WARNING!!! Latest nVidia drivers may break your system.

Windows 10 disabled the ability to f5/f8 into safe mode from boot and with a black/rainbow garbled screen I couldn't shift/restart from the menu.

It's my fault, I got comfortable with nVidia drivers and just got used to installing the latest no questions asked. Lesson learned.

Good old Microsoft... onwards and downwards.
Good warning. Luckily for me I downloaded the driver last night, but as it was close to bed time I didn't install it. Then the news hit today of the problems... I note the offer in the updater has been removed now and says 362.00 is current.
Had this problem happen with me, it seems related to if you have a secondary monitor, if you do, the problem happens, and windows will get stuck in a boot loop, to fix it.

Boot into safe mode, and un-install the drivers via device manager.
- To enter safe mode with windows 10, allow it to boot into bluescreen and then hold down power key until it shuts down, start again, do this 3 times and it will give the option to troubleshoot and from there you can get it to boot into safe mode.

To avoid this issue entirely. Use custom install and do clean install.
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This is why I NEVER install any drivers when they come out. I always wait at least a few months, and even then I might not update unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
A quick update. I'm currently using 361.91. And all is good here. That's with SLI and multi monitor setup.
a general web search shows the wide spread mayhem caused to many machines for 364.47
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Was about to update my GPU does anyone recommend the GTX 970 or say AMD R9 290x/390x it would be my first try with Nvidia but I run 3 monitors with my amd setup but they are not in eyefinity linked just 3 three individual screens mainly be playing ED. Has the drivers been corrected yet don't want my first try to destroy my machine put my baby together myself.
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I installed the latest nVidia drivers about 4 hours ago, crashed my computer and required a complete OS reinstall. Thinking I may have done something wrong or perhaps it was just a fluke I reinstalled the latest drivers, same thing. Four hours later I'm here to warm people.

IDK why, how or whatever but, the latest drivers killed my system, twice. Install at your own risk. Hopefuly it's isolated to just my system but, I highly doubt it.

Good luck

UPDATE: apparently it's not isolated to my system: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/49fdw8/do_not_update_your_nvidia_drivers_right_now/

UPDATE II: nVidia forums is overloaded with people having the same issue, apparently it affects multi monitor setups, so if you have VR you'll get hit, most likely. nVidia is slipping of late and this particular "slip" can brick your card, your system or at the very least take hours to fix. What a mess.
Thank you very much for this very important information. +1rep for you.
Thanks all for the rep, I really don't deserve it, I'm just returning the favor you guys have done for me many many times in the past with drivers and other issues.
I almost installed 364.51 last night but saw a comment somewhere (don't have link) suggesting that might still have some problems. So I held off again...

I don't *need* a newer driver, but I can be a little OCD with knowing there's something newer out there... might give in on the weekend though.
Hmm Possibly buggy 364.51. I have this installed (because of the division) anyway, I also installed tobii eyex drivers and I have noticed a problem in ED.
When I jump into the target practice training missing in ED, the Icey asteroids are slowly pulsating at one second intervals. Fading from dull flat grey to their normal bright shiny white. Its weird watching the entire asteroid field pulse like it is going in and out of Eclipse.

Haven't got time now, but will do a system restore tomorrow.
That problem I am having with the pulsing asteroids is only in the first Training mission. It is OK In game, go figure. I Only jumped into training to try out the eye tracking in the tobii eyex. so it have been there for a while and not necessarily related to the drivers. . Not fussed.
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This Nvidia patch THRASHED my set up as well. Never knew my computer could display such odd errors and be so bustikated.

Figured out how to System Restore with Windows 10....problem solved.

That patch was, for me, a complete train wreck.

You probably should put the version number that was causing the problem in the Title or at least in your opening post. Otherwise this will keep applying to every version.
For me 364.51 fixed the issue.
(Other than the pulsing asteroids in the training mission, but I have not used that in months and don't know the cause. It does not happen in game)

This Nvidia patch THRASHED my set up as well. Never knew my computer could display such odd errors and be so bustikated.

Figured out how to System Restore with Windows 10....problem solved.

That patch was, for me, a complete train wreck.


Added, can't edit the title.
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