UA Mystery Thread 3: The Canonn

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I know nothing about UA scanners ;) But weapons in other ships can be detected just with the basic scan (lock onto a target ahead of you). I don't play in Open, but as far as I know that's a passive scan and isn't detected by the craft being scanned.

We get a "Scan Detected" message when scanned with a Cargo (or Kill Warrant?) Scanner scans us. But it's a bit of an assumption that this UA scanner behaves the same as those we're used to.

Thanks for your reply, that's what I thought. I think we should keep thinking that it behaves like the scanner we have, otherwise what's the point of including a new behaviour similar to one we already know if it does something completely different from what we're used to?

Each new thing brings more questions than answers. :1
Hi all in the new beta are we able to repair the power supply with the automated repair module or whatever its called
never used one but i read somewhere that it was not possible to do so until 1.4 can someone confirm this and if its in the beta and working?
If the answer is yes then i have a test proposal.
So i goes like this as far as i am aware we only go boom from UA degradation when or power supply gets compromised so
what i propose is that some one sits there with UA in hold and only repairs the bare essentials to stop UA from escaping and stopping ship from going boom.
this give the maximum amount of time for the UA to affect the rest of the ship.
OK now the why
I have proposed in the past that these things are sort of like fungal spores, released from their parent they are set adrift with just the code to get going but not enough energy to start the process so in a dormant state ( Free Floater ). The spore only come to life when it lands on something and it then uses energy from what it has landed on to start to grow ( this would be us scooping up the free floater )
So the spore/UA springs to life sucking degrading its surrounding so that it can grow/transform. Trouble is we kick it out back into the wild with no energy and now its not dormant so it now starts to die.
My point being that i think these things need to be feed to grow or do what ever they do but so far we have not been able to feed it for a long enough period.
Yes i know A Cmdr has taken one to the center of the galaxy but he used the countdown timer to avoid damage ( still a brilliant piece of work though) and others have let the UA completely destroy their ship. But that's not what i am proposing. I am talking maximum time to let the UA do what it needs to do to its self or the ship.
Things to take in consideration is just how little do you NEED to repair to avoid boom or escaping UA, and do you have anything else in the hold when you do it.
I know its a silly test but i am running out of ideas, But if the answer to my first question is yes then its a little strange that they are only now adding automated power supply repair.
Fair point, it's just that they've created this image about the Thargoids and it would be quite amusing if they suddenly turn out to be peaceful.

They were - on the "peace" track of FFE. Even on the "war" track they were more peaceful than humanity was. Keep in mind it is organizations like INRA (rumoured to be headed by someone named Brookes) who want folks to think the Thargoids are threatening so that they can advance their own agenda.
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They were - on the "peace" track of FFE. Even on the "war" track they were more peaceful than humanity was. Keep in mind it is organizations like INRA (rumoured to be headed by someone named Brookes) who want folks to think the Thargoids are threatening so that they can advance their own agenda.

Aye, but David said peace would only ever be a temporary measure.
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They were - on the "peace" track of FFE. Even on the "war" track they were more peaceful than humanity was. Keep in mind it is organizations like INRA (rumoured to be headed by someone named Brookes) who want folks to think the Thargoids are threatening so that they can advance their own agenda.

It makes perfect sense for a sneaky organization such as INRA to have someone at the helm whose catchphrase is.... Soon.
It could be looking for certain qualities from a pilot. Elite status maybe. Maybe it's looking for a player or group that's triple elite. Do these things even spawn for people who aren't Elite in something?

I'd say the vast majority aren't Elite in anything. Elite status pilots are still a tiny minority. Along similar lines - could they be looking for a pilot aligned with a specific faction? If - say - these are Thargoid devices, who would they most/least like to find. Federation/Imperial/Alliance pilots?

- - - Updated - - -

Why would we have done that?

To send it across the event horizon, then wait and not see what happens next.

See that? A little black (hole) humour! I kill me sometimes...
I have to disagree. They have shown absolutely no sign of hostile intent, and until they ever do, or until we have more evidence of their origins which might then convince us to, I think it would be a huge mistake to take hostile action against them (and it goes without saying that some of the tests we have done can already be construed as such by another sentient race). For all we know this is a major unknown alien race who could play an important role as an ally against one or more of the warring Thargoid factions.

Edit: Using your perspective, the appearance of Voyager 1 or 2 or one of the Pioneers in a system with aliens would justify that species coming and wiping us out.

I think giving a map to find us on voyager was foolish indeed. And yes if i were leading a species and they turned up in system i would go on a very militaristic footing.

I respect your opinion. i just beg to disagree at this stage. I keep an open mind. Few parasitic organisms are "good", they are prepared to cling on to their host to the death. Viruses, which this looks like a very large version of, quite often kill their host through replication......
recording videos of them, and taking notes.
But I strongly suspect that the UA mystery does not require a "Scientist", just a Player... ;)

We're overthinking it, remember?

Overthinking maybe, but definately underdocumenting.
You don't need scientists for solving the riddle, but it would help collect and document the data.
Experimentators know how extract the necessary data and can tell others how to collect them properly.
Also a problem is the wiki.
It is chaotic and lacks important information.
"shot at": who shot the thing with what, where. Time date, version. something noticed?
You can only tell if it is important if you got the whole picture without missing an experiment or an idea.

You know what I mean.

You gotta keep it organized AND documented in a way everyone can understand and knows what exactly had been done and what is missing.

Since some of you are used to wright lab books and/ or wright papers we can develope a way to sum up the collected data in a more efficient way and collect data more efficient in the future.
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Has there been a test to eject the UA into a Black Hole?

From what I remember reading of the test, the tester tried thrusting directly at the exclusion zone and jettisoning the UA so it had enough momentum to cross it, both were pushed back to the exclusion zone limit.
I would say the Flash as it degrades is intended and not just a regular degradation is the meaning

Can anyone ---please--- record the degration in 1.4beta? Best would be in 2k or 4k resolution with 60fps like you use probably ingame? As low compression as possible? I would be able to try to import that into my video editor to slowmo it and do frame by frame analysis. Maybe some simultanous recordings please?

In 1.4beta it should not care your real life, so at last maybe short before release?

I suggest to the community, that we should be BLOWING THE **** out of every single one of them and hunting them to destroy any more that pop up, too.

Maybe you are right, feels a bit scary the whole time.

There is a meta-game element that we respond to as well as in-game tracking.

+1 rep for your last few posts. If you want to join try to send a pm to Derthek..

@all: Thanks again for your science in this thread. Would rep all of you! :)
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There, forced me to log on the computer to rep you. Happy now?

Sorry. :) I'll be happy when we've solved this. I'm starting to worry Frontier will change the UA from what-it-was-going-to-be to what-we-guess-it-is just to bring this to a close, without a huge, collective, deadly, embarrassed case of face-palm on our part. If they haven't already.
They were - on the "peace" track of FFE. Even on the "war" track they were more peaceful than humanity was. Keep in mind it is organizations like INRA (rumoured to be headed by someone named Brookes) who want folks to think the Thargoids are threatening so that they can advance their own agenda.

I think, but am not sure that the peace track goes ahead in FFE if the player ignores all the misions.

The track where the player betrays the Thargoids, leads to the destruction of the entire race. I don't think this branch realy worked due to bugs?

It would be interesting to hear from someone that tried.
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