UAs, Barnacles and other mysteries Thread 8 - The Canonn

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Hello everyone,

I bring good news today! I would first like to thank the FDev support team for finally agreeing that the second probe I had was indeed lost to a scooping bug with the SRV on the surface of Merope 5 C, thanks to a second video I made explaining point by point how the probe was lost instead of destroyed, and why it was entirely not my fault (comparing footage and sound of an Unknown Artefact getting destroyed versus the loss of the Unknown Probe I had recorded).

As a thank you, the support team did not return one but TWO (2) Unknown Probes to me (the first had been lost to what I believe to be a shield clipping bug, but I only had audio to prove it). I will now resume experiments and do a few things with both before giving one back to a Canonn member.

I am still taking requests via PM so, if you have an experiment in mind, feel free to message me and I'll see what I can do!

I have an instinctive distrust of 'gift horses'. Frontier may just be giving you two out of the kindness of their hearts, but I think it's more likely that 'something' will happen with two UPs together.

My suspicion is that they've given you two because they didn't realise how hard it would be to find or fight for them.

Therefore I'd say that all experiments need to focused on both UPs, followed by one UP - to see if there's any differences in results. (You're probably doing this already, but I thought it was worth clarifying!)
I've got an engineered python with 2 large medic beams if anyone going UP convoy hunting could use a shield regeneration specialist....send me a PM so we can work out the details. It's about the best way I know to contribute.
Hi all ... love following this thread. I am on Xbox One and last night while perusing the Galmap I noticed that many of the locked unknown permit systems around the Witch Head and Orion nebulas were no longer permit locked. In fact, I was unable to find any locked systems out that way and earlier this week it seemed they were all over the place. Unfortunately it was too late in the evening for me to make my way out there, but I was wondering if anyone else noticed this change? Given the late hour, I may have been seeing things incorrectly, but I could not find a locked unknown permit system for the life of me.

I find that the COL 70 systems are still locked by unknown permit in my galaxy map. Everything's normal to me.
Checking in form the Elephant's Trunk nebula, and I'm going to say the results are inconclusive. I've spent some hours here and USSes are just too rare. No probes so far, but nothing to suggest that it's a spawn zone. Still don't believe the reddit guy was a troll, just mistaken.

However, I'm still a ways out and need more data to turn in to Palin, so if anyone has a hunch I can go check that out right now.
Posing a possible hunting area for free floating UPs. If the UPs are strung out in a line rather than a shell. Is it possible that the only people to so for find them (the feds who are
building a line of space stations) could be building along that line.:)
I'm ok with you about the ellipse, but I was replying to whoever said it had to be taken in linear, not log scale, then like an EGG.
Circular or sligthly elliptical is OK for me: the difference in all the other glyphs will be minimalin in both cases.
That's not the case with eggs, bananas and so on... ;)
With some skills and filters you could make the center circle look whatever you want. That's my point about a reference is needed, and everytime it happened, a circle's been used. In real life I mean. In real science, most of all.

There's a risk of conflating circle vs ellipse with visual representations of the center object (egg vs circle). (NOTE, I'm not saying you are, but some clearly have).

The first is just differentiating the general case of ellipses with 2 discrete foci from degenerate case of ellipses where the foci are the same (circle). The 2nd case is a frequency scaling issue. Whether the frequency is scaled linearly, logarithmicly or some other method (MEL modified log scale based on perception).
If you draw an object that's intended to be a discrete ellipse on a frequency vs time scale there is no way to scale that object in frequency and get a circle and vice versa.

Now, within the resolution we have it may well be that it represents an ellipse, for instance Merope5c's orbit is elliptical, it's really close to circular but it's not. So it is plausible that the object is intended to represent Merope5c's (or some other planet) orbit so maybe draw a perfect circle and an ellipse representing Merope5c's orbit and overlay them and see which has a *best* fit.

