Update 1.8 coming to Planet Zoo, 14 December 🍽️

The burrows look great (hope its ok to post this, but it is from the official site, so it should be).
Aardvark approved 👍
Amazing things! Can't wait to see if I can make some of my shops function with these new counters!
Hoping to see a gift shop counter as well, a justa momento or hat's fantastic one would be just perfect!
Obsessively refreshing youtube only to find out... I'm an hour early :'(

I'm loving :love:💓💓💓💓 the counters and burrowing feature and I've been making plans for the restaurants.
Not that enthoused about the memorial-thing, but that's fine I just won't use it.

Can't wait for what's coming next!
I'm extremely happy for the update! Great new additions: first Restaurants, NOW shop counters - now we can spam our zoos with food trucks and food carts. Is there a timeline for when the remaining shops get a counter as well, Please!.

And memorials. I'm not particularly excited about memorials, but I've seen that issue pop up every now again within the community, especially Franchise players who want to remember some special animals (usually gold, 5*, 100% stats,...) so I'm extremely happy for them (I'm also extremely happy that frontier keeps listening to the whole PZ players spectrum).

So what's next in store? Hopefully we get even more news tomorrow!

Also, btw. I've noticed you aren't releasing a new timed scenario map with the update (only with the DLC). That was the case with the NAAP. Hopefully you surprise us again in the future with new maps in the update!
Yay ! Amazing update ! Can't wait for next week !

Restaurants and counter-only shops are wonderful news ! (Even though I wish we would also get a counter-only shop for Just a Moment or Hat's Fantastic to customize our gift shops. Hope this can be added later on).

And burrows connected to billboards? Wow. I don't have words. So great ! Also fingers crossed this means we are getting the European badger if the DLC is Europe.

Finally, I really don't want to sound like I'm complaining right now because I'm so happy about this update... but dear Frontier, still no backstage props?! Just a reminder that those are really really really needed. Please don't forget to add them someday 🙏 And thanks for everything else !
Omg! The Memorials ... I'm speechless, cause it's just so awesome! Finally we can make them "live" forever and never be forgotten!
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