UAs, Barnacles & More Thread 5 - The Canonn

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There is a back-story to the Barnacles Research and CG that commentators here appear not to have noticed. In GalNet News of 22nd Jan, we read that:

But Professor Violet Belbin of the Xenological Research Institute has expressed doubts:

"I would caution against assuming that this material is the answer to our problems. The nature of these 'barnacles' is not fully understood. They could be a form of alien life, and harvesting them could have unforeseen consequences. The Xenological Research Institute is sending a team to Maia and asks that Professor Palin takes our concerns into consideration."

Do you really want/need to be taking so many barnacle buds to Palin ? This back story was inserted for a reason. :(

Yes, that's another good point & strengthens the case for not supportig this CG; though I'd have more faith in the Xenological Research Institute if they had been more active/vocal over the last year. They seem to have been pretty quiet to date- are they perhaps the Federation body that out kicked Palin ?

Edit: Perhaps we should be selling MAs to the Sirius Corporation to get the FSD sorted?
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But if player submitted, with FD blessing, yes ?

I do see what you mean, but it doesn't work like that, if you think about the wording of the article. It doesn't mean that what it's in the story accurately foretells what's going to happen (in fact that would almost preclude it from being published as FD don't really want players foreshadowing their storylines) - simply that the fact that there's a character expressing concerns can now be considered part of the canon from 3301 onwards.

Expressing doubts is reasonable within the story line, as is those doubts being dismissed ;)

Hopefully there'll be another player submitted story with a renewed effort by Arc to bolster support for this CG on Monday...

Although if we're now over 30k tonnes, then it's doing pretty well (reckon the tiers are just not configured correctly).
Yes, that's another good point & strengthens the case for not supportig this CG; though I'd have more faith in the Xenological Research Institute if they had been more active/vocal over the last year. They seem to have been pretty quiet to date- are they perhaps the Federation body that out kicked Palin ?

Edit: Perhaps we should be selling MAs to the Sirius Corporation to get the FSD sorted?

They're a completely player-created identity, just like the Canonn!

Not saying they're not believable - but the only consequence they have right now is in getting an FD article responding to them ;)

For which, by the way, Starcloak received my congrats and rep - because he deserved it :)
Yes, that's another good point & strengthens the case for not supportig this CG; though I'd have more faith in the Xenological Research Institute if they had been more active/vocal over the last year. They seem to have been pretty quiet to date- are they perhaps the Federation body that out kicked Palin ?

Edit: Perhaps we should be selling MAs to the Sirius Corporation to get the FSD sorted?

OK, have just read today's Galnet post & there is definitely something fishy going on. Palin now says "We do not know if the meta-alloys can counter the malfunctions affecting our starports, which is precisely why I wish to study them." yet on 21 Jan we had Galnet reporting "technical personnel at Obsidian Orbital – one of the starports affected by the mysterious malfunctions sweeping the galaxy – had apparently used meta-alloys to return the starport to some kind of normality. Naturally, this prompted speculation that the meta-alloys might hold the key to eradicating the technological plague that has blighted so many starports in recent months."

Now my science may be a bit rusty, but if there are strong indications that a substance is a cure for something, then you dont need thousands of tons of the stuff to do some focussed experiments to refine your theories - just a UA, some of the "infected" systems from a station (OO technicians already have identified/isolated those) & a ton or so (10, 20, 30 should be more than sufficient) to do the experiments. Then that theory & its supporting evidence can be published in scientific journals (I guess Galnet would suffice) for other scientists across the Galay to confirm & implement the cure. Sorry, I am not buying this CG as it's stated; this is Palin/AHMob trying to corner the market in MAs (& I'd still like to know what happened to all those evacuation shelters!)

