[Video] Open letter from community to Elite Dangerous

Your emphasis is wrong - he's complaining about the methods, not the outcome. Making demands is not a great way to communicate. Then again, maintaining radio silence as your customers rage about bugs you don't even acknowledge is no better. I'm sure if people knew the major issues are being taken seriously and had some idea when they were going to be fixed most would be happier. Meh.

Well what other options are there? Bugs exist for years without being fixed, and making tickets, videos, forum posts, direct contact, etc gets us nothing. How ridiculous is it that he doesn't condone people trying to create public pressure to get FDev to fix things they shouldn't have broken in the first place?
I think some of the key parts of that reply might have got missed.

Pats self on back
You stated that I also missed key parts of your comments on how the last year of development has gone into new sales of the game through the expanded starter experience and not on retention of current veteran players. I beg to disagree. You said in both comments you made on reddit:

"Post 1 para 8:
A secondary benefit to announcing content when it’s able to be shown rather than discussing it in smaller updates is that it helps make the biggest impact to people who have yet to try Elite Dangerous. It is important to remember that Elite Dangerous is a single price purchase. After that point, players are free to enjoy the game on an ongoing basis without any additional spend, despite the ongoing costs to manage, host and run the game. This means that being able to wow people with a new trailer when we’re ready to show the content, helps bring new players to the game, build the community and support the ongoing development for the long term.
Postamble para 4:
Please do remember that since launch there has been the base game and one paid expansion in Horizons. To this date the majority of players have enjoyed years of free and continued development."
(emphasis added)

So we should be thanking FDev that they have decided to fix what they broke. If I were an investor, I would be on the phone with my broker now as this is not how you run a company.
Judging from the actions taken about testing before releasing stuff and bug fixing the last 4 years, my personal translation of the official responce sums up into this:
Yea yea ok we hear you blah blah this is how things are, deal with it and move on and we will "communicate" with you folks for a couple of days so you don't feel bad about getting absolutelly nothing, and it will also give you a sense of achievement.
Commuication is pretty good, among the best in the gaming industry. The reasons why we don't have a future roadmap are pretty clear and have been communicated but these people seem to claim that communication doesn't exist as long as it isn't the communication they want.

Here’s the thing. People aren’t even asking so much for the roadmap for the new things (maybe some are but that’s not the core of the argument the petition is making). Frontier made a terrible decision to abandon fixes to core parts of the game that badly need attention until 2H2020. The lack of communication on when problems with the existing parts of the game is the core problem. If Frontier had worked to fix existing problems in the game in 2019 while working on the shiny new things for 2020 I don’t think this thread would exist. But they didn’t even do that. Nobody knows when major long-standing issues in the current game are going to be fixed. That is bad communication. I’d even argue it is taking veteran players for granted.

It’s frustrating playing the game when you know its most glaring problems aren’t even going to be looked at for at least 12 more months. Why is anyone surprised huge portions of the community are upset?
You stated that I also missed key parts of your comments on how the last year of development has gone into new sales of the game through the expanded starter experience and not on retention of current veteran players. I beg to disagree. You said in both comments you made on reddit:

"Post 1 para 8:

Postamble para 4:

(emphasis added)

So we should be thanking FDev that they have decided to fix what they broke. If I were an investor, I would be on the phone with my broker now as this is not how you run a company.

Since I have an unfulfilled LEP, this part of this response stings that much more. If I were more of a cynical than I am today, it sounds like a "We got your money, now [REDACTED] off."
I pretty much agree with everything in the linked communication/beta testing post, but cmon guys this is not an AAA company. This is shoestring publishing, with the resources devoted to other projects and more buggy updates.
Here’s the thing. People aren’t even asking so much for the roadmap for the new things (maybe some are but that’s not the core of the argument the petition is making). Frontier made a terrible decision to abandon fixes to core parts of the game that badly need attention until 2H2020. The lack of communication on when problems with the existing parts of the game is the core problem. If Frontier had worked to fix existing problems in the game in 2019 while working on the shiny new things for 2020 I don’t think this thread would exist. But they didn’t even do that. Nobody knows when major long-standing issues in the current game are going to be fixed. That is bad communication. I’d even argue it is taking veteran players for granted.

It’s frustrating playing the game when you know its most glaring problems aren’t even going to be looked at for at least 12 more months. Why is anyone surprised huge portions of the community are upset?
But that's the problem: There is no core problem. Everyone who signs such a petition does it for a different reason and I wouldn't be surprised if they are sometimes conflicting. Don't call yourself "the community" and add completely subjective opinions to your "demands" like that combat oriented players thing. This whole thing is very manipulating and I don't like it.
I pretty much agree with everything in the linked communication/beta testing post, but cmon guys this is not an AAA company. This is shoestring publishing, with the resources devoted to other projects and more buggy updates.

All the more reason to work with the community and let us help test their stuff.
I pretty much agree with everything in the linked communication/beta testing post, but cmon guys this is not an AAA company. This is shoestring publishing, with the resources devoted to other projects and more buggy updates.

They've got more employees than other, much better publishers like Paradox or CCP Games.
Since I have an unfulfilled LEP, this part of this response stings that much more. If I were more of a cynical than I am today, it sounds like a "We got your money, now [REDACTED] off."

An LEP gives you an account that automatically gets all subsequent DLC at no extra charge.

You've got that delivered in full.

Actual DLC numbers were never specified and were always subject to change, technical feasibility and financial viability.
Fixed, my apologies. However your criticism is still unfair in my view. The easy thing to do would be to just be cyncial and apathetic like many on these forums have become. Instead, these people put their names forward in the hope that their positive action could help make Elite Dangerous better. I applaud that and fully support them. Frontier would be very wise to listen because we all love this game.

Plenty of people on the forums and elsewhere offer constructive, well-thought-out feedback.

Nobody is really against feedback. However, for me there are two huge problems:

1) "from the community", as though he was selected to speak for us when he very much was not, and his views often times do not reflect that of many, many community members - lest we forget "How EXPLOITATIVE is Elite Dangerous"

2) It's just the same as feedback given here, but with ads
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