Welcome PS4 players, and an offer of assistance

If you find that you are struggling with the game, be that flying, landing, making progress, or just have questions, I would be happy to offer answers and/or assistance.

It's been a long time since I've used the PS4 friend system, but you can add me (Iasthi), and I will answer your questions via voice, and if possible, show you things in game in my Private Group. I can also stream on twitch, if that works better.

What I will do:

Explain or show you how the game works, in most of the activities that it offers. I don't know everything about everything, but I do know a lot about a lot. I can probably answer your questions, or show you how and give tips.

What I will not do:

Teach you how to shortcut the game. I will not be party to your future misery, and that information is easily found for those who wish to walk that path. Once you learn how the game works, you will start moving and progressing quite quickly indeed compared to what you experience at the outset.

Again, welcome, and enjoy the game :)

hey, thanks for the offer - i just got elite today and am currently in the tutorial missions. i will add you as soon as i feel i am not a 100% noob in order not to test your patience :) my psn is conirhawk
hey, thanks for the offer - i just got elite today and am currently in the tutorial missions. i will add you as soon as i feel i am not a 100% noob in order not to test your patience :) my psn is conirhawk

Patience is a virtue - besides, going from my HOTAS on the PC to the controller on the PS4 was a frustrating experience for someone who knows how to fly, so I can only imagine what it might be like for someone who hasn't played these types of games for a few decades. There was some noob to see here, if anyone was watching, and that's not totally in the past tense yet.

Im a new player to this particular frontier game and i admit i found it nearly impossible to the point of giving up within the first few hours of play. However i stuck with it (after turning the air blue with language for a few hours) and i have landing down cold now pretty much. Ive done some trading and some transport missions and bought a cobra MK 3 ship and kitted it out with mining stuff. Ive learnt how to do that. I did spend 6 hours today though mining stuff that only net me 10k of credits which was a complete waste of time :( even though i looked up places to get painite and platinum i just couldnt find any.

As for combat ive only done the training mission. Just about could complete the first one but had no chance with the advanced or protection the ship in the horizons training mission. I kinda expected there to be some kind of story to follow rather than just random stuff. It seems that the game is designed to throw you in at the deep end and abandon you without much of a clue. All this kind of makes the game very dull and boring for me. Do you have any tips on how to progress and what to do as a newbie starting out. Im playing in solo mode btw. Thanks for any help.
Im a new player to this particular frontier game and i admit i found it nearly impossible to the point of giving up within the first few hours of play. However i stuck with it (after turning the air blue with language for a few hours) and i have landing down cold now pretty much. Ive done some trading and some transport missions and bought a cobra MK 3 ship and kitted it out with mining stuff. Ive learnt how to do that. I did spend 6 hours today though mining stuff that only net me 10k of credits which was a complete waste of time :( even though i looked up places to get painite and platinum i just couldnt find any.

As for combat ive only done the training mission. Just about could complete the first one but had no chance with the advanced or protection the ship in the horizons training mission. I kinda expected there to be some kind of story to follow rather than just random stuff. It seems that the game is designed to throw you in at the deep end and abandon you without much of a clue. All this kind of makes the game very dull and boring for me. Do you have any tips on how to progress and what to do as a newbie starting out. Im playing in solo mode btw. Thanks for any help.

Lets kit that Cobra out for some combat and cargo running. Don't worry about mining. And as far as a story, well, you decide which way you want to go. But I would suggest diving into combat sooner rather than later. I can post a coriolis for a preferable Cobra build if you'd like.

Edit: https://coriolis.edcd.io/outfit/cob...1/kA==.Aw1/kA==..EweloBhBGA2EoFMCGBzANokMK6A=

Fit the best in slot that you can afford- but I suggest meeting all of these thresholds to full A rate this ship before moving on to a multi-million credit ship.

if you find it more lucrative- swap out those cargo racks for some passenger cabins.