Edit: Hi LZ. Yes, I understand the Xenological Research Institute is a player-created identity, but it wouldn't have been published on Galnet if FD didn't think it relevant in some way to the storyline. I am not convinced by "the XRI statement" (I did say it would be more believable if they had been visible over the last year), but I am far from convinced by the CG reasons. I was looking for another CG to get involved with, but I think the justification behind this one is, IMHO (I've always wanted to type that! ;) ) lacking credibility.
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Clearly he is building a capital ship out of meta alloys and he plans to aid the emperor's dawn...

Or, likely, he wants to make a quick buck by solving the malfunctions and then selling stations the cure and the meta alloy they need to fix it... I bet he will get the stations fixed, if people actually contribute.
But if player submitted, with FD blessing, yes ?

Yes, but Galnet is not some sort of infallible encyclopaedia of ED lore, it's part of the story. So just because FD accepted an article for Galnet doesn't make it correct or true. In fact we can't even rely on FD created articles on Galnet being correct or true as it's entirely likely that FD will plant misinformation on Galnet when it suits their story. The difference between FD and player articles on Galnet is that FD articles almost certainly advance the story, while player articles simply fit into the story.
I'm still leaning towards biologically corrupted AI, possibly for both the UAs and the Barnacles.

But the AI potentially gives us a link to the Morse
And a reason why the Barnacles produce so many metals - not least the Alloys
Plus it gives us a potential (but, yes, unfounded) explanation for that weird 'logo': it's a hangup from the corporation that manufactured the AI that was originally corrupted.

There's just something about all this that doesn't fit what we know about Thargoids - assuming that at least some of what happened before is still canon now. Thargoid hybrid, possibly, but not exclusively Thargoid.
The fact that the UA and the barnacles are organic is already the reason why they are thargoids
or at least might be thargoids
well that player submitted article was countered in galnet by pallin.
Galactic News: Professor Ishmael Palin Responds to Fellow Scientist's Concerns

23 JAN 3302

Professor Ishmael Palin, the scientist conducting research into the Unknown Artefacts, has issued a response to Violet Belbin of the Xenological Research Institute. Professor Belbin recently released a statement in which she suggested that Professor Palin was exercising insufficient caution over the meta-alloys – the substance produced by the so-called 'barnacles' discovered in the Pleiades Nebula.

"I have nothing but respect for Professor Belbin, but on this occasion I feel her concerns are misplaced. There is no evidence that the meta-alloys are harmful, and I can assure the professor that my team and I will take every precaution when handling and testing them. Furthermore, I am not rushing to any conclusions regarding their possible application. We do not know if the meta-alloys can counter the malfunctions affecting our starports, which is precisely why I wish to study them. As a scientist, I feel an obligation to contribute to a deeper understanding of this material.

Although looks like the CG will fail by design and bugs and enough other problems some meta alloy but not enough will get through.
I'd recomend a message to Pallin to urge haste in his research and make better use of supply,surely half a million tons for tier 1 start of research is a little on the large side for research purposes.
He shall have to make better use of the meta alloys and reduce his expectations and still find a cure. No pressure, but if he doesnt work fast and within reason , well we'll make it look like the barnacles did it.
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I've been wondering , are we sure that there is more to be discovered ? Maybe we should wait for the next update to continue ? Idk , the sounds still need to be analyzed though

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Yeah, but I'm coming at it from the 'cyber-freak' angle. A bit like the Borg from Star Trek.
Lol , David is not that kinda guy and he said it himself ;) he said I want the aliens to be spooky creepy and mysterious in elite , so ... Yea , but I'd like to think of these as tholians or the spicies 8472 since they're all organic :)

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But for now I think we must wait
OK, have just read today's Galnet post & there is definitely something fishy going on. Palin now says "We do not know if the meta-alloys can counter the malfunctions affecting our starports, which is precisely why I wish to study them." yet on 21 Jan we had Galnet reporting "technical personnel at Obsidian Orbital – one of the starports affected by the mysterious malfunctions sweeping the galaxy – had apparently used meta-alloys to return the starport to some kind of normality. Naturally, this prompted speculation that the meta-alloys might hold the key to eradicating the technological plague that has blighted so many starports in recent months."

