Update 17 Release Notes

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Why :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
I was able to play yesterday, but now..

  • Head tracking for TrackIR and FreeTrack is currently disabled. The team are investigating.
    • In reference to on foot gameplay only. TrackIR and FreeTrack still work as intended whilst in ship.

Please please please keep this this way!!! Head tracking on foot is not useful.
Will there be another update at some point in which the letters CQC will appear in the patch notes? And if so, in which direction will they tend? A few honest words on this would be really nice.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Hi Sally, our Flower! Is there any hope for the CQC - community for fixing the issue with the CQC matchmaker?

Will there be another update at some point in which the letters CQC will appear in the patch notes? And if so, in which direction will they tend? A few honest words on this would be really nice.

Appreciate the passion still, Commanders! There's no current news regarding CQC but if there's anything to report in the future we'll get right on it o7


Volunteer Moderator
Download was smooth and the servers seem stable to me. Thanks a lot to the team.

Look forwards to playing around with things tomorrow.
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