UAs, Barnacles and other mysteries Thread 8 - The Canonn

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From memory the whole biscuit running joke starting in the first of these "slow" points back in the early days......I could of course be making that up as it was quite some time ago and if I recall it descended into a heated debate about fig roll classification.......Biscuit or cake? :D

It was derailed by a wagon wheel.....
Just back to the alien ship.
Have people travelled out in the direction that the ship would have travelled from to check for wreckage or an escape pod?

I am doing it now but guess nothing will not show on a scanner.
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So the latest Colonia CG is up, looking to build a series of outposts on the way to the second bubble being formed at Jaques...guess it'll be time to pack our bags sooner rather than later!
I demand an enquiry! :D

I like both btw so either way. :)


Cake is soft, biscuits are hard (until dunked, or the barrel lid is left off) :rolleyes:

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I think it was the ends of the UA pods, looking like Wagon Wheels that started the hole thing.

Sorry, that's not a Wagon Wheel; if it's got a hole then it's a doughnut! :D
Cake is soft, biscuits are hard (until dunked, or the barrel lid is left off) :rolleyes:

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Sorry, that's not a Wagon Wheel; if it's got a hole then it's a doughnut! :D

Think the most used definition for what defines a cake/biscuit is that a biscuit starts hard and goes soft when stale, and a cake starts soft and goes hard when stale. :)
Today I finished buttering up Marco Quent enough to get an invite from Prof Palin. Having already travelled over 16Kly from the bubble I could get strait down to harvesting Unknown fragments. After a brief stop at his facility to fit one of his fancy cargo holds (I know I don't need that for the fragments, but I've been after one for some time), and a quick stop at one of the PRE outposts to jettison the frozen contents of my Asp's toilet in it's general direction, I moved out to the shell to start collection... which point I discovered the info about UA's on page 1 is still the legacy intfo about SSS and such and not the new Threat level 4 Anomalies. I don't recall anything about the 'bump the UA for 2 x fragments trick either'. I know Riz@l72 does a bang up job of keeping all that info strait, but I just thought I would mention it.
...and during my collections I strayed about 10ky too close to Merope without realising it. I got a signal source but it was clearly not a UA. But I was in for a surprise when I dropped out at it anyway. This may be old news, in fact thius may happen all over the place. I have seen wreckage before, and rescue ships, but normally at distress beacons. This was not a distress beacon... it was q Degraded Emissions, Threat 0. But just look...

This was the wreckage of dozens of Imperial ships, being attended to by no fewer that five rescue ships: an Anaconda, three Asps and a Diamondback.

...and during my collections I strayed about 10ky too close to Merope without realising it. I got a signal source but it was clearly not a UA. But I was in for a surprise when I dropped out at it anyway. This may be old news, in fact thius may happen all over the place. I have seen wreckage before, and rescue ships, but normally at distress beacons. This was not a distress beacon... it was q Degraded Emissions, Threat 0. But just look...

This was the wreckage of dozens of Imperial ships, being attended to by no fewer that five rescue ships: an Anaconda, three Asps and a Diamondback.
Had planty of that in degr. em. around UP worlds ~ 5-8% of all deg.em. where 63% of all spawns are degr.em.

ADD: @MB - in that context: I consider it just rediculous that ED declares picking-up of rescue-pods and returning them to next Station as illegal act - help in distress, non regarding politics and other issues, has been a fair and good tradition in each and every sea- & space-fairing society !
Selling those on black- or legal-market on the other hand, should be punished heavily. Local police office would be the logical point to hand-over, ne?
Life-Insurance of returned should payout a compensation though - they save a lot of money !
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Think the most used definition for what defines a cake/biscuit is that a biscuit starts hard and goes soft when stale, and a cake starts soft and goes hard when stale. :)

Beware of the cargo hatch. Open space is a big freeze dryer.

The only thing you can do if you forgot to close it, is feed some water based life with the crumbs.
The end of the UA pods look more like these biscuits, in my opinion.


Bacon Biscuits? An Outrage I tell thee.

Just to back up some of my outlandish claims about Jaffa Cakes I googled "plate of biscuits" image search and this was one of the first few results.....


As a bear minimum Jaffa Cakes have infiltrated biscuit society and are living among biscuits. My theory is in fact that they are biscuits posing as cakes, but it could be a double bluff.
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