VR runtime selection (Oculus users)

Oculus users are force to use OCULUS SDK runtime, but is very useful to select SteamVr (openVr) to using OpenComposite to boost performance in VR in elite too.

So please release an update to implement a launch switch argument to disable oculus SDK that is compiled inside elite.exe
leave us to using the runtime of choice like a lot of other games.

Elite was a pioneer or VR gaming so fix this to permit us to choice steamvr/openvr/opencomposite

some refers:
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/xyp69z/miraculous_performance_improvement_with/

all VR users can obtain a great performance boost and visual clarity using opencomposite, all minus Oculus users, please free us from forced use of oculus SDK

CMDR Darki_404
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