UAs, Barnacles & More Thread 6 - The Canonn

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I have been cruising Maia b1ba looking for Palin's wreck for nearly a week now. Yesterday I realized that, what with just the black hole and brown dwarf nearby, most of this moon is pretty dark and, as my work schedule allows, half of it stays in the black 100% of the time. So that lead me to think, "If I were FD, I would hide this wreck in the darkest place I could." There is nothing darker than the canyons on the dark side of this map.

It's like really really deep sea diving! My question is, does everything show up as a blue poi above 2k? Like barnies, wrecks, etc? And second, am I right in thinking half of this moon is perpetually dark or is it just my work schedule that keeps my searching side night time?

CMDR Ignatius J Reilly o7

Barnies and permanent wrecks do not show as blue POI at all. Eye ball is the only sensor for this job.

Great effort, by the way.
So, i was speaking with my boss, and we came to the following conclusion :

An olympic-grade pool is 50mx25mx3m, wich means a volume of 3750m3 (lenght*width*height).
A regular-sized cookie is around 7,5cm in diameter and 1cm in height at highest point.
That is 42,99cm3 of volume (radius²*height*Pi), assuming perfect cylindrical shape for simplification.

Therefore, an olympic swimming pool can contain roughly 87230 regular-sized cookies (+- around 2500 cookies to account for the not perfect cylindrical shape).

So, sorry again for the bit off-topic thinking, i just thougt it might be a useful intel out therein the threadnaught.
You may now resume your daily tasks :D

Oh, oh dear, oh no. Just no.

Unfortunately you made the rookie cookie scientist mistake of switching your units between m and cm, and it has crumbled your calculations. Your swimming pool isn't even half full yet, so don your tin foil toque once again and get back to baking!
Thargoid Conspiracy or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Triangle

Hi all hope things are great for you all, sorry it's been a while since my last post (thread 5) and the last you all heard was that i was still investigating the UA drawings, and then it all went quite.
Well after technical problems and then people getting in the way, real life decided to turn to total and utter **** even to the point of not being a bit to depressed to dive into the investigation or the game, im not going to go into it or i will start crying into my keyboard, so i will just say it's a Thargoid conspiracy to stop me and leave it at that.
Am back in the right frame of mind till the next midlife crisis to get back in to the game and the science :)

WANRNING this is gonna be a long one, double up on yer Tinfoil.

Right lets get to it shall we, this is what i have got so far, as with the original pic i did or the Anaconda this all a bit arbitrary with not only the placement and scale of the UA picture but this time there is the added problem of getting the right angle, and this is not as easy as it sounds even with the Ua picture on me phone next to the screen and trying to match em up. I got close with a few of them and i was just so far out on others, i have put them all up just so you can all point and laugh a my fail :) and to give us a lil clue as to if something might be close to one of these "poles" in the UA drawing.

So lil key for you.

adder comp.png

Not to far off on this one, out of the 3 that were highlighted in the Anaconda (Power Plant, Life Support and the Power Distributor) Life support looks to be close and maybe the Power distributor though i am not sold on the later.

anaconda comp.png

Ok so the one that started it all off, the nice easy from above view that highlights the main 3.

Asp Explorer.
Aso Ex comp.png

A bit off on this one but it does not look like anything matches up even close.

Asp scout.
asp scout comp.png

Life support looks close but not sold on it nothing else remotely close

clipper comp.png

Nowt on this one life support is at a triangle point but again not sold on this one.

cobra comp.png

Way off on this one but nowt to see move along :D.

cutter comp.png

So far off i may as well have been blind, but Life support and power plant could well be in the right place i i was a bit closer to the right angle.

Diamondback Explorer.
dbx comp.png

Not to far off possibility of Life support matching up with the "pole" to the right of it.

Fer De Lance.
FDL comp.png

Ok so picture is a bit random and i am a lil bit off, Power plant is a possible.

Fedral Dropship.
Fed Dropship comp.png

Way way off possible Power Distributor and life support if aligned right.

Hauler comp.png

Quite far off but it don't look like anything is gonna match up.

Keelback comp.png

Er yeah... pictures a lil random and i way off but could not get it close at all so don't know if its the UA pic or just me (prolly just me)

orca comp.png

About as close as it was going to get, with a possibility of all 3 being very close.

python comp.png

Now this one is interesting the power plant is close to a pole, but both the Life support and the Power Distributor are very close to random placed triangles. not a huge distance out on this on as well.

t6 comp.png

Again i could not match this up at all so i just went by the front and ignored the back didn't help nowt to see.

t7 comp.png

Quite far off here so ignore the fact that the life support is close and nothing else is.

t9 comp.png

Again fairly far off but so are the points :)

Viper mkIII.
viper mk3 comp.png

Not looking like anything is near.

