Want to know what ED is like in DK2?

Thanks for your help guys. I will give it a go tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Hope I get used to the motion sickness effect!

Make sure its synced @ 75Hz ......60Hz is very blurry. After that's see what FPS you get normally I would imagine 3D testing demos should be fast.
My first experience of using the Rift and of playing Elite Dangerous was last week. It was the first time I've ever experienced VR. My initial feeling/emotion on viewing the configuration utility demo scene was how much it feels like wearing a snorkel and putting your head underwater. It's a completely different world.

I've had problems with E:D and the Rift - not bugs as such, just blurry, seemingly slightly out of focus. I've tried all kinds of combinations of different things but I think the simple fact is that it just doesn't work filling up your entire field of vision with such a low resolution. It's really tiring on my eyes as well, so I can't play for more than a few hours at a time. Remember the Rift is the start of a curve of technological progress and we are the first adopters (of consumer VR). If it was easy and all the problems had already been solved, someone would have done it years ago.

Some great things about E:D and VR:

(1) The sense of scale. Things really do look huge. The first time I came out of warp and saw an Orbis station was a "holy <snip>moment.
(2) I spent 2 hours flying through and around an asteroid field. It was "OMG this is amazing" for me. Things appear solid.
(3) Watching the light from a star I was close to fall across my cockpit, with shadow, was another "wow" moment.

I haven't really got into all aspects of the game as I've only just started playing. The game has quite a steep learning curve I think, which is going to put some people off. Just scrolling through the list of key bindings is daunting.

Anyway I won't make a judgement on E:D and VR until I've seen what it looks like in about a year, with a consumer version of the Rift and release 1 drivers.
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