Warning: Violence at Sag A*

On one had the sheer level of complete patheticness of this player is like going up to 11. On the other hand its damn good roleplay. You can lose a lot in this game, its been a while since I've played one where there are really bad consequences. I think the last time was when I first started playing DDO and you lost xp if any party member died. We ended up most nights with less xp than when we started :(

Kudos to the vigilantes, I hope that scum is KOS in every single civilized system. But he HAS given an edge to exploring and - in all fairness to FD - they have provided a means for players to avoid such shenanigans at any time should they choose it. I play in Mobius but apparently they have discovered the easy pickings in there and are targeting players sadly. I'm going to be a wuss and get to Sag A in solo :\
I am CMDR Nightshady, currently on patrol in the Sag A* area in my Anaconda warship, Insidious Omen. I came to Sag A* to kill CMDR Rhododendron, but he self-destructed just hours before my arrival. I have been looking for his companions but haven't found any other hostiles. I will be in the area another couple days doing scans. If you are in the area and wish protection, send me a FR in game.

Safe flying.

CMDR Nightshady

Take care out there. There are threats of copycat wings of Anacondas being planned to try and take the system and finish off what was started by others. I salute you and your efforts.

Appreciate the warning. I have two allied Condas in the region as well.

Two wings of Condas duking it out around the Sag A* black hole? Well that would certainly make the trip out worth while....
Maybe it´s time to change the common exploration loadout up to carrying weapons and shield. The speculations about an apperance of the Thargoids and the new Diamondback, which was announced as a combat explorer, pointing in this direction too. However, watch youe back, there are bad guys out there!

The problem is that once you l load out your explorer with weapons, your jump range lowers significantly. So either you load up with weapons good enough to kill other players, or you're just out of luck. Honestly this is the reason I explore in solo. Sure the developers may want interactions like this, but what will end up happening is that people will stop playing in open when exploring or trading, and the open players will get bored and quit the game.

I just don't get it. If you're into pvp, why attack someone with no weapons who had been at data gathering for 6+ weeks. If it happened to me, I'd uninstall this game, and play something else. I really don't see the benefit exploring in open. Maybe I'm missing something here.
I am CMDR Nightshady, currently on patrol in the Sag A* area in my Anaconda warship, Insidious Omen. I came to Sag A* to kill CMDR Rhododendron, but he self-destructed just hours before my arrival. I have been looking for his companions but haven't found any other hostiles. I will be in the area another couple days doing scans. If you are in the area and wish protection, send me a FR in game.

Safe flying.

CMDR Nightshady

The problem is that once you l load out your explorer with weapons, your jump range lowers significantly. So either you load up with weapons good enough to kill other players, or you're just out of luck. Honestly this is the reason I explore in solo. Sure the developers may want interactions like this, but what will end up happening is that people will stop playing in open when exploring or trading, and the open players will get bored and quit the game.

I just don't get it. If you're into pvp, why attack someone with no weapons who had been at data gathering for 6+ weeks. If it happened to me, I'd uninstall this game, and play something else. I really don't see the benefit exploring in open. Maybe I'm missing something here.

To each it's own. For me what you are missing is:
now you know SAG A* is dangerous, so don't linger nearby, and pay attention for contacts. If you see something you don't like, jump out, then getting in contact with vigilants or other explorers, try something.
If nothng moves, go up or down in a neutron field and make a thread here. I'm sure you will befriend a small group of explorers that will reach you in few days with armed ships.
Meanwhile, explore in the core, where star density is that high you won't be spotted.
When chivarly arrives, go visit sag A, take pictures, possibly watch other people go boom.
In the end it's more of an achievement.

Of course you can go there on solo, it's another experience.
There is no reason other than "I can, so why not?".

This would seem the obvious reason. If you are going to grief then this is the best way of causing maximum damage. However, these pond life underestimate the resilience of both explorers and ballers.
Sorry to hear about attacker(s) at Sag A*. I was half way there when the Buckyball Run started. Luckily I didn't meet anyone there or anywhere else. Now I'm almost half way back home, afraid that I make a fatal mistake before I'm in safety. I've made a few small mistakes already, but fortunately I'm carrying guns and shields with me, so no mistakes there.
Quick question

I was planning on doing this journey in a while, once I finish mapping a star cluster, but I have a couple of questions.
1. Is this "Buckyball" thing a limited time event, or can I wait and then go when I'm ready?
2. Although it all has to be done in Open play, can I swap to Solo to get some really good pictures when I am there as long as I am back in Open before I leave Sag. A for the round trip? Can I swap to Solo in a system when I have to log off as long as I am back in Open before I move away again?
I think most Buckyball races are time limited, but this one is open forever.

You do have to complete the whole run to Sag A* in open. But there's nothing to fear from logging off in open, you'll be perfectly safe until you next log in. Once you've reached Sag A* you've finished the run so you're free to continue in open, solo, a group or just self destruct if you really want to.

Full details at https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=138772
Certainly yes, Whiterose, assuming the chap who died ("victim") knew and accepted the risks beforehand when flying open. If he did not, well, now he should, and should reconsider whether he still wants to face the risks. This is why solo mode exists.
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Certainly yes, Whiterose, assuming the chap who died ("victim") knew and accepted the risks beforehand when flying open. If he did not, well, now he should, and should reconsider whether he still wants to face the risks. This is why solo mode exists.

That would have been me, assuming the OP is the CMDR Flyto from in-game. I certainly mentioned it on Facebook, in a tone of sad disappointment. There was also a brief conversation over at the Sgr A* visitors' thread.

I know all the risks of flying in Open. The idea of meeting another explorer thousands of light-years from home is too interesting NOT to do it though. Shame that the only player I met in 6 weeks was the one whose idea of "fun" is to fly 26000ly to (try to) ruin someone else's day.

