Want your emergent content? Come get it!

You may-or-may-not have heard of the League of Reparation. The very short version of this is they're "The Bad Guys" killing people associated with INRA, apparently in vengeance for the death of CMDR Jameson.

But you didn't come here to read this.

The latest CGs running out Ienpalang and Zibal are to hand in combat bonds in a war against the League. As such, those systems have had the "League of Reparation" faction inserted as an actual faction. They're an independent anarchy, have influence and everything. But there's no CG out there to support them; both CGs are only for "The Good Guys" so to speak... so there's kinda no (financial) reason to support the League.

But you can. And they can gain influence. And ulitmately, they can win the war, CG or no. You can go fight them and hand in combat bonds for them, which will increase their influence in the system.

Typically, if a faction has superior influence at the end of a war, they win an asset belonging to that faction. Wouldn't that be a table-turner, the knock-up bad guys actually turn out and seize control of a system. *that's* some emergent storytelling right there.

So go ahead, I don't really mind if you get behind their motives or not... turn your nose at the CG (hey, you have plenty of credits stacking skimmer missions anyway, right?) and go fight for the League of Reparation!

EDIT: If you want to rally somewhere and at least get one system over the line, I nominate Ienpalang
I was planning on doing something like that, but probably not until after the CGs finish. We can get them to spread across the bubble ;)
I was planning on doing something like that, but probably not until after the CGs finish. We can get them to spread across the bubble ;)

They might remove the faction if they lose though.

They might remove the faction if the CG even reaches tier 1 (which is will)

So, perhaps it wont be so emergent
I've never faced another cmdr on the other side of a CZ. I assume "wanted" status has no bearing in a CZ? Everything depends of which faction you choose?
I've never faced another cmdr on the other side of a CZ. I assume "wanted" status has no bearing in a CZ? Everything depends of which faction you choose?

Yes, exactly that. Choose faction, right panel on entering and let anything in red have it.
The War CG(s) will propably crush them for good, so better be quick.

Which is a shame really...

If the League of Reparation was a faction which could be interacted with since day dot when the first murder occurred, offering *relevant* activities to undertake, and this was their "last hurrah" it might be more meaningful. But to introduce them via a one-sided CG as the "Here's some mooks to kill... charge....", well, it's a bit meaningless. Far more meaningful at this point to fight for the League.
If I'm in the CZ and find myself attacked by 5 solid icons and 1 hollow, is that a gank?


I don't know why, but some people nowadays twist these acronyms to fit whatever suits their arguement. It doesn't matter whether we are talking about NPCs or players;
GANg Killed

Some people think ganking is the same as griefing, since both can result in getting you killed — but that is like claiming LOL is short for I Was Not Laughing, simply because it has one of the correct words associated with it.
My issue is it looks like everyone went to the fed system...the imp system for this CG is barely seeing progress (or as of last night when I went to bed). Come down and crush terrorists for the imps, my vette wants friends =) I really don't want to move just to take advantage of the progress levels.
If I'm in the CZ and find myself attacked by 5 solid icons and 1 hollow, is that a gank?

Yes, you're gang attacked by a gang of NPCs and one Griefer :D


I don't know why, but some people nowadays twist these acronyms to fit whatever suits their arguement. It doesn't matter whether we are talking about NPCs or players;
GANg Killed

Some people think ganking is the same as griefing, since both can result in getting you killed — but that is like claiming LOL is short for I Was Not Laughing, simply because it has one of the correct words associated with it.

Ganking, Griefing, PvP... isn't that all the same nowadays? :D

(I emphasise the use of smileys here)

Too bad I'm currently in Colonia. No emergent content here at the moment.
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Great suggestion @OP, +rep :)

I'm afraid my CMDR won't join though : as much as he hates INRAEGIS, blindly killing the children and grand-children of CMDR Jameson's murderers is probably the worst idea ever.
If your commander has never taken an assassination mission based on little more than a name, I suppose that is fair enough. ;-)
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