Unidentified wreckage

Hi guys, 6 days ago in Pennsylvania system on planet 6A 47.2812/-175.9982 I've found unknown signal. It was "unidentified wreckage". There was comms control and server bank. Comms control gives message "I've hidden the coordinates in the local news network servers. As long as the carrier signal isn't compromised in some way it's undetectable and untraceable. So we are in the clear."
Now 6 days after I've come back to investigate and there is no sign of on this planet at same coordinates.
Are those unknown signal surface sites shows up randomly and then disappeare?
OK, thanks. What are you thinking is it possible those "hidden coordinates" to be found? What are those "local news network servers" Is there a way with recon limpets or somehow to get this "hidden coordinates" from local industryal instalation or elsewhere?
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OK, thanks. What are you thinking is it possible those "hidden coordinates" to be found? What are those "local news network servers" Is there a way with recon limpets or somehow to get this "hidden coordinates" from local industryal instalation or elsewhere?

the news network servers are referring to the station news section. When docked you can see news for the system you are in. Faction reports, bounty reports etc.
They used to hide stuff in there. Don't know if they still do since the most recent tweak to station news reports.
They almost certainly still have the ability to do so. Of course, since they're making a big deal of adding no new story content until Odyssey drops, I'd rather doubt that they are creating new entries at present. But custom announcements do still exist at a handful of stations where they were inserted in past years as persistent clues to find beacons and such like.
Is there a chance to have something hidden in the news?
I don't think that there are anything in this case. This is a Tip Off related site, and I have never heard that they has been ever connected to local news. Also, log messages from "Tip Off" sites do have a bit strange particularity - they are localization-dependent. So the logs obtained from the same site are usually absolutely different for English, French, Russian and all other possible game-client localisations (six of them). By simple coincidence I have visited the same site (at Pennsylvania 6A, before it's planned disappearance on last Thursday) a week ago in order to collect logs (French versions this time) - and quite predictably the text was absolutely different from the one you've posted.

The only common thing for those texts from the same site are the fact that they do always belong to the same type of story/situation or subgroup of messages - so in the case of Pennsylvania 6 a they are all related to the "story about pirates".

Do you have a screenshot of the received message? I'm asking as this one is new and previously undocumented version of the message (quite a rare occasion nowadays), so I'll be glad to add it to the "tip off"-related spreadsheet.
I don't think that there are anything in this case. This is a Tip Off related site, and I have never heard that they has been ever connected to local news. Also, log messages from "Tip Off" sites do have a bit strange particularity - they are localization-dependent. So the logs obtained from the same site are usually absolutely different for English, French, Russian and all other possible game-client localisations (six of them). By simple coincidence I have visited the same site (at Pennsylvania 6A, before it's planned disappearance on last Thursday) a week ago in order to collect logs (French versions this time) - and quite predictably the text was absolutely different from the one you've posted.

The only common thing for those texts from the same site are the fact that they do always belong to the same type of story/situation or subgroup of messages - so in the case of Pennsylvania 6 a they are all related to the "story about pirates".

Do you have a screenshot of the received message? I'm asking as this one is new and previously undocumented version of the message (quite a rare occasion nowadays), so I'll be glad to add it to the "tip off"-related spreadsheet.


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They're the sites for "Tip off" missions.

I wonder if this is always the case?

Back in the day, I used to make a point of parking my ship about 30km from a surface destination and then driving to my destination in the SRV, as an opportunity to collect mat's (before mat' traders) and as a way to avoid having my ship scanned while landing (cos, upon arrival, your ship will magically be waiting for you in a hangar).

As a result of this I stumbled on random crash sites quite often, most commonly a crashed SLF or DBX but sometimes a crashed Annie or even what appeared to be lumps of station superstructure.

I used to wonder if these were simply "random" POIs or whether they were related to specific tip-offs and, thus, the fact that they'd spawned meant that somebody else might be arriving at the site soon while pursuing a tip-off.
I've found it by chance not tip off.
Yes, I've understood that you have found the crash site by chance - i.e. without complimentary Tip Off mission. That is in fact a rare event - discovering semi-persistent crash site without any hints - but I know few other similar cases. In fact I have visited more then 20 similar sites during last three weeks in Colonia - and I also have no any special missions in my commander's inbox - I just simply knew exactly where - and when - they must be present. So I can predict that - if nothing extraordinary will happen - the site on Pennsylvania 6A will be back again on November 12, 2020 - on the same coordinates with exactly same layout (similar to one of the sites in Pleiades) and the same logs. A little bit less then 3 months to wait. Tip Off sites are "semi-persistent" - they are visible for all commanders (disregarding either they have the specific mission or not), however they are visible for only 2 weeks out of 12-weeks long "life-cycle".

I wonder if this is always the case?

Back in the day, I used to make a point of parking my ship about 30km from a surface destination and then driving to my destination in the SRV, as an opportunity to collect mat's (before mat' traders) and as a way to avoid having my ship scanned while landing (cos, upon arrival, your ship will magically be waiting for you in a hangar).

As a result of this I stumbled on random crash sites quite often, most commonly a crashed SLF or DBX but sometimes a crashed Annie or even what appeared to be lumps of station superstructure.

I used to wonder if these were simply "random" POIs or whether they were related to specific tip-offs and, thus, the fact that they'd spawned meant that somebody else might be arriving at the site soon while pursuing a tip-off.
Always? Probably not. But "99.9%" will disappear on relog - they are just "random encounters" and are attached to your particular game instance. Another commander would probably see nothing on the same coordinates and in the same moment.
Also, they do not contain any special "logs", only "data encrypted" message. And they are not visible on FSS (as permanent and semi-permanent crash sites do).

Dominic Corner

Mostly Harmless Programmer
Maybe @Dominic Corner could clarify if this is all pointless?

Hi there,

I'd say that unless the carrier signal were compromised in some way, any co-ordinates are probably undetectable and untraceable. So they're probably in the clear.

I don't know for sure but it does sound like a tip off location (Specifically sounds like this one https://cdb.sotl.org.uk/sites/81, as found by following @Ian Doncaster's link). These are semi-persistent and rotate on a two week interval, resetting on thursdays. If you were to have had the tip-off, you'd have received a reward from scanning the objects there.

Hi there,

I'd say that unless the carrier signal were compromised in some way, any co-ordinates are probably undetectable and untraceable. So they're probably in the clear.

I don't know for sure but it does sound like a tip off location (Specifically sounds like this one https://cdb.sotl.org.uk/sites/81, as found by following @Ian Doncaster's link). These are semi-persistent and rotate on a two week interval, resetting on thursdays. If you were to have had the tip-off, you'd have received a reward from scanning the objects there.

As a result of this I stumbled on random crash sites quite often, most commonly a crashed SLF or DBX but sometimes a crashed Annie or even what appeared to be lumps of station superstructure.
PS - interesting observation concerning especially crash sites of the small size ships (DBX,Eagle, sidey, condor). All so far known to me permanent or semi-persistent crash sites involving them are unguarded in oppose to random generated ones (most that I've encountered were guarded by skimmers, probably they can be of the both "versions") (NB: that rules is not applicable to bigger ships or other wrecks)

Also I don't know if there are permanent "unidentified wreckage" (those megaship/station like) type POI's outside of the Tip Off locations pool nor if they could be parts of the random generated encounters on the surface (in space they can be found in Encoded Emissions signal sources).
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