UAs, Barnacles and other mysteries Thread 8 - The Canonn

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This thread alone seems to be more active than the entire roleplay section hehe giving us a sub section on the official forums wouldn't be a waste of space :D I can promise you that

Would be nice to have separate threads for ua, up, barnacle, rift, polaris, ngc 6357, and the upcoming feature "archeology" as well as the new mysteries hinted at by Brookes and Braben.

Just an idea

Making multiple subforums is BAD. They all wither. What if someone has something to say that fits more than one category? Do they just crosspost manually? So you reply and they were reading the other forum?

Some people make forums with dozens of subforums, and usually only one or two of them are active and the rest of them get 1 post a week. Barely anyone reads them and they just waste people's time trying to post there and never getting a reply.

The Frontier forums have this exact problem. When I look for information there, I can always find 5 or more different forums that MIGHT be the right one, but they all seem to apply to what I'm looking for. I end up of the thread that has the most activity, not the one with the name that seems to maybe match what I'm looking for.

If they split the threadnought this way, they will kill it. I'm not going to try to keep up with 7 different forums all with constant links to other forums and either no posts for weeks or disjointed conversations across multiple forums, and constant posts that say HEY SO AND SO ON THE OTHER FORUM JUST FOUND A THING (link). I'll just post on reddit or discord.
Don't need a sub forum for canon. They can use their own private resources for their own discussion not Frontier's. These megathreads are a debacle. However discussions about mysteries outside of this thread should be allowed to take place. This mystery does not need to be lumped some non Frontier group's thread. The mysteries are universal. I suggest making a sub forum for speculation and investigation that nobody has any authority over. (Except the mods of course)

It's a debacle you contribute to.
Frontier can probably manage their own resources.

Also, if there are too many posts you don't approve of, why not just -ignore- the posters that make them, the way I am now doing with you?
Thargoids have three fingers on each hand. That's why the count in binary triplets.

If aThargoid gives you the finger, she only means two. This is how wars start, you know.

You can't know if the alien is giving you the finger until you know what their plumbing looks like.

Unless their genitalia IS their finger... oO it's not unheard of, dolphins have been known to carry things with their one single "digit"

But seriously, the binary connection to octal is more fundamental than that- it doesn't matter what base you like to count in or how many dimensions you live in or how many feet you have, there's nothing more basic than binary- a thing exists or a thing doesn't, there's nothing simpler than that. If you are using that, it takes 3 of those to represent a value that can go up to 8 (or 0-7).
We count in base 10, we don't use 3-bit octal because it matches our fingers, we do it because it's the simplest possible way to do it and doing it as simple as possible means computers can be fast enough and cheap enough to exist, especially in the 1960s.

Aliens sending some signal might make it simple because simple is easier to send.
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Most likely a silly question but has anyone tried taking a probe to the Voyager craft in Sol as there is some similarity with the golden disk and the images sent by the probe
It's funny how the rants about this Megathread occur periodically.
And periodically people try to change it, suggesting, starting new threads, dividing informations.

Finally, they come here again.
Where you just need to take a look at the front page, where EVERY relevant information is collected DAILY.
Yes, by me. It's a kind of second job, my wife sometimes rants about me not caring about the children, but I love doing it.
First of all, I do it for me, and as a consequence it's at everyone's disposal.

However, between my wife's rants and players', I still prefer the latter :D

Hi Rizal,

you do a great job.

Thank you for this. Without the first page it would be much harder to keep updated.

Keep up the great work, and again.

Thank you o7
Whilst we can't say it definitely is the Thargoids, (it definitely is the Thargoids :D), the clue is in the fact that UPs are being found around ammonia worlds, and Thargoids have a carbon-ammonia bio-chemistry.

Of cause there is another reason someone might be sending probes to ammonia worlds, what if it isn't the Thargoids looking for planets to colonise or what happen to their species in this part of the galaxy but another alien force roaming the galaxy looking to wipe out all Thargoids!
Of cause there is another reason someone might be sending probes to ammonia worlds, what if it isn't the Thargoids looking for planets to colonise or what happen to their species in this part of the galaxy but another alien force roaming the galaxy looking to wipe out all Thargoids!