Now my science may be a bit rusty, but if there are strong indications that a substance is a cure for something, then you dont need thousands of tons of the stuff to do some focussed experiments to refine your theories - just a UA, some of the "infected" systems from a station (OO technicians already have identified/isolated those) & a ton or so (10, 20, 30 should be more than sufficient) to do the experiments. Then that theory & its supporting evidence can be published in scientific journals (I guess Galnet would suffice) for other scientists across the Galay to confirm & implement the cure. Sorry, I am not buying this CG as it's stated; this is Palin/AHMob trying to corner the market in MAs (& I'd still like to know what happened to all those evacuation shelters!)

I think you are reading too much into it. ED really only has one mechanism for players to influence a story (outside of powerplay) and that's CGs. Of course in-story Palin doesn't need thousands of tons of meta-alloys to do his research. He also didn't really need thousands of evacuation shelters to build a new base (basically trying to build a house out of a bunch of tents). A good proportion of CGs don't really make sense in-story.

Palin needs thousands of tons of meta-alloys because that's what is required to engage the player-base. How much fun would it be if Palin only needed 10 tons of the stuff and only 5 people actually got to contribute? (I'm not going to debate whether or not grinding for CGs is actually fun at all, that's another issue.)
OK, have just read today's Galnet post...

Somewhat ninja'd by Red (Hi Red! Good to be online at the same time as you for a change!), but I came from a slightly different angle.

I think thousands of tonnes because that's the CG mechanic.

Plus, I also think the tiers are bugged. There's no way he can be expecting the hundred of thousands of tonnes that will seemingly be required to reach tier 1, based on where that progress indicator currently is - especially when FD know there are issues with the instancing of the Barnacle sites.

Also - you might have found a continuity mishap with the FD storyline as-posted. Or it could be the case that the professor, a scientist, is not taking at face value the words of the Obsidian engineer.

Wouldn't be the first time there's been a lack of trust or respect between scientists and engineers!

Put it this way - do we want our stations to continue to degrade? Especially when some, if not all, of these are ones that have provably been targeted by player groups via UA distribution?

If no, then how do we stop it?

At the moment the only lead we have to go on is that of the meta alloys. Without those, we have no choice but to let it continue. And if Palin does end up proving that they can prevent the continuing station damage, then having tens of thousands of tonnes gives him all the raw materials he needs to start manufacturing meta-alloy components to ship out to all the infected stations. If he only asked for one or two, then he'd need another CG to get the volume he needs...
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Quick question. Could someone give me confirmed coords of Barnacle at Barnacle at JC-U b3-2?

I am at 20,86, 91,73 and there's the crashed Conda here. Should the barnacles spawn just next to it?

The spreadsheet from the first page post has this as only two confirmed locations...

Next to the Anaconda wreck is a large Canyon. The barnacle location should be on the far side of the canyon.
Somewhat ninja'd by Red (Hi Red! Good to be online at the same time as you for a change!), but I came from a slightly different angle.

I think thousands of tonnes because that's the CG mechanic.

Plus, I also think the tiers are bugged. There's no way he can be expecting the hundred of thousands of tonnes that will seemingly be required to reach tier 1, based on where that progress indicator currently is - especially when FD know there are issues with the instancing of the Barnacle sites.

Hi LordZ!
I agree, the tiers are either bugged or we've been set up to fail. The early Cerebus Plague CGs were too tough as well so there is a precedent.
Next to the Anaconda wreck is a large Canyon. The barnacle location should be on the far side of the canyon.

I was there earlier today with another Canonn CMDR, but went to desktop in order to complete a biowaste delivery mission, and both the Barnacles and the Annaconda failed to spawn again.
FYI, I estimate the total required to complete the goal is 6 million, the first tier is between 175,000 -200,000. None of those targets are achievable whether people log or not.

total delivered is currently an amazing 45,000t in 2.5 days, unfortunately with only 4.5 days left at the current rate it doesn't look like first tier will be completed
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