest. I didn't have a UA though.[/QUOTE

Now before you rush with the UA just remeber how Voyager 2 was found. You may not just be`looking for SSS, or any signal source at all. Brookes has already said that some things you will not find unless you are within 1000ls range. It does seem to be a repeat theme that the Pleiades sector is significant and if its true that this one place has unlocked then be vigilant guys. Eyes open because I can imagine that it would be easy to miss something like that. o7
Here's a thought folks. Have any of you bought the ED soundtrack?
I have and there are 84 tracks on there.

Some of the tracks are named after different parts of space. Some are imperial or federation space some are in neutral.

Other tracks are the different bits on incidental music that you get during combat etc.

I'm wondering if the noise the artefact makes is imbedded in one of those tracks and that's the clue. A bit like when they revealed that the artifact could actually be seen in one of the game trailers.

After all one of the devs has said have you listened to it? Maybe he was referring to the actual game music......have you listened to it?

Bit outside the box but that's what I'm thinking. They have also said that it is obvious and if they gave any more clues it would give it away......

I Haven't listened to all of the tracks before you ask.

What do you think??

I think you should listen to the tracks... ;)

Pleiades Sector DL-Y d65 used to be permitted but it's not any now. I've been there. It has a couple of terraformable water worlds but I didn't find anything else of interest. I didn't have a UA though.

It seems even more interesting then...

Now before you rush with the UA just remeber how Voyager 2 was found. You may not just be`looking for SSS, or any signal source at all. Brookes has already said that some things you will not find unless you are within 1000ls range. It does seem to be a repeat theme that the Pleiades sector is significant and if its true that this one place has unlocked then be vigilant guys. Eyes open because I can imagine that it would be easy to miss something like that. o7


I plan to do a very detailed trip to it then...
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VP is (was) called Nigel Smeaton. Winters is a much darker horse.

It seems that covering up what happened to the Antares is very important to both Core Dynamics and Sirius Corporation.

We know that Sirius Corporation once destroyed the Emperors luxury ship Duvals Duval with a computer virus, but Antares and SS1 just vanished. There is no trace of them.

The President is just a tool I think. He knows nothing. Winters is deeper involved.

Yes - of course, Smeaton! That's who I meant in my head, but then I was rushing to write the post (surrounded by non-believers here in RL ;)).

I think puppet, yes, to a point - but I think there's a kind-of Cheney-style money-for-arms conspiracy in there (the Pres recently announced a 'tooling up' - presumably Core Dynamics are meant to be getting those contracts) - he's been bankrolled by these guys. The story could just be the quest for the great-god money, or something more sinister, INRA-style, to get Fed space ready for a perceived incoming threat or another propaganda war to make some new alien faction the enemy when they're not. The only other explanation is simply to expand Fed territory using military means - but it seems a very long-view conspiracy just for that.

And I thought Core and Sirius are technically competitors, right? Seems odd they'd both want to hide both these incidents, because if either could be shown to be responsible, it would benefit the other.

Also if either are responsible for the respective disappearances of SS1 and Antares way back when, they both make the Smeaton job look positively amateurish! Perhaps the aliens do it right, only the humans make a mess.
Pleiades Sector DL-Y d65 used to be permitted but it's not any now. I've been there. It has a couple of terraformable water worlds but I didn't find anything else of interest. I didn't have a UA though.[/QUOTE

Now before you rush with the UA just remeber how Voyager 2 was found. You may not just be`looking for SSS, or any signal source at all. Brookes has already said that some things you will not find unless you are within 1000ls range. It does seem to be a repeat theme that the Pleiades sector is significant and if its true that this one place has unlocked then be vigilant guys. Eyes open because I can imagine that it would be easy to miss something like that. o7

Does Voyager 2 have a different icon in the System screen, and does it give its title (Ancient something or other, I know it doesnt say Voyager) before resolving or simply "Unknown" ?
When I was doing to PoI tour, I checked at each planet I went to, but if it just yet another "Unknown", it would be virtually impossible to find. It WILL be in orbit of something if it exists, to be in deep space would not be sufficiently simple.
Pleiades Sector DL-Y d65 used to be permitted but it's not any now. I've been there. It has a couple of terraformable water worlds but I didn't find anything else of interest. I didn't have a UA though.

Now before you rush with the UA just remeber how Voyager 2 was found. You may not just be`looking for SSS, or any signal source at all. Brookes has already said that some things you will not find unless you are within 1000ls range. It does seem to be a repeat theme that the Pleiades sector is significant and if its true that this one place has unlocked then be vigilant guys. Eyes open because I can imagine that it would be easy to miss something like that. o7

Didn't Michael Brookes say those sorts of things will be coming in 1.4 rather than there being anything to find already?

With 1000 Ls detection range, if the object is not close to one of the stars/planets or visible to the naked eye, the only way you'll find it is pure luck. Voyager 2 was only found by knowing exactly where to look and even then it took time to find. At least one person who tried to replicate finding it that way failed. If there is something hidden that way we are going to need clues.