But...but...but... isn't that Lab 69's job :D
It's funny how the rants about this Megathread occur periodically.
And periodically people try to change it, suggesting, starting new threads, dividing informations.

Finally, they come here again.
Where you just need to take a look at the front page, where EVERY relevant information is collected DAILY.
Yes, by me. It's a kind of second job, my wife sometimes rants about me not caring about the children, but I love doing it.
First of all, I do it for me, and as a consequence it's at everyone's disposal.

However, between my wife's rants and players', I still prefer the latter :D

I gotta reply cause I can't keep +reping you.
Thanks for your work on this giant cool mess.
Pre-Log base Beta now in a state of boom / civil unrest. Commodity market now open with meta-alloys at 88k per ton. Missions are still donate only.

Quoting as it seems to have got buried in amongst folk talking about info being buried :p
Logging in now to confirm - thanks for the info Phoenix.
And as the video says "they are already here" - lets stay frosty out there people.

At TII Research facility - still lockdown, war , but boom, civil unrest pending - no missions as yet
Anyone know if the imperial faction have similar bases out here - Merope Expeditionary Fleet ?
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Most likely a silly question but has anyone tried taking a probe to the Voyager craft in Sol as there is some similarity with the golden disk and the images sent by the probe

You gotta read the first page a bit. It has a lot of info, but it will bring you up to speed with what is currently happening here.

(to answer your question, yes, within the first week we knew about the UP honk signal)
You gotta read the first page a bit. It has a lot of info, but it will bring you up to speed with what is currently happening here.

(to answer your question, yes, within the first week we knew about the UP honk signal)

sorry didn't see it on the spreadsheet at first.
Thought it would of been done by now.
Carry on
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lockdown on Pre-Logistics has been lifted now, thanks to everyone who helped (if they went there especially). Now... we wait

This post is a fun summary for all of the forum members out there who have been following the recent ED hints from Gamescon, the UAs UPs and Alien Rumours on this forum.

After countless hours of trawling forums, decoding binary signals and ED Video excitement (yes, on occasion a little bit of pee came out, I admit it...let's move on) we have gathered together a pretty good summary of what is to come and what we think is to come. To mix it all up I have intertwined all of the theory with some old Thargoid Lore and some interesting coincidences linked to this in the Elite Dangerous Galaxy.

We hope you read through this post and decide to come and join us as we continue to follow this storyline as it unfolds. I will also put in some key points that you can do to help you prepare. Of course you can always reach out if you want more info...but enough of that...let's begin!

As many of you may have read, Canonn solved the pictographs that was emitted from the UP. Essentially it was giving us information regarding planetary data such as radius, surface temperature, gravity and atmospheric condition. Like the UAs that took binary photographs of ships that interacted with it, it seems that these probes are reporting back details about the planets they are orbiting...almost as if they are trying to find a suitable planet for habitation. The question now is, why are they all pointing back at Merope 5c? Is it a receiver of this information? The first of many alien cell towers that bounce the data to some other point in the galaxy so as not to reveal the location of the receivers? Is that the role of the Barnacles...or are they something more....?

Using the headerless numbers regarding distance from Merope 5C, Pythagorean formula and triangulation...a bunch of geniuses in Canonn were able to draw coordinates to what we now believe to be a homeworld (or at least reference point) of the receivers of the UP information. This system is Col 70 Sector FY-N C21-3...which by complete coincidence is permit locked...and happens to be an almost perfect 1000LY from the center of our bubble...more to come on this one we are sure, make sure you bookmark it on your Galaxy Map!

After that we started receiving hints in the videos being released of David Braben interviews during Gamescon. Each of the message had pictures and binary code hidden within the frames that were then eagerly translated into the following message:

"We've found something. Something incredible. Something the whole galaxy will want to see. The truth. We could show it to you, that wouldn't be much fun so instead we're going to play a little game.

To find us, look for a bounty hunter.

To find more clues you'll need pre-logistics support in a system with one star, two belts and enough radiation to turn you green.

The hunt begins on the 28th."

