UAs, Barnacles & More Thread 5 - The Canonn

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It's actually easier to figure out the time in Arizona compared to the rest of the world (except the US). Only the US uses Daylight Savings Time. Arizona is always exactly -7 hours GMT. So you take the time in AZ, add 7 hours to it, and you get GMT. Easy as pie.

Figured that out now. Thanks though.

Having done exactly Zero international traveling (well, mexico once), it's not a problem I've ever had to ponder.
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Figured that out now. Thanks though.

Having done exactly Zero international traveling (well, mexico once), it's not a problem I've ever had to ponder.

Learned about all this when I was a kid, mainly from being raised on the internet and making friends with people all over the planet. Honestly I think everything would be easier if the whole world just used GMT.
Thanks for the wonderful Chart for the Wave Scanners for the SRV'S! Can come in handy while searching for significant objects.

However, does anyone have any idea what these fingers mean? There are no sounds when the tracker goes over them, and they move from time to time, and as you get closer to them, getting brighter, at some point, they just disappear.

Sensor Ghosts? Radiation/Energy readings that the Wave Sensor shows?

Sensor Ghosts.jpg
evening all an update on the ship mappings.
Please take a look at this list if you are on tonight/now and have one of these ships that are still needing to be done then drop me a text here or in game (cmdr Stimpy) there are some things that could come from this including who sent the lil blighters out in the first place, though that is after i get my head in the lore a bit first and may be asking for help on that part as well, but this needs to be done first.

Asp - DONE Thank you cmdr Timsk
Asp Scout - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Clipper - DONE Thank you cmdr Poy
Cobra - DONE Thank you cmdr Unrealization
Diamondback Scout
Diamondback Explorer - DONE Thank you cmdr Monkey D Luffy
Fedral Dropship - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Fer De Lance
Hauler - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Keelback - DONE Thank you cmdr Poy for getting the NPC
T6 - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
T7 - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
T9 - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Viper mkIII
Viper mkVI
(sidewinder still undecided if it is worth doing)

So halfway there :D
I thank all in advance for your help and time and to those that have helped so far.
Thanks for the wonderful Chart for the Wave Scanners for the SRV'S! Can come in handy while searching for significant objects.

However, does anyone have any idea what these fingers mean? There are no sounds when the tracker goes over them, and they move from time to time, and as you get closer to them, getting brighter, at some point, they just disappear.

Sensor Ghosts? Radiation/Energy readings that the Wave Sensor shows?

View attachment 93452

Lower half filled = rocks / minerals
Upper half filled = poi
both filled = close to either of the above mentioned.
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Thanks for the wonderful Chart for the Wave Scanners for the SRV'S! Can come in handy while searching for significant objects.

However, does anyone have any idea what these fingers mean? There are no sounds when the tracker goes over them, and they move from time to time, and as you get closer to them, getting brighter, at some point, they just disappear.

Sensor Ghosts? Radiation/Energy readings that the Wave Sensor shows?

Not the rocky outcrops? Actual outcrops, mind you, not the loose rubble lying about.
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Learned about all this when I was a kid, mainly from being raised on the internet and making friends with people all over the planet. Honestly I think everything would be easier if the whole world just used GMT.
I probably did too at some point, but never used it.

Anyway, back to science.
Thanks for the wonderful Chart for the Wave Scanners for the SRV'S! Can come in handy while searching for significant objects.

However, does anyone have any idea what these fingers mean? There are no sounds when the tracker goes over them, and they move from time to time, and as you get closer to them, getting brighter, at some point, they just disappear.

Sensor Ghosts? Radiation/Energy readings that the Wave Sensor shows?

View attachment 93452
They are long range scans you have to get closer to work them out.
Thanks for the wonderful Chart for the Wave Scanners for the SRV'S! Can come in handy while searching for significant objects.

However, does anyone have any idea what these fingers mean? There are no sounds when the tracker goes over them, and they move from time to time, and as you get closer to them, getting brighter, at some point, they just disappear.