Hint for combat, bind the lasers to one trigger and use them to strip shields, bind the multi cannons to the other and they will chew through hull.
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Im a new player to this particular frontier game and i admit i found it nearly impossible to the point of giving up within the first few hours of play. However i stuck with it (after turning the air blue with language for a few hours) and i have landing down cold now pretty much. Ive done some trading and some transport missions and bought a cobra MK 3 ship and kitted it out with mining stuff. Ive learnt how to do that. I did spend 6 hours today though mining stuff that only net me 10k of credits which was a complete waste of time :( even though i looked up places to get painite and platinum i just couldnt find any.

As for combat ive only done the training mission. Just about could complete the first one but had no chance with the advanced or protection the ship in the horizons training mission. I kinda expected there to be some kind of story to follow rather than just random stuff. It seems that the game is designed to throw you in at the deep end and abandon you without much of a clue. All this kind of makes the game very dull and boring for me. Do you have any tips on how to progress and what to do as a newbie starting out. Im playing in solo mode btw. Thanks for any help.

One thing that I'm going to try to do is give you the information, without trying to sound like you are wrong if you don't like the game. It's possible that this game isn't something that you will enjoy, and there is nothing wrong with that.

One tip that I have for all new players is to take advantage of opportunities when they occur. This could be a random meeting with another Commander, or an advanced Commander opening their ship for Multi-Crew, or an in-game event happening. These are the spices in the food, so to speak. Right now, there is a Community Goal that is very conveniently located, and is easy to participate in - I would very highly recommend all new Commanders to take part in the Asellus Primus CG, even just a little bit. It is already in the middle tiers of completion, and the payout is orders of magnitude higher than anything else you could be doing in the same amount of time spent. You can sign up for it anywhere that has a mission board (the CG's are in the gray box at the top of the mission list, select that, then select the Asellus Primus CG, and choose Sign Up), just make sure you are signed up before you hand in the bounty vouchers. They will show in your Transactions tab (if you want to see them at all), and you turn them in at Beagle (specifically Beagle, not anywhere you want) using the Contacts option in the station services UI.

Go to the ringed planet just outside of Beagle, and go into one of the resource sites (low is safer than high). You might have to have some patience, and keep an eye on your Contacts tab, but ships should start showing up that the cops start shooting. Stay relatively close to the cops, and you will find them. Target them, wait for the scan while getting in a decent position, make sure it says Wanted in the bottom left corner of the screen, and start shooting. You only have to hit it a little bit (with some caution, don't shoot the cops by mistake), and you will get credit. Shoot it until the letters go from gold to red. Turn those bounties in at Beagle. I don't know for sure, but a dozen or so should get you into the top 75%, and the payout as of 12 hours ago was over 3 million credits. You should be able to get a dozen in less than 2 hours. Done this way, there is little risk, and a high reward that will give you a significant jump-start to your career. If you are feeling really opportunistic, there are two more also going on (Eravate and somewhere else that isn't terribly far); if you can make it to those and participate even a little bit, you could perhaps end up with 3 payouts at 3+ million credits. Not bad for a few hours' work, eh? Also, I have never seen a penalty for signing up for a CG, but not participating in it. When the CG finishes, you will collect the reward from Beagle (or whatever station is hosting the CG). Finally, you can monitor your standing from any station that has a mission board.

Even if Combat is not your thing, take advantage of the opportunity anyway. You don't have to pound on it for hours to get a good return. If you are able to get into the top 25% or higher, then the payouts are even better, and for this CG, the only thing you need to participate is a ship that has a single weapon. The cops will be doing a lot more damage than you, so as long as you wait for them to start shooting (and for your scan to finish and show Wanted), there really is very little danger, and you don't need to be an ace pilot. Easy money.