Shortly after the decoding of these messages, a system matching this exact description was found...Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-5...Pre Logistics Support are stations that have been built by the Federation from the bubble to Pleiades, this one in particular is called Pre Logistics Support Gamma (another bookmark for your Galaxy Maps people!). These stations are only equipped up to medium platforms so I have armed my Asps & Pythons and have begun to rank up reputation with these stations in anticipation of the 28th, just in case it helps to get permit access to whatever may come. The rest of the Pre Logistics Support systems are:

Pleiades Sector HR-W D1-57
Pleiades Sector JC-V D2-62
42 N Persei
Hyades Sector AB-W B2-2
Arietis Sector XE-Z B4

(And you guessed it, if you are interested in following this story, I would bookmark these locations too)

Now for some further conjecture...pretty much the entire Elite Universe of players is linking all of this to the Thargoids, and I have to admit, there is a strong case for this. However, I am personally of the mind that this would be too obvious and our friends at FDev may not make it so predictable. There have been some other subtle clues/stories on Galnet and at Gamescon which makes me think this way...I am talking about Generational Ships! For some reason these just happened to pop up around the same time as everything else but did not get much limelight because of all the apparent "Thargoid" business...My theory is that the messages we are getting are from a long lost Generational Ship that was "Alien Interdicted" (patent pending on that one lol!), came across alien life or potentially a Thargoid/Alien relic of some sort. But then there is that pesky Bounty Hunter....still a question mark on that one!

To follow the crowd, I though it would be cool to relate some of this back to Thargoid Lore. If you go back to the missions of Frontier: First Encounters there are a lot of connections that still exist in our ED Galaxy. (Bookmarks people, bookmarks!)

Thargoid Lore

Alioth, which was the starting point of the "Thargoid Missions" is still within our bubble. That quest followed the footsteps of Mic Turner and the Argent's Quest, the most powerful ship in the Galaxy, to destroy a defense satellite and recover Mic's Flight Recorder leading us to Pleione...another system that still exists in ED but is also surprisingly permit locked!

This Flight Recorder lead us to some photographs and another Hidden System which was revealed as Polaris and a Thargoid Base which was located there! And yes, Polaris exists in our ED Galaxy but again, surprisingly permit locked! Are you seeing a pattern here or is it just me? This mission involved destroying satellites and a Thargoid Shuttle along with our first Thargoid pay attention here, I think there is an important message in this...where we received a message from the Thargoid Clone Leader, "Thargoid Clone Leader to human ship. We fire only in self-defence. If you agree to our demands you will be safe in Thargoid space. Please dock in our Leader Ship so that we may disarm your ship. Message ends."

(Did you read that, "We fire only in self defense", probably an important safety tip we may need later)

The next message received was, "Incoming message from the Thargoid Clone Leader: You have been to Pleione and Polaris. We believe that you are here for personal gain and wish to make you an offer that it will be in your interest to accept. If you do not wish to consider our offer, you may request launch as usual and we will release your ship. You should depart immediately before the ‘ Argent’s Quest ‘ becomes terminally infected with the INRA mycoid. If you intend to stay and accept our offer, please click ‘ YES ‘. Message ends."

If you accepted you received this, "“ Incoming message from the Thargoid Clone Leader: Thank you for your trust in us. Our proposal is this: We require the Vaccine to combat the effects of an engineered micro-organism which is infecting our ships and our systems. We know that it exists in large quantities in underground bunkers on the INRA research base at the planet Hotice 1 in the system of the same name at co-ordinates [-3, -2] measured from the zero point of your star Sol. We request that you travel there and recover the stocks. If you accept, we will provide you with the equipment required to lift the stock from the bunkers and we will also replace your weapons with others of significantly enhanced fire power to increase your chances of surviving both legs of the journey. If you succeed, we will give you, on your return, a Thargoid War Ship plus access to other areas of our technology and the Friendship of perpetuity of the Thargoid race. If you wish to accept our offer, please indicate as before. Message ends. “ (By the way Hotice 1 no longer exists in the ED Galaxy)

If you aligned yourself and completed the rest of the mission you were rewarded:

"Incoming message from the Thargoid Clone Leader: Your mission has been one hundred percent successful Commander. We are in your debt. If you wish to wait, we will create for you a modified Thargoid War Ship that will far exceed anything you have ever commanded in drive power and military capabilities. It will take some time to create a ship that is free of infection and we suggest that you enter your altered time state to reduce the tedium of the wait.