- - - Updated - - -

Does Voyager 2 have a different icon in the System screen, and does it give its title (Ancient something or other, I know it doesnt say Voyager) before resolving or simply "Unknown" ?
When I was doing to PoI tour, I checked at each planet I went to, but if it just yet another "Unknown", it would be virtually impossible to find. It WILL be in orbit of something if it exists, to be in deep space would not be sufficiently simple.

Pretty sure it didn't used to appear on the system map at all, though I don't know if that is still the case. On the nav panel I think it's name used to change with distance. It was labelled "ancient probe" at least some of the time. Now you have to be within 1000 Ls to see it on the nav panel or as a target in space, not sure what the label is at that point.
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Now before you rush with the UA just remeber how Voyager 2 was found. You may not just be`looking for SSS, or any signal source at all. Brookes has already said that some things you will not find unless you are within 1000ls range. It does seem to be a repeat theme that the Pleiades sector is significant and if its true that this one place has unlocked then be vigilant guys. Eyes open because I can imagine that it would be easy to miss something like that. o7

Yup, been saying this for ages :) - but it seems the odds are horribly stacked against us if that's the case. I think first there'd have to be a system that is reasonably obvious to us that needs to be scoured - possibly the California system from the trailer perhaps? And then it'd have to systematically combed - which is really difficult to do, I know you know that, I'm just saying ;). At least with voyager we knew a target system and a general direction.

I mean, if such an object were out there, especially if it were the kind of distance out that the Voyager(s) are, then it'd be practically undiscoverable without some extra info on where to look. Or perhaps the UA is the key to this - bit then we've been over that many times as well.

But still - as I've said before - it's still my favourite possibility, so +1 if I'm not out ;)

Edit: ninja'd by RedWizzard, you sly dog!
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Didn't Michael Brookes say those sorts of things will be coming in 1.4 rather than there being anything to find already?

With 1000 Ls detection range, if the object is not close to one of the stars/planets or visible to the naked eye, the only way you'll find it is pure luck. Voyager 2 was only found by knowing where to look and even then it took time to find. At least one person who tried to replicate finding it that way failed. If there is something hidden that way we are going to need clues.

You know, we've found the free floating UAs with pure luck as well... perhaps there were even hints we missed (the 7 signs?).
This anonymous permitted system around Pleiades that is not permitted anymore is kind of pure luck as well...

I remember the Titan Black was found with pure luck as well... I'm still trying to understand what was the explanation of it being sold where it was found...
on a side note: could someone explain to me if there was a "rational" explanation to that?
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What? Did I just run out of thread? :D huh. I guess lurk off.

So, do we have irrefutable proof of two genders amongst the little troublemakers?

At one point it was a misunderstanding about an image taken while clipping through the pods, but then all this talk about the horns came up... And promptly died off.

Speaking of died off. How about the "in between purrs"? Now that we're losing faith in the normal ones (without a long enough recording), we could take a look at them.

They are very subtle, but clearly present.

You can't really hear them if you speed up the recording, you rather ought to slow it down a bit.

There are 9, or even 11 different tones. (Latter number is based on Rizal's unsanctioned list)

However these tones appear in groups of 3 to 5, in quick succession, and if you only consider them as high and low (dit and dat) each of these groups can be transcribed to a Morse letter, without fail(?)

In turn, these letters can be translated to a big fat nothing :) at least that's how far I got before coming to holiday.
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Yes - of course, Smeaton! That's who I meant in my head, but then I was rushing to write the post (surrounded by non-believers here in RL ;)).

I think puppet, yes, to a point - but I think there's a kind-of Cheney-style money-for-arms conspiracy in there (the Pres recently announced a 'tooling up' - presumably Core Dynamics are meant to be getting those contracts) - he's been bankrolled by these guys. The story could just be the quest for the great-god money, or something more sinister, INRA-style, to get Fed space ready for a perceived incoming threat or another propaganda war to make some new alien faction the enemy when they're not. The only other explanation is simply to expand Fed territory using military means - but it seems a very long-view conspiracy just for that.

And I thought Core and Sirius are technically competitors, right? Seems odd they'd both want to hide both these incidents, because if either could be shown to be responsible, it would benefit the other.

Also if either are responsible for the respective disappearances of SS1 and Antares way back when, they both make the Smeaton job look positively amateurish! Perhaps the aliens do it right, only the humans make a mess.

Core and Sirius are competitors, but the seem to work together as well. Those battle cruisers are Core ships with Sirius drives aren't they? They were at least both part of the search for SS1.
I don't think incompetence among the leadership should bee ruled out. It's more of a rule in Elite ;)

Whats bugs me a bit is the rather aggressive stands by Federal Times. They are usually extremely loyal.

In the short story 'Faust', the explorer Elaine Meyer finds a damaged ship way out in nowhere. On that ship there is an Android still alive after two hundred years. He tells Myer that the ship had been trying to contact the Thargoids on behalf of the Emperor.

"The Emperor proposed an alliance with the Thargoids with a view to defeating the Federation. Captured Federation and independent star systems would be divided equally between the Empire and the Thargoids."

"Similar missions were also dispatched by the Federation. And by several independent corporations. All had similar objectives. The formation of an alliance with the aliens, with a view to attaining a decisive superiority in their conflicts with pre-existing human enemies."