Sensor Ghosts? Radiation/Energy readings that the Wave Sensor shows?

View attachment 93452

that sort of thing means that there may be a point of interest or unique mineral, outcrop, etc. in that general direction.
evening all an update on the ship mappings.
Please take a look at this list if you are on tonight/now and have one of these ships that are still needing to be done then drop me a text here or in game (cmdr Stimpy) there are some things that could come from this including who sent the lil blighters out in the first place, though that is after i get my head in the lore a bit first and may be asking for help on that part as well, but this needs to be done first.

Asp - DONE Thank you cmdr Timsk
Asp Scout - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Clipper - DONE Thank you cmdr Poy
Cobra - DONE Thank you cmdr Unrealization
Diamondback Scout
Diamondback Explorer - DONE Thank you cmdr Monkey D Luffy
Fedral Dropship - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Fer De Lance
Hauler - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Keelback - DONE Thank you cmdr Poy for getting the NPC
T6 - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
T7 - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
T9 - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Viper mkIII
Viper mkVI
(sidewinder still undecided if it is worth doing)

So halfway there :D
I thank all in advance for your help and time and to those that have helped so far.

will be joining in on the search in my Python in about 6-7 hours. Wil remain in the area some of tomorrow also
evening all an update on the ship mappings.
Please take a look at this list if you are on tonight/now and have one of these ships that are still needing to be done then drop me a text here or in game (cmdr Stimpy) there are some things that could come from this including who sent the lil blighters out in the first place, though that is after i get my head in the lore a bit first and may be asking for help on that part as well, but this needs to be done first.

Asp - DONE Thank you cmdr Timsk
Asp Scout - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Clipper - DONE Thank you cmdr Poy
Cobra - DONE Thank you cmdr Unrealization
Diamondback Scout
Diamondback Explorer - DONE Thank you cmdr Monkey D Luffy
Fedral Dropship - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Fer De Lance
Hauler - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Keelback - DONE Thank you cmdr Poy for getting the NPC
T6 - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
T7 - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
T9 - DONE Thank you cmdr Backflaps
Viper mkIII
Viper mkVI
(sidewinder still undecided if it is worth doing)

So halfway there :D
I thank all in advance for your help and time and to those that have helped so far.

I wonder what happened to that guy... I mean no (more) escort, no powerplant means no guns/shields/thrusters/life support/FSD, 17% hull and all that in a Nav beacon in an anarchy system full of pirates...

Did you get his name ? I forgot to take note...

Heh I'm sure he's fine...
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Thanks for the wonderful Chart for the Wave Scanners for the SRV'S! Can come in handy while searching for significant objects.

However, does anyone have any idea what these fingers mean? There are no sounds when the tracker goes over them, and they move from time to time, and as you get closer to them, getting brighter, at some point, they just disappear.

Sensor Ghosts? Radiation/Energy readings that the Wave Sensor shows?

View attachment 93452

Those indicate that a POI will spawn in that direction if you keep driving.
Thanks for the wonderful Chart for the Wave Scanners for the SRV'S! Can come in handy while searching for significant objects.

However, does anyone have any idea what these fingers mean? There are no sounds when the tracker goes over them, and they move from time to time, and as you get closer to them, getting brighter, at some point, they just disappear.

Sensor Ghosts? Radiation/Energy readings that the Wave Sensor shows?

View attachment 93452

I find that those are usually somewhat distant POI's with skimmers, cargo, or wrecks, sometimes several of these. If you listen, you can usually hear a faint radio static sound from them. If you get one of those that doesn't make a radio static sound, it could be something unusual. Listen to the wave scanner as much as possible - there are audio clues about what it's finding, and you can even get an audio signal when nothing appears on the wave scanner. That usually means it's quite far but also potentially quite large. Last night, I picked up a strange, faint whine across almost the entire wave scanner when pointing north, with absolutely nothing visual on the wave scanner. It was definitely directional, as the whine would go away when I turned away from north. I got in my ship and attempted to find it, but never found anything. I landed in a few spots, trying to pick up the signal again but it was gone. When I went back to the same spot I originally picked up the signal, it was gone. I probably should have driven out there in my SRV, rather than trying to fly to it, at least then I might have had a better idea of what it was, or been able to see it move or disappear. This was on Maia B1BA, by the way.