I didn't rage-quit. I've been bounty-hunting in my Eagle and Viper (I missed my Eagle for those 6 weeks) and now I'm on a bit of a road trip in my Cobra looking for some 4A thrusters for it. I even did a couple of trade runs in my Type 6. Soon I'll go out Exploring again. At least I made it to Sgr A*, so I don't feel I have to go that way again (although the temptation is there to see if the Earth-likes I found are still unclaimed).

All in Open.

Fly safe.
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I know all the risks of flying in Open. The idea of meeting another explorer thousands of light-years from home is too interesting NOT to do it though.

I know what you mean. I was exploring in open too (except for the last ~30 jumps upon entering the human bubble), but during the last expedition, and in the one I am currently running, I switched to full solo as I've never met another living soul out there. I tend to stay away from well known tourist locations, though.
The problem is that once you l load out your explorer with weapons, your jump range lowers significantly. So either you load up with weapons good enough to kill other players, or you're just out of luck. Honestly this is the reason I explore in solo. Sure the developers may want interactions like this, but what will end up happening is that people will stop playing in open when exploring or trading, and the open players will get bored and quit the game.

I just don't get it. If you're into pvp, why attack someone with no weapons who had been at data gathering for 6+ weeks. If it happened to me, I'd uninstall this game, and play something else. I really don't see the benefit exploring in open. Maybe I'm missing something here.

False I have been exploring for some few weeks now, in my fully kitted Asp...I am ready for whatever comes my way...I am fully armed...yet, I can jump up to 29.88 ly at a time...

2 beam lasers, 1 burst laser, 1 mining, 2 med multi cannons and a bad ass 5A shield with a 29.88 ly jump range hardly qualifies as "out of luck". Problem is that many players want their cake and eat it too, specially solo players...there is cost in decision making...and I like that...

Funny thing is that you could have gotten killed by an Elite NPC Conda in Solo the same...and then you wouldn't have a place to rant to...

Making a flight with no insurance, no shield, no weapons and pretend that you are ENTITLED to be safe just because your jump range is more important than the precaution, planning and responsibility every other players took, is preposterous...

I'll even say more...forget the shooter at Sag A*...I think that between the extensive lore of Elite, the extensive information that the devs have put out and the recent events involving a "singing artifact from who knows where" should be worrying material for all of us, because we know they are coming, that's for sure....we don't know when...but they'll be here...most likely without warning...and chances are that is we, the explorers, the first target in the line...

We should stop the reckless, naive approach...exploration is bound to be dangerous sooner or later...

That's what you are missing...decision making...cant have it all at the same time...chose what's more important to you...your jump range or getting back in one piece....
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See, that's where my cowardly disposition and complete inability to PvP pays off. I carry a big shield and chaff and will run at the first sign of trouble. :)

And have 33 ly of hopping left.

Valid...but you are not pretending we should all play in Solo because of it..nor you are ranting because these things shouldn't happen...you are owning your decision...no issue here...
I don't understand how people defend someone just sitting around with the sole purpose of hurting other players, there is no other gain from the situation.
And no, it isn't 'giving explorers a risk' or similar, because the only risk is "If someone wants to do nothing else then hurt people who have been putting in a lot of work" that's it, and should such people really be encouraged? not in my opinion, just like you don't encourage people to go around and punch stab and generally people, in fact they are punished for such. And "This is a game" does not even remotely justify allowing behavior like that.

Does that mean there shouldn't be more dangers for explorers? of course not, but they should make sense, supernova's what have you, gravity distortion damage, aliens!, that sort of thing, not "Because someone decided to hurt others"
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False I have been exploring for some few weeks now, in my fully kitted Asp...I am ready for whatever comes my way...I am fully armed...yet, I can jump up to 29.88 ly at a time...

2 beam lasers, 1 burst laser, 1 mining, 2 med multi cannons and a bad ass 5A shield with a 29.88 ly jump range hardly qualifies as "out of luck". Problem is that many players want their cake and eat it too, specially solo players...there is cost in decision making...and I like that...

Funny thing is that you could have gotten killed by an Elite NPC Conda in Solo the same...and then you wouldn't have a place to rant to...

Making a flight with no insurance, no shield, no weapons and pretend that you are ENTITLED to be safe just because your jump range is more important than the precaution, planning and responsibility every other players took, is preposterous...

I'll even say more...forget the shooter at Sag A*...I think that between the extensive lore of Elite, the extensive information that the devs have put out and the recent events involving a "singing artifact from who knows where" should be worrying material for all of us, because we know they are coming, that's for sure....we don't know when...but they'll be here...most likely without warning...and chances are that is we, the explorers, the first target in the line...

We should stop the reckless, naive approach...exploration is bound to be dangerous sooner or later...

That's what you are missing...decision making...cant have it all at the same time...chose what's more important to you...your jump range or getting back in one piece....

Yes, i refuse to downgrade my ASP modules too. I don't have weapons becouse i'm bad in PvP, but i have shiled 5D, power plant 5D, power distributor 5D, and upgraded thruster too. And also carry a shiled booster. My jump range is still 33,01, and every explorer should learn to run on fumes (wich brings my jump range to 35).

So the plan is: upon system entry look for contatcs ALWAYS. If i see contacts is immediate jump out, in new system reactivate shields, power distributor and shield booster, wait shield recharge and re-jump in. Then see if they are hostile or friendly. If they are hostile i should have a chance to flee with my equipment.

Also: I have been interdicted by an NPC ANACONDA in MAIA System (about 600 ly from Sol). This April. He scanned my empty cargo and decided i wasn't worth, communicating me he would have spared me the very second before FSD engaged.
It was a brown throusers moment tough, but what if it destroied me? Where to cry?
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