Viper mkIV.
viper mk4 comp.png

Again random picture from thew UA hard one to match up and i am not sure if anything would match up if i was hard to tell.

vulture comp.png

Not hugely off and as possibility of at least on if not 2 close ones.

Not done yet.
Diamondback scout.

Did not have a chance to do the top 3 before everything went T**s up and was never going to do the last 2.

Well nothing matches up to what we got from the Anaconda, closest one is the Python with its random triangles as i would consider this ship one step bellow the Anaconda, would be interesting to see what the Corvette comes out like, is it another one that's going to look close?
Life support comes up a lot as close ones.
My Photoshop skills are getting worse.
Head hurts.

A note to Mr Brookes: can you confirm that all of the UA pictures are exactly as expected? i would ask you if it's worth this line of investigation but i know i will get a "hmmm i could not say Mwhahahahha"

Sacrifices for science.
There have been many Cmdrs that have helped me along the way.
Monkey d luffy
Hagbard Celine
And many more
But 2 stand out as Nutters :) Cmdr Backflaps wasted i don't know how many millions purchasing ships for me to scan, and Cmdr Han Solo who not only purchased a load of ships but flew each one out of founders world to meet me and then gave me the most expensive firework display in Elite history as he blew each on up so he could get back faster, utterly brilliant.
I can not say this loud enough if you happen to pass by a comment by any of these Cmdrs give em some rep just for sacrifices for science.

Silly facts.
During the 4 months that i have been doing the whole UA thingy i have had the pleasure of meeting 18 Cmdrs all of whom have been great fun, i have created 687 files in 43 folder and coming in at 2.7gb :D, and it has all hurt my head in a good way. 16 bottles of wine and a box or two of biscuits have given them selves to the investigation and the ships cat now hates me for ignoring her for long periods.

Will be back in space soon so hope to see you all there, and thank you all for your posts on the delight that is this thread it's help keep me sane over the last few weeks.

Edit :no clue why there is a pic below this...


  • cutter comp.png
    cutter comp.png
    901.2 KB · Views: 371
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An Update on the Sheet I managed to get candidacy highlighting sorted... more improvements in the future.

In the image below you will see some values highlighted 'Orange and Bold'.
These values highlighted, are between the minimum and maximum of planets that have barnacles on them.

For example the current Max recorded Surface Temp of all planets with barnacles... is 379K
The Minimum is 194K

Any Surface Temp Values that are in this range are highlighted.

Same applies to Composition of Rock/Metal/Ice and gravity values.

If Values for Composition Gravity and Surface temp are all highlighted...(and the planet is 'landable') the planet will be marked as a Candidate.

This should streamline searches for barnacles...

Should anyone wish to submit data for a system please PM ME! It really helps!
Hiring all explorers! You will be paid in biscuits! \o/

Yours is real SCIENCE, NEtSlayer.
I'm going to contribute soon with my data as well.

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OMG! How much work!

Perhaps you already know my thoughts on the matter (there's nothing in the ships drawings, apart from the drawings themselves), but really, REALLY, you did a true AMAZING work with that!


An observation: long after the Anaconda drawing was discovered, FD changed the position of the Power Plant for that ship.
But its drawing has not changed since then.
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Yours is real SCIENCE, NEtSlayer.
I'm going to contribute soon with my data as well.

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OMG! How much work!

Perhaps you already know my thoughts on the matter (there's nothing in the ships drawings, apart from the drawings themselves), but really, REALLY, you did a true AMAZING work with that!


An observation: long after the Anaconda drawing was discovered, FD changed the position of the Power Plant for that ship.
But its drawing has not changed since then.

Yeah i know and have thought the same my self, but it's like a scab i can't but help pick at it and i love a puzzle.
I had heard that FD had made the Power Plant harder to hit but i thought that they might have put more armour on it instead of moving it, oh well.
Still so many oddities in them pictures it would be nice if Mr Brookes could tell us if there is anything there, though not hint as to what it is though would take all the fun out of it.
Great work, Slarty! It's great to finally see what I've been posing for. ;-)
I was glad to help, and unless I'm really tied up always glad to help again.

In that spirit: Last night I have arrived at the Bubble Nebula and I was unable to find it in the list of nebulae that have been searched for Barnacles already. So I will be having a look around for any signs of ... things.
After this I plan to head over the Heart and Soul Nebulae, before starting on the road back home.

Also: The Cobra is not capable of reaching Mu Cephei. Maybe with a pile of premium FSD injections, but not without.
Ok, this has now made it obvious I missed something in the original question. I thought the thing we were trying to find out is whether the barnacles would glow during the day, not necessarily how far the glow can be seen from. To answer the former all you need to to is get close and cast a shadow over it, but the latter is much more difficult to answer, and arguably not that helpful.

