Update 17 Release Notes

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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Update 17.png

Greetings Commanders.

The Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 servers are now offline in order to accommodate the deployment of Update 17 for you today.

Please find the corresponding Update Notes within this post.

We remain on schedule with availability of the update, targeting 15:00 BST this afternoon as per the recent release schedule.

Features of Note

  • The rumbling got quieter, and then much, much louder...

Community Issues of Note Addressed

  • Added toggle for Aim Assist - Issue ID 49831
    • Located in Options → Controls → On Foot Controls → On Foot Miscellaneous → Enable Aim Assist (Toggle)
  • Corrected a missing console in one of the smaller military settlements - Issue ID 60853
  • Fixed small gaps in Krait MkII Hazard ship kit Bumper piece - Issue ID 60954
  • Fix implemented for AX Settlement Restore missions not completing - Issue ID 59529
  • Fix implemented for Journal not correctly logging Ship Repair costs in some instances - Issue ID 46794
  • Missions to restore power to settlements in Thargoid-controlled systems now properly fail if you lose the item due to getting killed whilst on-foot - Issue ID 59600
  • Bookmark Icons now correctly reflect if it is a system bookmark or sub-location bookmark (e.g. planet within the system - Issue ID 60926
    • Note: Existing system bookmarks will not be updated, you will need to re-bookmark these for the fix to be reflected.
  • Items at surface POIs no longer get erroneously duplicated when a Transport mission item has been retrieved - Issue ID 59282
  • Owned E-breaches are no longer automatically added to player backpacks when disembarking ship at locations that consider them illegal - Issue ID 53400
  • Fixed a crash caused by incorrectly handled Thargoid war server data - Issue ID 61246
  • Ship pips revert back to original player values if they have been altered when ship AI temporarily takes control - Issue ID 60812
  • Adjusted and improved the wear and tear materials seen on the Diamondback Explorer Survey shipkit - Issue ID 61038
  • Fix for Planets not being visible while traveling with FSD engaged - Issue ID 48765