Alternatively, if you wish to leave us immediately, you may request launch now and we will furnish your ship with items which, if traded will bring you untold wealth. Please indicate as before it you wish to stay with us and collect the warship, Message ends. “

(Obviously you accept the Thargoid War Ship!)

“ Incoming message from the Thargoid Clone Leader: Welcome aboard your new ship, Commander. It will respond to similar commands as your previous ship although there are some changes which you will discover as you progress. Your cargo hold contains goods which will bring you inestimable wealth on your trading market. We will follow you now to your own systems and will attempt to negotiate with those who sent you here. We suggest that you launch now and return to your home worlds. Message ends. “

You now have a base from which you can search for the Thargoid home world. The communications and Journals suggest this system is out there somewhere. Maybe there is a Thargoid system where you can buy some interesting items. However, no one has reported finding this system....

End of Thargoid Lore

And this stays true until this very day...will this story continue on August 28th?? Will you be part of it?? If so, get your ass prepared and meet us at Pre Logistics Support Gamma!

CMDR Seven Sins
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Making multiple subforums is BAD. They all wither. What if someone has something to say that fits more than one category? Do they just crosspost manually? So you reply and they were reading the other forum?

Some people make forums with dozens of subforums, and usually only one or two of them are active and the rest of them get 1 post a week. Barely anyone reads them and they just waste people's time trying to post there and never getting a reply.

The Frontier forums have this exact problem. When I look for information there, I can always find 5 or more different forums that MIGHT be the right one, but they all seem to apply to what I'm looking for. I end up of the thread that has the most activity, not the one with the name that seems to maybe match what I'm looking for.

If they split the threadnought this way, they will kill it. I'm not going to try to keep up with 7 different forums all with constant links to other forums and either no posts for weeks or disjointed conversations across multiple forums, and constant posts that say HEY SO AND SO ON THE OTHER FORUM JUST FOUND A THING (link). I'll just post on reddit or discord.

We've already tried, and we failed.
You can try if you like, but you'll come back where you feel comfortable :D

Bottom line this format sucks.

I don't care if there are redundancies. Its a forum. If people want to have their own thread it'll live or die. If it is spam or rule breaking it'll be handled like anything else. If you want to only post on one thread go ahead. But others want to continue to talk about things elsewhere and share their own thoughts elsewhere other than this thread without getting them redirected here.

Plenty of spinoff topics and avenues of exploration that would have benefited from their own threads.

The only thing against this is the canon's fear of losing control over their monopoly of the subject matter.
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It's funny how the rants about this Megathread occur periodically.
And periodically people try to change it, suggesting, starting new threads, dividing informations.

Finally, they come here again.
Where you just need to take a look at the front page, where EVERY relevant information is collected DAILY.
Yes, by me. It's a kind of second job, my wife sometimes rants about me not caring about the children, but I love doing it.
First of all, I do it for me, and as a consequence it's at everyone's disposal.

However, between my wife's rants and players', I still prefer the latter :D

rizal72 deserves his own ingame spaceship badge for the immense task he has bestowed upon himself. [smile] Michael?! :D
Sorry riz, we all appreciate what you do, but the science isn't about what ends up on the first page, it's about the process to get there. Frankly, there are times when this thread goes down rabbit holes that I don't give a monkeys about but I have to wade through it because there's that one nugget that sparks an idea.

So from my perspective, it'd be very useful to have a thread per mystery object, potentially a thread per interesting aspect (e.g. Sound analysis - big topic, lots of interest, bores me to tears), and then this thread becomes the 'Unified Theory' thread.

The reason that hasn't worked before is because we're in the main discussion forum. Lesser topics fall quickly off the first page and when that happens it may as well not exist.

A Mysteries forum would help quite a lot.

And you'll end up with 8 threads going down 8 rabbit holes, and that you need to follow because you're so interested in each one of them.
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