RCT 3 IOS Waterride bug with lift

Hey there!
Love the fact that you made this game available for iOS. Thanks!
However, there are some bugs. I want to show you this one. The lift hill on this water coaster can't be completed using the normal way. It won't let me flat the lift. So I flattened it by building from the other side. Now it crashes at the end of the lift and it's pretty much unusable.

I hope one you have enough info. Good luck!

ps. I absolutely hate the path building system. Other than that.. It's a good port.

Support Vulcan

Customer Support
Hi xTrinity,

Thanks for attaching this screenshot!

I have to say, judging by the looks of things I think the reason it wouldn't let you place the flat in it's original location is the pool of water underneath - which will have a minimum clearance limit! For the same reason, I expect that when it's been forced to add that piece from the other side, it's causing the glitch you're seeing!

Could you go back to that coaster and delete the pieces of track around the water pool - then try using the 'auto-track-complete' tool to fill in the blank spaces? This will hopefully resolve the issue!

Hi Vulcan!

Thanks for your response, however the solution you are addressing does not fix it. Even with the removed water piece I can't flatten the lift hill. Also I can make the lift even higher if I want to so I should be able to flatten it after the water piece, but I am not. O and I forgot to mention that the auto track complete tool doe not find any solutions either. I could show you more screenshots if you like!

Thanks again!

Support Vulcan

Customer Support
Hi again,

That's a bit odd. Please do send us some more screenshots, from different angles!

If I were you i'd be trying to delete single pieces of track from each until the auto-complete works, as something seems to have become unhappy there!

This is definitely a bug with River Rapids (unfortunately one of my favorite rides). There is no way to transition from the incline to flat. Here's a photo!

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