if I was You I would be patient and visit Virpil website for setup tutorials, once You nail it, You won't have to do it again probably until You reinstall windows or something daft like that.
Now, regarding Your screen shot it looks like You have not loaded the device/profile which You should do when You start the VPC software. Apart from that, it does not tell us much. Just another daft one but are You sure Your connection between the base and grip is sound? For me it was amusing to find out that the connector on the grip actually pulls out letting You insert it correctly. Before I figured that out, the connection was loose or non existant at all and like You I was pulling my hair out.
Edit: btw I am not 100% sure cos I don't have their throttle BUT I think when You create profile You should have all devices connected, otherwise I would assume they won't be detected/configured together? Might be wrong on that.
1 more tip, if You are not using an externally powered USB hub I would give that a go as well, I imagine that Virpil HOTAS will be a hungry power horse like X55/X56 and we all know how it works out when they don't get enough power.... BOOOOM into the station cause of ghost input...