I cannot put this any more politely...
Do you guys play your own game?
Locking off changing modules in your HOT ship, no matter where you are? WHAT???????
You guys put Anarchy systems in a game, use them.
ED is already unnecessarily grindy if you want to build a top spec engineered ship.
Now I have to have a clean ship and a number of naughty ships, in different configurations. If I want to be a criminal?
How is that even remotely a good thing or heavens forbid, bordering on fun?
It is already a CHORE to take an FDL or Vette from one CG to another with our epic 20ly jump ranges. Seeing as we cannot ship hot ones over.
Now when I get there, I have to keep my fuel scoop?. So now I have to keep my HRP's for a meta build, when I want to pirate? What if my paper, rock, scissors configuration is not suitable for fighting the other ships in that CG and i might want to move from Frags to gimbled MC's to continue being a bad guy?
This is a stupid move that is just going to make the game more frustrating for anyone not wanting to be a good guy.
The consequences idea is fine but there should be options. We should have criminal hide outs.
The obvious Anarachy systems to operate from or really what is the point in having an Anarchy? You still havent given us reasons to go to them. This move even less so.
This move STILL wont reduce player ganking. FDL's will just have a fuel scoop onboard, while they gank noobs in baddly built ships.
Then highwake awake from any white knights or boost away from any ATR that can masslock them and low wake, way before they get sent to rebuy.
The Voice of Griefing