Additional Notes

Locations and Environments:
  • The damage of the Revenant's main weapon has been reduced. Who wants to be the first one to ask 'em how they feel about that?
    • Additional information of interest: Aside from a minor reduction in damage, weapon damage now begins to reduce at 50m rather than 100m.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby the sounds of the Titan Membrane spawning ship sounds would not match the visuals.
  • Memory usage of Titan Scenario Audio has been optimised.
  • Fixed an issue where Planetary Delay was not being calculated when a Commander is not in a ship.
  • Fixed an issue where some consoles in Settlements would not switch off their emissive materials when the Settlement was in an Offline state. Don't forget to turn your big light off. Doing our part for the future of the planet(s).
  • A defense turret seen at some Horizons settlements now has a working explosion particle effect.
  • A minor adjustment has been made to the small landing pad surround, moving the crane arm so that it doesn't intersect with certain ship kits.
  • A spelling mistake has been fixed to one of the Lakon adverts seen in social spaces.
  • At The Beach, the ground no longer protrudes through one of the SRV garages.
  • One of the structures seen at Guardian sites now has the correct collision boundary, representative of the structure.
  • Asteroids around Titans are now sufficiently far apart and no longer intersect one another.
  • Evacuation missions for VIPs no longer ask to be placed in an invalid cabin type. They'll try anything won't they? Mind you, you don't see Brad Pitt asking to be placed in invalid cabin types and stuff. He's one of the good ones.
  • Infiltration missions are no longer able to appear in both the Operations and Support categories.
  • Missions to restore power to settlements in Thargoid-controlled systems now have more varied text to help better distinguish the different variants.
  • Commanders on distinct settlement reboot missions can no longer share the same settlement instance.
AI and Enemies:
  • Optimised Memory usage of Thargoid Glaive Audio.
  • Optimised Memory Usage of Thargoid Titan Audio.
  • Fixed an issue where Thargoid Revenant Weapon Fire audio was not always audible due to soundbanks not being loaded as intended. Pew-pew!
  • Thargoid Revenant Beam Weapon audio has been re-Balanced. FBsssttt! Robin, hire me
  • Fixed an Issue where Revenants would only vocalise once coming into audible range. SPOILERS: Now they sing Happy Brithday!
  • Fixed an issue where Revenant Grenade Explosions could be in-audible due to soundbank not being loaded as intended. Nah, sorry, they don't really sing Happy Birthday...
  • Dropping into the Maelstrom cloud from supercruise no longer carries the risk of a Thargoid Scout appearing just in front of your ship.
  • Bounties acquired by previously clean players at settlements can now be detected via scans by local NPCs.
  • Auto landing ships visiting Farseer Inc can now reliably avoid the large tower. Cheers Flic! Insurance was getting a bit messy
  • Skimmer movement is now better synchronised across multiplayer games.
  • Hostile ships must now attack the player's ship to cause auto landing to be disabled, rather than just be in the vicinity.
  • Breach weapon damage will no longer be partially applied to unexposed (invulnerable) Thargoid hearts. All such damage will now be directed to the hull.
Ships, Suits, and Modules
  • Fixed the rear right hardpoint on the Federation Corvette from clipping through the model as it animated open.
  • Adjustments to the Anaconda have been made, including fixing stretched texture on the back of the ship, a backwards decal and adding in a correctly mirrored hardpoint door for the underside.
  • Fixed an issue with the Slipstream paintjob on the Viper.
  • Improved gradient smoothness for a number of ship paintjobs.
  • Fixed a decal on the underside of the Fer De Lance.
  • Corrected some issues with some material artefacts seen on the Anaconda.
  • Improved the paintjob UV mapping for part of the Eagle.
  • Improved the paintjob UV mapping for part of the Orca.
  • The hardpoints of a landed ship no longer appear to toggle on/off when a second player observers the first player disembarking onto a planet surface.
  • Commanders are now able to pick up previously dropped e-breaches.Just wipe a tissue over them first.
  • Owned e-breaches are no longer automatically added to player backpacks when disembarking ship at locations that consider them illegal.
Fleet Carriers
  • Changing fleet carrier layouts no longer takes effect after the carrier hyperspace jumps.
    • Note: It is necessary to relog or jump away and back in another ship before the layout changes.
  • Changed audio soundscape of Main Menu. SPOILER: It's Thargoids singing!!!
  • AX Remote Flak Munitions text shown when synthesising ammo is now correctly localised. Nah sorry again, it's not really Thargoids singing...
  • Engineers no longer display unresolvable log entries.
  • Players now receive an appropriate message when invites go out to join an already full multicrew.
  • Fixed instances where station news text could display the word colon instead of the news.I love this one. There's always one you've got to love with each update and it's just how this one reads really. Brilliant
  • Correct location text now appears in ship UI when approaching a planetary port in an AX warzone.
  • Camera Suite and the Holo-Me screen will be unable to be active at the same time.
  • When hacking settlement terminals, the progress bar now disappears once the hack is complete.
  • The count of available mission on the mission board now decrements as you accept missions.
  • POI list in system map is now sorted alphabetically.Sorry about this. Thanks to all for the conversation around it since Update 16 ish o7
  • Alignment of capture point markers with capture points has been improved.
  • Fixed occasions where completed mission details shown via the transactions panel would use un-localised text.
  • Fixed mission summaries mistakenly reporting "scan required" after scanning has been completed.
  • Improvements have been made to the grouping of listening post codex entries.
  • Mission related journal entries now all have consistent text formatting of the mission name.
  • Added PilotName field to the Bounty journal event.
  • Added market info to ApproachSettlement journal event.
  • Added signal type to FSSSignalDiscovered journal event.
  • Fixed dark artefacts appearing on planets during DSS scans.
  • Fixed visible seam on asteroid bases.
  • Titan turret trails now appear on Low Graphics settings.
  • Fixed instances where Commander/NPC eyes were not lit correctly at low graphics quality settings.Basically fed them their necessary RDA of space carrots.