As a new Commander starting out in general: one of the best things about this game is that for all activities, there is more than one way to skin the cat, so to speak. You will find that there are a lot of players who can't get out of their efficiency, grind, and credits per hour mindsets who will disagree, but you are likely to find that those are also the Commanders that complain all the time. In a lot of ways, this game is what you make of it, and by that, I do not mean using your imagination. You can do everything in the game to a fair level with that Cobra Mk3 that you bought - you don't need to buy another ship, if you don't want to (and a fair number of Commanders don't go past the Cobra 3). There are ships that can deliver (and take) more damage, ships that can haul (a lot) more cargo at a time, and ships with a (much) higher maximum jump range, but the Cobra 3 can do it all with minimal gear swaps, and it's the gateway ship to the rest of the game.

Lots of words applicable to any new Commander, and also to your question, Newbie0. But for you specifically:

I will recommend a series of goals for you (a progression track, if you prefer), with the intention of showing you some of the various things that are in the game as a side benefit. The activities will be somewhat varied, and perhaps require different loadouts on your ship, but as I mentioned earlier, the Cobra 3 can easily handle all of it. Ship modules buy and sell for a zero sum, which means you lose no money buying and selling them. Items you might use often (like Cargo Racks) you should probably store, instead of selling, especially the ones that are 3E and higher.

- Participate in at least one of the current CG's that are located in and near Asellus Primus. Even if Combat isn't your thing, do it at least enough to get top 75%. Up to a certain point, more credits = more options, and also more room to absorb mistakes. Not all mistakes that cost you credits involve the destruction of your ship.

- Upgrade your Cobra
Frame Shift Drive - A
Power Distributor - A
Power Plant - A, and the smallest (size 2 or 3, instead of 4) that provides enough power for everything (learn power management at a later time)
Shields - A or Bi-weave for Combat, D for anything else (make your choice)
Thrusters - A for Combat or speed/performance, D for anything else (make your choice)
Obtain a Heatsink launcher and a Frameshift Wake Scanner for the Utility slots (substitute a Kill Warrant Scanner for Combat/Bounty Hunting)
Obtain an Advanced Discovery Scanner, and a Detailed Surface Scanner (around 1.5 million credits for both of these, fyi)
Obtain a Fuel Scoop, preferably 3B or 4B. 4A will be the best you can use, but it's pricey.
Make sure you have at least one SRV

- Unlock Elvira Martuuk and Felicity Farseer (yes, both). Make sure you have the Fuel Scoop, Advanced Discovery Scanner, the Detailed Surface Scanner, and at least one SRV with you. Scan every system with the ADS you travel through, and maybe some things with the DSS as well for this entire trip.
Do enough to get to level 3 (at least) with each one, and Engineer your Frame Shift Drive for increased jump range

- While obtaining the item to unlock Farseer, visit the crashed Alien vessels, but don't pick anything up off the ground yet. Remember them, though. Also visit one of the active barnacle sites, and one of the newly-discovered Thargoid bases. You won't be able to do anything there yet, but see it anyway.

-While travelling to Farseer (or just after visiting her), go visit one of the Alien Ruins, making sure you go far enough out that it triggers Elvira's 300 light year requirement

-After obtaining the item to unlock Elvira and spending some time with her, go visit Betelgeuse, and land on the closest planet to it that you can

In completing this track, you will have experienced:

Some Combat
Some Trade
The basics of Exploration, and a fair amount of Exploration data if you scanned systems/planets on this loop that can be sold for credits
The basics of Outfitting
One of the wonders of the galaxy (Betelgeuse), and a Black Hole in the Maia system, if you fly out to it
Alien stuff in different forms
Total travel approximately 3k light years (which means nothing really, other than the accomplishment)
Unlocked 2 of the more useful Engineers
Several planetary landings where you don't have pre-generated waypoints to guide you to the location
Learned what resources to use and where to look for information needed to achieve some of these goals that I have deliberately left out, which also helps you interact with other Commanders, who might become Wingmates
Hopefully when you visited Betelgeuse, you landed in such a way that the star is clearly visible, and took the opportunity to learn how the Camera Suite works to take screenshots

Sorry for the Great Wall of Text, and I hope it helps you, and anyone else looking for a path to get started.

