Uh, concern. Is this working as intended?

Yep, standard for FPS games with the younger folks seem to be 144 FPS/Hz or even 240 FPS/Hz for competitive/professional gaming.
If Fdev aimed their game at the FPS crowd, it gotta run at least 60~90FPS with the recommended specs @ 1080p.
I'm 60 years old and I have been running 144hz for about six years years now.

It's not just FPS games that benefit from the high refresh rate, racing and flight Sims do as well. Even desktop applications can show an improvement will smoother animations as you drag a document across the screen.

High refresh rates add a sense of fluidity to motion and clearer visuals. In one game I played there were some bars like a jail cell. If you moved back away from them and panned across them at 45Hz you they would blur so bad you could not see through them.

At 60Hz they basically thickened up to about triple their size and obscured your view. Somewhere between 90 and 100Hz this blur went away and the bars looked like bars as you panned. When you play the game you don't notice this for the most part but the blurring does affect your ability to detect other players.

I personally can see a noticeable improvement from 60 to 100Hz and a minor improvement from 100 to 120Hz, above 120 and I don't really notice it.

That being said, I don't notice much of a difference in Horizons as the distance is quite far for most objects and there is always a lot of textures loading in late.

I'll have to see if it works better with Odyssey, if the frame rates ever go north of 60Hz and the game does not stutter... If.
Question. I finally booted up Odyssey and was stoked to try and play this shindig. Got in, started some tutorial mission, which, hey, a tutorial! And went through this clunky 12 frames a second kind of... thing. Where the combat was just 5 guys kind of swoogling back and forth until shot like... honestly. Doom. Not like 2016 doom, or Doom Eternal, but like Doom the kind people put on their calculators to see if they can do it, Doom. Is... is this working as intended? Is... this the game? Like, f'real? Or is there some kind of settings tweak that gives them... I dunno. More AI bandwith, or something?
I assume the 'training' mission is designed to be easy - not to kill you.
Trust me, I played the alpha and started to get good, but in the Beta release the AI got the better of me in the 6-7 on foot missions I took ( I blame bugs and bad frame rates for some of those deaths ) - The last mission I did ( before I got bored with them ) I did actually manage to defeat the NPC's and complete the mission. It was mildly enjoyable.

FPS combat with lower frame rates than Cyperpunk, in an environment with a lot less detail and less weapons and less variety of opponents and less variety of locations - if you've seen a few of the odyssey settlements anything you see going forward is not going to surprise or impress you.
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