Only incompetence saves us form our leaders wicked plans.
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UA Search - Day 6

Today I will be starting out from Ngobe once again. Apparently my selling of exploration data there, and my generous donations to the repair of their station meant I was worth sending a rescue party out for, after managing to lose an Asp in 1185.

When I dropped on a SSS and saw a single grey blip on the scanner, I did wonder if I have met with success at last, however it was a canister AI relics, and clearly a trap. But I wanted to spring it and try make off with the relics anyway. Having deployed my scoop I made for the canister but was apparently going too fast as it was destroyed. Now it was time to leave, and fast.

The problem is I seldom use a cargo scoop. Normally I have it powered down so that power can be used for things like guns and shields. My relative inexperience with them meant that is took precious seconds for my to work out that the reason my boost was disabled was that the scoop was still deployed. Too many seconds...

I'll be heading back to the Pleiades 'this evening' after a little R&R at Ngobe (work).
You know, we've found the free floating UAs with pure luck as well... perhaps there were even hints we missed (the 7 signs?).
This anonymous permitted system around Pleiades that is not permitted anymore is kind of pure luck as well...

I remember the Titan Black was found with pure luck as well... I'm still trying to understand what was the explanation of it being sold where it was found...
on a side note: could someone explain to me if there was a "rational" explanation to that?

Luck yes, but also 3 topics of ideas and theories ;)
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UA Search - Day 6

Today I will be starting out from Ngobe once again. Apparently my selling of exploration data there, and my generous donations to the repair of their station meant I was worth sending a rescue party out for, after managing to lose an Asp in 1185.

When I dropped on a SSS and saw a single grey blip on the scanner, I did wonder if I have met with success at last, however it was a canister AI relics, and clearly a trap. But I wanted to spring it and try make off with the relics anyway. Having deployed my scoop I made for the canister but was apparently going too fast as it was destroyed. Now it was time to leave, and fast.

The problem is I seldom use a cargo scoop. Normally I have it powered down so that power can be used for things like guns and shields. My relative inexperience with them meant that is took precious seconds for my to work out that the reason my boost was disabled was that the scoop was still deployed. Too many seconds...

I'll be heading back to the Pleiades 'this evening' after a little R&R at Ngobe (work).

Oh no !! I feel your pain ! We will be back out in the sector later this week, then Biscuit barrel on Sunday.

good luck and fly "Safe" Commander o7
You know, we've found the free floating UAs with pure luck as well... perhaps there were even hints we missed (the 7 signs?).
This anonymous permitted system around Pleiades that is not permitted anymore is kind of pure luck as well...

I remember the Titan Black was found with pure luck as well... I'm still trying to understand what was the explanation of it being sold where it was found...
on a side note: could someone explain to me if there was a "rational" explanation to that?

I don't think you have a good handle on the magnitude of the problem. The UAs are found in SSS, at a rate of something like 1%. The Titan Black had to be sold at a station, and there are only about 20,000 inhabited systems. So both had pretty finite odds. On the other hand, Voyager 2 is about 2 million Ls from the Sun. The area of the sphere with that radius is 5x10^13 Ls^2. To cover that area requires about 8 million 1000 Ls radius circles. I.e. if you know exactly how far Voyager 2 is from the Sun, but don't know the direction so just set off randomly, then you have approximately a 1 in 8,000,000 chance of finding it. Now think about how much worse it would be if you didn't know the distance either.

Presumably FD wouldn't be so stupid as to hide other stuff at that range, but even smaller searches will be extraordinarily difficult to do systematically. A 10,000 Ls radius sphere has the same volume as a thousand 1000 Ls spheres. So you'd have to visit 1000 distinct locations in the system, with basically no assistance from the game in telling where you are or where you'd been (you'd have to orient yourself using stars and bodies in the system and use the distance back to the primary star). It'd be extremely difficult, if not practically impossible.

So again, if FD are hiding stuff that way, if it's not within a 1000 Ls of a star or planet, we're going to need clues.
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Here's a thought folks. Have any of you bought the ED soundtrack?
I have and there are 84 tracks on there.

Some of the tracks are named after different parts of space. Some are imperial or federation space some are in neutral.

Other tracks are the different bits on incidental music that you get during combat etc.

I'm wondering if the noise the artefact makes is imbedded in one of those tracks and that's the clue. A bit like when they revealed that the artifact could actually be seen in one of the game trailers.

After all one of the devs has said have you listened to it? Maybe he was referring to the actual game music......have you listened to it?

Bit outside the box but that's what I'm thinking. They have also said that it is obvious and if they gave any more clues it would give it away......

I Haven't listened to all of the tracks before you ask.

What do you think??

Definitely a lead worth checking! Don't forget to play them backwards too :)

(That's not meant as an insult btw - that's just the kind of humour that floats around here!)
I think you should listen to the tracks... ;)

It seems even more interesting then...


I plan to do a very detailed trip to it then...

Dont be too keen. Lots of the old unknown permit systems were bugged. Sometimes they would appear locked, other times appear normal.
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