Known Issues In Line With Release.
  • When viewing the mission board on foot, a number of missions are displaying their location information incorrectly.
    • This issue appears to be primarily related to Odyssey settlements as the target for missions. If the mission directs you to a POI location, the planetary information is displayed correctly.
    • In some instances distances to missions may be flagged as 0.00Ly rather than Ls and planetary bodies may appear as a long string of numbers. The team are eyes on o7
  • Head tracking for TrackIR and FreeTrack is currently disabled. The team are investigating.
    • In reference to on foot gameplay only. TrackIR and FreeTrack still work as intended whilst in ship.

Known Issues and Fixes.
  • If you do not see an issue fixed in this list which is important to you then it has not been addressed as part of this update. As always, the team are attentive to your ticketed and discussed issues and we all continue to thank you for your patience in reporting whilst investigations continue.
  • If you find that an issue has been fixed but is not present in the above list - it can happen, as it has in past updates - then please accept my personal apologies, however we hope that you enjoy the fix regardless and thanks for your understanding.

And with that, Commanders, onward for us all to the safe landing of Update 17 from approximately 15:00 BST.

Should any changes arise in the meantime, you can bet I'll be here for you with anything to report.

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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous

More info added to the known issue below for you. I've added this to the notes above too:
  • When viewing the mission board on foot, a number of missions are displaying their location information incorrectly.
    • This issue appears to be primarily related to Odyssey settlements as the target for missions. If the mission directs you to a POI location, the planetary information is displayed correctly.
    • In some instances distances to missions may be flagged as 0.00Ly rather than Ls and planetary bodies may appear as a long string of numbers.
The team are eyes on o7


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Greetings Commanders!

Would you look at that! Approx 15 minutes to go until the release of Update 17. A little warm up:
  • We are on target with the schedule! No changes to the 15:00 release time so let's keep going!
  • With Update 17 please do know that, as with all updates, the return of the servers can be a little on the "thoughtful" side at first, so there may be the usual delays in Missions showing and potential connection turbulence for the first 30-45 minutes.
I'll be here to monitor first experiences and help with any situations where help is needed.

As a gentle reminder again:

Known Issues and Fixes.
  • If you do not see an issue fixed in this list which is important to you then it has not been addressed as part of this update. As always, the team are attentive to your ticketed and discussed issues and we all continue to thank you for your patience in reporting whilst investigations continue.
  • If you find that an issue has been fixed but is not present in the above list - it can happen, as it has in past updates - then please accept my personal apologies, however we hope that you enjoy the fix regardless and thanks for your understanding.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Greetings Commanders!

Would you look at that! Approx 15 minutes to go until the release of Update 17. A little warm up:
  • We are on target with the schedule! No changes to the 15:00 release time so let's keep going!
  • With Update 17 please do know that, as with all updates, the return of the servers can be a little on the "thoughtful" side at first, so there may be the usual delays in Missions showing and potential connection turbulence for the first 30-45 minutes.
I'll be here to monitor first experiences and help with any situations where help is needed.

As a gentle reminder again:

Known Issues and Fixes.
  • If you do not see an issue fixed in this list which is important to you then it has not been addressed as part of this update. As always, the team are attentive to your ticketed and discussed issues and we all continue to thank you for your patience in reporting whilst investigations continue.
  • If you find that an issue has been fixed but is not present in the above list - it can happen, as it has in past updates - then please accept my personal apologies, however we hope that you enjoy the fix regardless and thanks for your understanding.

Opening the thread ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Welcome in o7
Thank you dear everybody at Fdev, and Sally.... I was almost writing for you on the weekend begging for Federal election exit polls! :D I am so happy now. Thank you for your hard work and for building this fantastic community. And your comments on the update notes were hilarious. I adore you Sally.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Thank you dear everybody at Fdev, and Sally.... I was almost writing for you on the weekend begging for Federal election exit polls! :D I am so happy now. Thank you for your hard work and for building this fantastic community. And your comments on the update notes were hilarious. I adore you Sally.
Warms my soul. Big o7, Pro-Pagen. From us all.
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