Update 18 Release Schedule | Monday 26 February 2024

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Please don't get me started quoting that movie... :D

Whenever I go to a CZ in a drop ship, I want to shout 'We're on an express elevator to hell! Going down!"

Yeah, all the quotes used in the film, and the production itself, remained a classic in the history of cinema. (RIP Bill Paxton)

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OK, that was unexpected. Personally, I had assumed the next update would come at some point between May and June. Though I'm cynically assuming this means the update won't have much in it. After all, if you have a lot to show off in your consumer product, why not brag and maybe entice some more customers to come in?

It's kind of funny that I have to hope that's not actually the case, since I know Frontier approaches information more like a secretive cult, not a company selling things. Heck, Hello Games also likes to surprise people with new stuff, but at least we get slightly more info.

CCP of course, is still the best, as they tend to give out detailed info months in advance, so they can already start to clean up their mess before the real patch even drops. Being worse than EVE Online in something should be a warning to Frontier, I think.
Just got 30Gb spare, hope the update overwrites so I don't have issues. My other drive has 2TB but I am not sure what to do to switch everything to that drive.
Just got 30Gb spare, hope the update overwrites so I don't have issues. My other drive has 2TB but I am not sure what to do to switch everything to that drive.
It is virtually always the case with games--and definitely true with Elite--that the client must first download the new data before it can begin installing it. This requires at least enough additional free space to do that.

Web installations like this typically aren't serialized because if you lose connectivity mid-download, it leaves your install in a broken state where part of it is the new update and part is still old. The only way it can possibly roll back without a server connection is to still have a local copy of the old data to roll back to.
A 30GB download not much in it type of thing?
Good point! I overlooked that. Makes me hope the update has some neat stuff in it.

Did you watch the livestream?


I was aware of the stream, but I only looked up summaries. I already watch too much stuff, and I've always found Frontier livestreams a bit too boring to watch. But yeah, I know stuff like the Python II is coming.

In hindsight, maybe Frontier could work at making their livestreams less boring, ha ha :p
using voice attack play a sound command at the station dropship elevator my sound sample begins with the pulse rifles being loaded when Apone says "get on the ready line" i board the shuttle on the count of four after "get in there" the sample ends when ripply says how many drops is this for you LT
as long as the drop is on a body the station orbits its timing works pretty well lol i activate the sample by saying"bug hunt"
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