Edit to add bonus item - go to the Meene system, and find Ram Tah's mission. Ideally, do this before you visit the Alien Ruins. You can complete a number of the scans at any of the Ruins locations, but there will be some research, or trial and error on your part if you want to discover it all yourself. Make sure you have an SRV, and at least 8T worth of cargo space, 12T is better.

Edit for clarity - the Community Goals that I mention numerous times in this post have been completed, and as such, are not longer valid. You can do current ones if you like, or substitute "make money" in place of them.

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Wow thanks guys for this wealth of information! Its getting late now for me so i will have to try these things tomorrow. Lots to digest here. Probably wont be able to do all that in a day, or maybe even a couple lol but i will let you know how it goes. Gives me some great options there for things to do and ship load outs :) I can put my mining gear in storage for another time. I need to get the advanced scanner as i had to drop some missions because i couldnt find where the outposts were. It was too expensive but i will save up for it.
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The best advice I can give learning from the PC is never under any circumstance try to fly a spaceship drunk, you might think you can but you cant, and you will wish you never. Sleep it off and try in the morning.
Wow thanks guys for this wealth of information! Its getting late now for me so i will have to try these things tomorrow. Lots to digest here. Probably wont be able to do all that in a day, or maybe even a couple lol but i will let you know how it goes. Gives me some great options there for things to do and ship load outs :) I can put my mining gear in storage for another time. I need to get the advanced scanner as i had to drop some missions because i couldnt find where the outposts were. It was too expensive but i will save up for it.

You are most welcome - a seasoned player could knock out that list in a week or less starting from scratch, while someone new and still learning will probably take longer, and make some mistakes along the way. The mistakes are part of the experience, and learning from them will be quite valuable. I'm not going to tell you how to play, but if I might make a suggestion, I would say move towards completing them, but not at the expense of all else, and without grinding it. Just play the game, take the opportunities that come along, try some things, and move in the direction of those goals as you can. This game really is about the journey, and not the destination.

I am a seasoned player, and while taking my own advice (the CG), I got exploded on the first target because I made a few errors in judgement. I also went in there with only one re-buy in the bank, so I had to shift gears, and do some missions to build the bank back up. Then my headset died, so once it recharges, I'll try the CG again, hopefully with more awareness and better results.

In all things, falling is how we learn to pick ourselves back up again.

What bugs the &*ss out of me is not being able to get behind an NPC in combat? I mean are they just pre-programmed to always point AT you? It becomes a joust - one I usually lose.
You are most welcome - a seasoned player could knock out that list in a week or less starting from scratch, while someone new and still learning will probably take longer, and make some mistakes along the way. The mistakes are part of the experience, and learning from them will be quite valuable. I'm not going to tell you how to play, but if I might make a suggestion, I would say move towards completing them, but not at the expense of all else, and without grinding it. Just play the game, take the opportunities that come along, try some things, and move in the direction of those goals as you can. This game really is about the journey, and not the destination.

I am a seasoned player, and while taking my own advice (the CG), I got exploded on the first target because I made a few errors in judgement. I also went in there with only one re-buy in the bank, so I had to shift gears, and do some missions to build the bank back up. Then my headset died, so once it recharges, I'll try the CG again, hopefully with more awareness and better results.

In all things, falling is how we learn to pick ourselves back up again.


Couldnt agree more. Im going to start the list today, but will be running some transport missions first to build up my ship and get a little money for the inevitable deaths that i will be having in trying :) as you said it is the journey not the destination. One thing i have learned in my years of online gaming. Thanks again.
Lets kit that Cobra out for some combat and cargo running. Don't worry about mining. And as far as a story, well, you decide which way you want to go. But I would suggest diving into combat sooner rather than later. I can post a coriolis for a preferable Cobra build if you'd like.

Edit: https://coriolis.edcd.io/outfit/cob...1/kA==.Aw1/kA==..EweloBhBGA2EoFMCGBzANokMK6A=

Fit the best in slot that you can afford- but I suggest meeting all of these thresholds to full A rate this ship before moving on to a multi-million credit ship.

if you find it more lucrative- swap out those cargo racks for some passenger cabins.