Personally I kind of doubt that's it because then the lat/long lines have no obvious (or even not so obvious) meaning. Lastly, to my eye, what you've shown is that the scaling method you've used (log vs MEL vs Bark etc) is not the right one. The right one is the one that makes a perfect circle since that was the scale used to draw the original object.

I decided to do some more "analysis". I do my best to show my method with the following images. It's nothing fancy, just standard perspective stuff that draftspeople use everyday:



If we can agree on anything, it's that the image is not properly scaled in the Y axis. I also wonder if the image is correctly scaled in time too, because if those lines represent longitudes (several equally spaced lines across a globe), then the angles should all be equal.

My big issue with LOG scale in the Y axis: Log is based on base 10. Every line is an order of magnitude larger. IE: 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, etc... Notice that is BASE 10 counting? Why use base 2 symbols (assuming the symbols in the corners are binary), then encode a message in sound where the end user must use Base 10 to get the scale right?

I'm sorry, I don't buy it. Either the symbols are not base 2 (binary) , or the sound should not be scaled base 10. One or the other, not both.

Maybe once we figure out how to get that grid perfect, the rest of the image will clear up too.
some conclusions

Following data we have from picture

I think those are in binary - reading from right to left (following wiki :)) we have numbers from 1 to 4 binded with 4 quarters of circle. Its to big coincidence IMO.

If 3 lines represents angles (0-360) we can pinpoint location on shpere - but 2 angles/coordinates are enough for this i think? Maybe just two lines from 4th quarter represent coords, but third ? (maybe axial tilt, but 320 deg doasn't make sense :)) I think this is not leading enywhere, but i can miss something.
Also those two lines are above circle which is also part of information and maybe apply to signal theory.

One 90 degree ARC opposite to line representing angle can suggest values 0-90
Two 90 degree ARCs opposite to two lines can suggest values 0-90
This doesn't look like planet coords or 3d space coords but may corresponds to wavelengths ?

I have no tools or knowledge to check this theories but mayby i give some clue to more skillfull cmdrs :)

Sorry for bad english ;)
I can confirm the the permits required for the Witch Head and Orion nebulas has been removed. I'm heading to the Witch Head nebula to see if i can find anything
I can confirm the the permits required for the Witch Head and Orion nebulas has been removed. I'm heading to the Witch Head nebula to see if i can find anything

They weren't locked before.

Col 70, Col 121, Horsehead Dark Region and a few others surrounding it, but not Witchhead or Orion.
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I decided to do some more "analysis". I do my best to show my method with the following images. It's nothing fancy, just standard perspective stuff that draftspeople use everyday:

If we can agree on anything, it's that the image is not properly scaled in the Y axis. I also wonder if the image is correctly scaled in time too, because if those lines represent longitudes (several equally spaced lines across a globe), then the angles should all be equal.

My big issue with LOG scale in the Y axis: Log is based on base 10. Every line is an order of magnitude larger. IE: 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, etc... Notice that is BASE 10 counting? Why use base 2 symbols (assuming the symbols in the corners are binary), then encode a message in sound where the end user must use Base 10 to get the scale right?

I'm sorry, I don't buy it. Either the symbols are not base 2 (binary) , or the sound should not be scaled base 10. One or the other, not both.

Maybe once we figure out how to get that grid perfect, the rest of the image will clear up too.

What if the image didn't represent a circle, but a sphere/hemisphere, with the viewpoint slightly from above the plane made by the equator?

Then the lines would be slightly inconsistent between top and bottom, as one half would be slightly squished relatove to the other.

Also, if you can explain why it is the vertical thickness of the outer glow on the bottom and top portions of the circle is consistent only when displayed logarithmically, i.e. by saying why it's right that it should be inconsistent as it is in linear view, then I might accept the idea of the 'correct' view being that of the egg.

You know, the more I look at this, the more I think it may have something to do with the mystery. An ancient tomb. An ancient starship?
I encourage everyone to take a look. Of particular interest to me are the markings on the entrance stone that look similar to the markings on the barnacles. Maybe certain developers drew some inspiration from it . . .

Credit to xcyber for the original post.
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