Ah, then it's possible I've misunderstood something too. I thought the faint glow was already well known up to a certain distance at all times (3.5km?).
Great work, Slarty! It's great to finally see what I've been posing for. ;-)
I was glad to help, and unless I'm really tied up always glad to help again.

In that spirit: Last night I have arrived at the Bubble Nebula and I was unable to find it in the list of nebulae that have been searched for Barnacles already. So I will be having a look around for any signs of ... things.
After this I plan to head over the Heart and Soul Nebulae, before starting on the road back home.

Also: The Cobra is not capable of reaching Mu Cephei. Maybe with a pile of premium FSD injections, but not without.

Wow amazing work slarty! +1000 rep
Thanks guys sorry it took so long, and i have no doubt i will be needing help from Cmdr's at some point :D
An Update on the Sheet I managed to get candidacy highlighting sorted.. more improvements /

This is great! I especially like the planet pics :) will be very useful.

Hi all hope things are great for you all, sorry it's been a while since my last post (thread 5) and the last you all heard was that i was still investigating the UA drawings..

Awesome! This is some great work .... Love the idea behind it too. Cheers!
Barnacle data is awesome and well done! :)

But just a reminder for any barnacle-hunters out there, we're working from a limited set of samples. The data ranges we have are not absolutes, just the currently-known values. We should be careful not to limit our searches to the known ranges, or we may end up with a complete misconception of all possibilities.
Hi all hope things are great for you all, sorry it's been a while since my last post (thread 5) and the last you all heard was that i was still investigating the UA drawings, and then it all went quite.

It's great to finally see the results of your hard work, even if the conclusions are not what we were hoping for. If you still want to try the Courier and DBS give me a shout.
Anyone had a look down at the Hind Nebula? Only 1 system with 3 landable planets, all in the barnacle habitable zone , 250K, Low-G and 10-15% metal content.
Barnacle data is awesome and well done! :)

But just a reminder for any barnacle-hunters out there, we're working from a limited set of samples. The data ranges we have are not absolutes, just the currently-known values. We should be careful not to limit our searches to the known ranges, or we may end up with a complete misconception of all possibilities.

I completly agree. No doubt these new barnacles are great discoveries and it's really impressing, how people find them (didn't find a single one even on known planets...), but's there's only limited use to look for barnacles on planets with those known properties in systems, where we know, that barnacles exist.

If your goal is to find a new system, where barnacles are, go search on planets with properties similar to known barnacle-planets, since we know they exist on those planets.

But if you're trying to find out, what properties planets with barnacles have - search on completly other planets. What does it prove, if you find yet another planet similar to the known ones? We already know, there are barnacles on such planets. You need to look for counter-examples. Only then we'll have new information.

As for me I'm still hoping, we'll find UAs somewhere else...
Expedition to Bow Tie Nebula abandoned. I underestimated the complexity of reaching this location with current ship and materials.35 lyrs jump asp with 50% boosts will not be enough.
Had not accounted for the jump mats requiring 2 of some items, so instead of 8 50% Boosts it was a mere 4 boosts with around 8 25% boosts , limited the ranges i would be able to pass.
After NGC 7822 towards the Bow Tie things get very distant and finding any route there without maybe a Anaconda explorer and/or lots of Polonium for 100% jump boost.
Was not able to get closer than around 500 lyrs of the Bow Tie , jumping even a few systems with current setup would strand me i recon.
If we get better jumpdrives soon i shall return.

En route to here visited -
Cave Nebula - several systems within the nebula with others nearby. Scanned most systems to find few planets in the area, mostly suns only. No planets that looked viable with most rocky/metal worlds looking more like ice planets. Moved on quickly to next destination with no distracting target planets to investigate.

NGC 7822 visited this nebula many times pre-horizons, briefly added a few detailed scans to planets that could be viable.
Found one area of interest on my way to the bowtie but now abandoned that plan returning to check for some barnacles. scanning other planets to see if there are more like this one. Sandy canyons only thing i have found,landed there earlier but time to take the SRV out for a bit.View attachment 103002View attachment 103003

Edit : NGC 7822 sector PI-T C3-1 ( current system before returning home ) Planet 2 in pictures not viable,, kinda too hot at 529k . Did find a random small crash site data point , not seen one like this.
One ship hull piece with data point on it, two SRV wrecks and skimmer wreakage. No active skimmers either.
Other small gas giant moons in system to scout out with better temperatures next.
View attachment 103013
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Has anyone listened to the UA after the latest update?

According to the update log there has been a huge update of audio files, including the UA and the barnacles.

Well, I hope someone has :)

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This is insane, dude - absolutely brilliant. Thank you so much for spending this time doing this, fascinating stuff :)
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