Hint for combat, bind the lasers to one trigger and use them to strip shields, bind the multi cannons to the other and they will chew through hull.

Thanks, the spec is very handy. Best i can find for multi cannons though is 1G which seems a bit lame this is in and around the Eravate system. I guess it will have to do for now. Been checking every port i land in for better though.
You are most welcome - a seasoned player could knock out that list in a week or less starting from scratch, while someone new and still learning will probably take longer, and make some mistakes along the way. The mistakes are part of the experience, and learning from them will be quite valuable. I'm not going to tell you how to play, but if I might make a suggestion, I would say move towards completing them, but not at the expense of all else, and without grinding it. Just play the game, take the opportunities that come along, try some things, and move in the direction of those goals as you can. This game really is about the journey, and not the destination.

I am a seasoned player, and while taking my own advice (the CG), I got exploded on the first target because I made a few errors in judgement. I also went in there with only one re-buy in the bank, so I had to shift gears, and do some missions to build the bank back up. Then my headset died, so once it recharges, I'll try the CG again, hopefully with more awareness and better results.

In all things, falling is how we learn to pick ourselves back up again.


Ok heres an update :) i spent all sunday flying transport missions (not the best source of income quickly but i know i can handle them) to get some credits so i could upgrade my Cobra. Im still missing a few important bits but at least i have enough that i felt comfortable giving the community mission a go. Did what you said went to the Asellus Primus one and got some kills in. I did get over excited on one and accidentally hit a cop which ended in me getting destroyed, thankfully i had enough to cover the insurance cost but i lost all the wanted credits i had built up on that run. I hit enough ships to get credit but only the bottom tier so i thought i would continue tonight. Unfortunately the community had finished it by the time i got home from work so i only got 700k credits for it :( i thought i better get over to eravate one and did my best there. it seemed like the ships there were a little harder and i had to totally destroy some myself before the cops even turned up. Some were bounties that were not the ships for the event but i made a couple of trips to and from the hub. I made damn sure not to hit cops tonight lol and i managed to get into the top 50% so now i will get 6.5 million for this one YaY! Might pop over to the other system and bag some there too.

Since the event is timed i thought i would crack on with that before tackling the rest of your list but its a good start mate. Thanks again for steering me in the right direction. One other thing i would like to ask is what are the galaxy powers all about? I know theres the federation, empire and alliance etc... and you can join them as they control systems i guess like a government or something. I also know that if you leave one they send ships after you but what exactly are they and is there a best one to join? Cant see me ever being a pirate in the game so are there legal ones with good agendas etc.... Thanks for any advice.
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Deleted member 110222

One thing that I'm going to try to do is give you the information, without trying to sound like you are wrong if you don't like the game. It's possible that this game isn't something that you will enjoy, and there is nothing wrong with that.

One tip that I have for all new players is to take advantage of opportunities when they occur. This could be a random meeting with another Commander, or an advanced Commander opening their ship for Multi-Crew, or an in-game event happening. These are the spices in the food, so to speak. Right now, there is a Community Goal that is very conveniently located, and is easy to participate in - I would very highly recommend all new Commanders to take part in the Asellus Primus CG, even just a little bit. It is already in the middle tiers of completion, and the payout is orders of magnitude higher than anything else you could be doing in the same amount of time spent. You can sign up for it anywhere that has a mission board (the CG's are in the gray box at the top of the mission list, select that, then select the Asellus Primus CG, and choose Sign Up), just make sure you are signed up before you hand in the bounty vouchers. They will show in your Transactions tab (if you want to see them at all), and you turn them in at Beagle (specifically Beagle, not anywhere you want) using the Contacts option in the station services UI.

