Im sure Frontier you are working hard and your on to it.Seeing game footage here are some things I noticed that are missing.I know you are still working on it and things im saying might be added in the end and other things will not be able to be added.Just trying to help cause I know you have a lot on your mind.
(Like a reminder in a way)
1.Staff Animations and Guest Animations
Staff Team Animations :
Each Amenity building to have staff who you can hire and thay would come out of the building and clean the area around it.For example , Cleaning tables , Watering/Trimming the Plants , Sweeping the Floor , Taking out the Garbage out the back of the building.Creating more Dynamic and Realism feeling to our staff.
More Guest Animations/Expressions : Animations like Sitting Down Eating , Drinking , Holding Bags from coming out of a Gift Shop , Looking in the bags feeling excited with what they bought , Trembling or Hopping around showing Fear or Excitement before/after seeing a Dinosaur , Anger/Disappoinment with something they disliked (food - price) or when they don't see Dinosaurs.How about Guests having Backpacks with them when arriving others coming out of Gift Shops with one , putting on Raincoats/Jackets and others holding Umbrellas when raining , snowing.Putting in Shops a selling weather coverage product type selection.We can't have our Guests in Shorts and T-Shirts in a Snowstorm.Making them feel more real.Also have the Tripping Animations when attacked by carnivores.Having both styles.JWE 1 Tripping Down , Crawling and JWE 2 Running , Back Attack Animations.
And last Rescuing/Saving Staff and Guests when lost with the Response Team.
2.Dinosaur Animations
Playing - Grooming - Fighting : See them rolling on their back on the ground , Jumping and Splashing around in the water and maybe a little Digging animation before Resting for Fun or for Building there Nest. Cleaning themselves in the water or having themselves a Mud Bath , Scratching there body's on trees and rocks , Sleeping and Lying down closer together as a group and on their side or back not only on their belly.A group of herbivores should stand together in a circle when one gets attacked trying to defend and help the other , example 5 Parasaurolophus roaring and pounding there feet on the ground scaring off the 5 Raptors or a T-Rex and every individual to be able to defend , win or escape an attack , run away from it and not just stand there waiting to die. A couple More Dynamic Animations for Aquatic/Avian and Land Dinosaurs of the same species Playful/Angry Fighting among each other , for example , on the ground rolling around. And just a little of JWE 1 , when the Dinosaurs did there Stand-off/Fighting each other Animation.Both styles from JWE 1 and JWE 2.
Last , Dinosaurs Climbing Fences , not only Raptors , in general , different species or at least see them try.
3.Engineer Team
We hear in the movies/book how they had the best Engineers , why not see them in action.How about an Engineer Team for park maintenance with a Pickup Truck.Checking and giving us Building status , responsible for constructing buildings , repairing , cleaning park and Dinosaur pens/aviaries/watertanks , restaurants , toilets , viewing areas , attractions etc. Checking on the fence like in JWE 1 In the trailer. For example , 3-4 staff members would get off the pickup truck (one on the wheel one looking out two on the fence) maybe climb the fence and repair the fence (that would have been a nice touch) or having a building with the pickup truck hiring engineers like the new research system.This way creating more Dynamic , Suspense and Realism feeling to our teams. And have the Response Team just to do with the Dinosaurs , Guests and Staff.
4.New Entertainment Buildings and Attractions
Entertainments :
Alpine Environment should have Earthquakes for a Disaster (like the others have Tornado , Sandstorm etc) and maybe in a future content Swamp Environment with Flood Disasters.
Buildings : Bridges , Tunnels/Water Tunnels , Return of the Greenhouse.Paleobotany feeders for our Herbavore Dinosaurs to be fed in difficult weather conditions (blizzards , heatwaves , sandstorms , snowstorms).
New Attractions : Viewing Dome/High Hide , Water Rides and Hang Gliding (Land/Water/Air Rides).These are things we have Seen and Heard in the Book Novel , Movies and Animated Series and would Love to see in the Game. Viewing Dome/High Hide the Entrence can Click on the Fence/Road and the Dome/High Hide will be in the Pen on the Ground/Trees could work like the Viewing Gallery/Viewing Platform but Inside an Enclosure. The Water Rides you can chouse between Kayak (for Guests who want a Relax Ride) , MotorBoat (for those seeking more Adventure) and Submarine (for Thrill seekers) could work like the Gyrosphere/Truck Tour/Park Tour which are Land Rides. Hang Gliding you can pinpoint a few spots and it can either return to base were it started or have a Terminal somewhere else on the map at some distance for Air Rides.
5.Environment Scenery
Puting down Waterfalls , Hot Streams , Volcanic Blowholes , Caves/Water Caves would be nice.The Caves don't have to be big or deep , just enough for a couple of Dinosaurs to seek shelter or sleep in on a rainy day.
6.Dinosaur Size
This would be a nice touch.Dinos of the same species could come out in different sizes from the hatchery depending on how you alter their DNA.

Beautiful work.The game looks great. Thanks for everything , all the joy you bring to us , hope I helped.Be safe and take care.
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I propose the idea of making virtual visits to the players' parks by people through the promotion of the park through the player, who will not be able to access new buildings and creations, if he does not fill in an x number of likes given by the visitors, the virtual walk being possible from 3d glasses, android, pc etc- and with a moderate level of difficulty but capable of carrying out and solving different styles of parks, for which they would always be different:

applying, for example, a mini game for the player where he can search for dinossaur eggs and these are hatched by the player, the hidden eggs with a level of finding difficulty for each species provided to the player in the first instance and with the possibility to be accessing more races as fence unlocking through the likes of the public.

this is a traduction by google, i speak spanish i will write in spanish also:

propongo la idea de hacer visitas virtuales a los parques de los jugadores por la gente atraves de la promocion del parque por medio del jugador, el cual no podra acceder a nuevas edificaciones y creacciones, si no cumplimenta con un numero x de likes dados por los visitantes, el paseo virtual siendo posible desde las gafas 3d , android, pc etc- y con un nivel de dificultad moderado pero capaz de realizar y solventar diferentes estilos de parques , por lo cual siempre serian distintos:

aplicando por ejemplo un mini juego para el jugador donde este pueda buscar huevos de dinossaurios y estos sean eclosionados por el jugador, , los huevos escondidos con un nivel de dificultad de hallazgo por cada especie provista hacia el jugador en la primer instancia y con la posibilidad de ir accediendo a mas razas conforme valla desbloqueando por medio de los likes del publico.
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