The only reason I chose to fly was because I had my UA sitting on the ground near my ship, didn't want to chance carrying it in my SRV that far, and didn't want to drive so far away from the UA that I wouldn't be able to find it again later. In retrospect, it might have been worth the risk to carry it in my SRV. I could always recall my ship if things got hairy. Oh well, never hurts to have a "The one that got away" story.
will be joining in on the search in my Python in about 6-7 hours. Wil remain in the area some of tomorrow also

That will be brilliant just add me when you get in game and i will come find you :)

Is the morse mapping being redone? Or are these just ships that still need to be done?

No the UA Morse pictures are done, what i am doing is trying to make sense of them, see the Anaconda pic on page 8.
I have to do that for all of the relevant ships.

I wonder what happened to that guy... I mean no (more) escort, no powerplant means no guns/shields/thrusters/life support/FSD, 17% hull and all that in a Nav beacon in an anarchy system full of pirates...

Did you get his name ? I forgot to take note...

Heh I'm sure he's fine...

His name was Korven i think he is still there, down to his last cup o tea out o biscuits, silently sobbing to himself as he hangs there for ever.
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Those indicate that a POI will spawn in that direction if you keep driving.

Are you certain about that? I'm not so sure. To me, contacts like that are very fleeting, and are probably just false readings. In my experience, if there's no audio indication of a contact, it's nothing.

I also wonder about the vertical location of the contacts in the wave scanner view - I used to think the top was far away and lower meant closer, but again I'm not so sure now. It seems to me different contacts appear at different heights, I wonder if that's true and if it helps us identify the contact type without needing to visually inspect it?
I've been catching up for the last couple hundred pages of the threads, what I gather is this....

We need to find a tidaly locked planet in the pleadise nebula that has greater than 1g gravity, and look on the dark side for canyons, the explore those canyons with SRVs, looking for something that glows green. So wish I could come out there and help, I'm just not that far along and don't have an exploration ship right now.
For reference, from a post I made on the Canonn Forums:

What we know about meta-alloys:
* In Pleadies
* In Nebulae
* On Planets
* Can be found in Randomly Generated POI’s
* Can be found in Static (Dev-Placed) POI’s

* Has never been seen before by the community at large (no pics available yet)

Never hurts to have a quick list of facts available when investigating anything.

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Are you certain about that? I'm not so sure. To me, contacts like that are very fleeting, and are probably just false readings. In my experience, if there's no audio indication of a contact, it's nothing.

I also wonder about the vertical location of the contacts in the wave scanner view - I used to think the top was far away and lower meant closer, but again I'm not so sure now. It seems to me different contacts appear at different heights, I wonder if that's true and if it helps us identify the contact type without needing to visually inspect it?

That differentiates between the type of contact. Low is generally natural - usually meteors and outcrops. High is artificial - structures, cargo containers, wrecks. Middle is usually ships and stuff with a high power output, in my experience. With this and the audio, you can usually identify most contacts at a glance. Audio will give you good clues about distance and size of the contact as well.
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So before I go to bed I'm gonna tell you guys my report : I managed to scan all the systems inside Pleiades nebula so I know now which systems are empty including sterope ii and the 2 sisters out of 7 , it seems there are only few planets inside the nebula that have higher than 1 g , so if we consider that barnacles spawn only in high g worlds this might make our work easier most and interestingly most of the systems in Pleiades are empty according to my scans , also keep that in mind that I used advanced scanner and detailed scanner so my data is accurate :) , hopefully I will make a sheet with commander netslayer tomorrow that shows the informations on all the planets in the Pleiades nebula but now I gotta go to bed
good luck guys until tomorrow
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