Go to the ringed planet just outside of Beagle, and go into one of the resource sites (low is safer than high). You might have to have some patience, and keep an eye on your Contacts tab, but ships should start showing up that the cops start shooting. Stay relatively close to the cops, and you will find them. Target them, wait for the scan while getting in a decent position, make sure it says Wanted in the bottom left corner of the screen, and start shooting. You only have to hit it a little bit (with some caution, don't shoot the cops by mistake), and you will get credit. Shoot it until the letters go from gold to red. Turn those bounties in at Beagle. I don't know for sure, but a dozen or so should get you into the top 75%, and the payout as of 12 hours ago was over 3 million credits. You should be able to get a dozen in less than 2 hours. Done this way, there is little risk, and a high reward that will give you a significant jump-start to your career. If you are feeling really opportunistic, there are two more also going on (Eravate and somewhere else that isn't terribly far); if you can make it to those and participate even a little bit, you could perhaps end up with 3 payouts at 3+ million credits. Not bad for a few hours' work, eh? Also, I have never seen a penalty for signing up for a CG, but not participating in it. When the CG finishes, you will collect the reward from Beagle (or whatever station is hosting the CG). Finally, you can monitor your standing from any station that has a mission board.

Even if Combat is not your thing, take advantage of the opportunity anyway. You don't have to pound on it for hours to get a good return. If you are able to get into the top 25% or higher, then the payouts are even better, and for this CG, the only thing you need to participate is a ship that has a single weapon. The cops will be doing a lot more damage than you, so as long as you wait for them to start shooting (and for your scan to finish and show Wanted), there really is very little danger, and you don't need to be an ace pilot. Easy money.

As a new Commander starting out in general: one of the best things about this game is that for all activities, there is more than one way to skin the cat, so to speak. You will find that there are a lot of players who can't get out of their efficiency, grind, and credits per hour mindsets who will disagree, but you are likely to find that those are also the Commanders that complain all the time. In a lot of ways, this game is what you make of it, and by that, I do not mean using your imagination. You can do everything in the game to a fair level with that Cobra Mk3 that you bought - you don't need to buy another ship, if you don't want to (and a fair number of Commanders don't go past the Cobra 3). There are ships that can deliver (and take) more damage, ships that can haul (a lot) more cargo at a time, and ships with a (much) higher maximum jump range, but the Cobra 3 can do it all with minimal gear swaps, and it's the gateway ship to the rest of the game.

Lots of words applicable to any new Commander, and also to your question, Newbie0. But for you specifically:

I will recommend a series of goals for you (a progression track, if you prefer), with the intention of showing you some of the various things that are in the game as a side benefit. The activities will be somewhat varied, and perhaps require different loadouts on your ship, but as I mentioned earlier, the Cobra 3 can easily handle all of it. Ship modules buy and sell for a zero sum, which means you lose no money buying and selling them. Items you might use often (like Cargo Racks) you should probably store, instead of selling, especially the ones that are 3E and higher.

- Participate in at least one of the current CG's that are located in and near Asellus Primus. Even if Combat isn't your thing, do it at least enough to get top 75%. Up to a certain point, more credits = more options, and also more room to absorb mistakes. Not all mistakes that cost you credits involve the destruction of your ship.

- Upgrade your Cobra
Frame Shift Drive - A
Power Distributor - A
Power Plant - A, and the smallest (size 2 or 3, instead of 4) that provides enough power for everything (learn power management at a later time)
Shields - A or Bi-weave for Combat, D for anything else (make your choice)
Thrusters - A for Combat or speed/performance, D for anything else (make your choice)
Obtain a Heatsink launcher and a Frameshift Wake Scanner for the Utility slots (substitute a Kill Warrant Scanner for Combat/Bounty Hunting)
Obtain an Advanced Discovery Scanner, and a Detailed Surface Scanner (around 1.5 million credits for both of these, fyi)
Obtain a Fuel Scoop, preferably 3B or 4B. 4A will be the best you can use, but it's pricey.
Make sure you have at least one SRV

- Unlock Elvira Martuuk and Felicity Farseer (yes, both). Make sure you have the Fuel Scoop, Advanced Discovery Scanner, the Detailed Surface Scanner, and at least one SRV with you. Scan every system with the ADS you travel through, and maybe some things with the DSS as well for this entire trip.
Do enough to get to level 3 (at least) with each one, and Engineer your Frame Shift Drive for increased jump range

- While obtaining the item to unlock Farseer, visit the crashed Alien vessels, but don't pick anything up off the ground yet. Remember them, though. Also visit one of the active barnacle sites, and one of the newly-discovered Thargoid bases. You won't be able to do anything there yet, but see it anyway.

