General Gameplay Weather Update

I Think Hurricanes and Tornados are awesome and provide an excellent challenge in the game however I feel that there should be a variety of different challenges when it comes to the weather in Jurassic world evolution.

Droughts: as we on the 110 degrees and sometimes higher can cause blackouts with power stations and of course I think this type of weather in Jurassic world Evolution would provide an excellent challenge to keep up with the weather such as heat waves causing your part to lose power and at the same time making your dinosaurs unhappy which would force you to make more trees for them to hide under.

Flooding: since Costa Rica gets floods every now and then during the rain season so it makes sense that even Isla nublar or any of the other Islands could get floods in the game, so my suggestion is endless rain but with a high chance of flooding and your goal is to prevent your buildings from getting damaged by making sure that they're built on High Ground in order to prevent power outages and additional damage to your guest buildings.

Thunderstorms: thunderstorms can be quite a difficult challenge due to the absolute power of a lightning bolt which could cause power stations 2 be knocked out in the process causing blackouts this could definitely also caused many of your dinosaurs to get angry and upset to the point where they break out in frustration of the loud noises of the storm panicking making it quite a difficult task to contain all your dinosaurs.
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More weather conditions would be good to see, especially the droughts and floods... I don't know how the lightening would differ in the dinosaurs behaviour from the heavy rain that is already in the game, but it would be great as a visual effect.
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