-While travelling to Farseer (or just after visiting her), go visit one of the Alien Ruins, making sure you go far enough out that it triggers Elvira's 300 light year requirement

-After obtaining the item to unlock Elvira and spending some time with her, go visit Betelgeuse, and land on the closest planet to it that you can

In completing this track, you will have experienced:

Some Combat
Some Trade
The basics of Exploration, and a fair amount of Exploration data if you scanned systems/planets on this loop that can be sold for credits
The basics of Outfitting
One of the wonders of the galaxy (Betelgeuse), and a Black Hole in the Maia system, if you fly out to it
Alien stuff in different forms
Total travel approximately 3k light years (which means nothing really, other than the accomplishment)
Unlocked 2 of the more useful Engineers
Several planetary landings where you don't have pre-generated waypoints to guide you to the location
Learned what resources to use and where to look for information needed to achieve some of these goals that I have deliberately left out, which also helps you interact with other Commanders, who might become Wingmates
Hopefully when you visited Betelgeuse, you landed in such a way that the star is clearly visible, and took the opportunity to learn how the Camera Suite works to take screenshots

Sorry for the Great Wall of Text, and I hope it helps you, and anyone else looking for a path to get started.


This is very handy information. So handy that I've bookmarked this page, and have copy-pasted your post to a Libre document for future reference. Thanks!
One other thing i would like to ask is what are the galaxy powers all about? I know theres the federation, empire and alliance etc... and you can join them as they control systems i guess like a government or something. I also know that if you leave one they send ships after you but what exactly are they and is there a best one to join? Cant see me ever being a pirate in the game so are there legal ones with good agendas etc.... Thanks for any advice.

You are mixing up the galactic Superpowers (Federation, Empire, Alliance) with the powers from Power Play.

In Power Play you have various people from the superpowers acting on the galaxtic stage jockying for control of inhabited systems. The systems they control may not be of the same superpower that the person represents, but for those areas they control they give various benefits / deficits such as banning all types of slavery, closing down all black markets, making buying ships / modules cheaper etc. You can get these without joining a power, but if you do join one and you raise your standing with them they can give you access to things only they have, such as special shields / weaponry etc. The down side is you'll find that agents for the other powers will try to make your life difficult (Dangerous even<g>) so NPC interdictions will become more frequent etc.

It's up to you if you want to give Power Play a go, if so go read up everything on the power play section of the forums as well as the in-game guide, then go looking for the player groups who supports each power, as they'll be able to give you a much better idea of what you need to do, and what you'll get out of it.
You are mixing up the galactic Superpowers (Federation, Empire, Alliance) with the powers from Power Play.

In Power Play you have various people from the superpowers acting on the galaxtic stage jockying for control of inhabited systems. The systems they control may not be of the same superpower that the person represents, but for those areas they control they give various benefits / deficits such as banning all types of slavery, closing down all black markets, making buying ships / modules cheaper etc. You can get these without joining a power, but if you do join one and you raise your standing with them they can give you access to things only they have, such as special shields / weaponry etc. The down side is you'll find that agents for the other powers will try to make your life difficult (Dangerous even<g>) so NPC interdictions will become more frequent etc.

It's up to you if you want to give Power Play a go, if so go read up everything on the power play section of the forums as well as the in-game guide, then go looking for the player groups who supports each power, as they'll be able to give you a much better idea of what you need to do, and what you'll get out of it.

Thats great thanks for clearing that up. Maybe when i get a bit more experienced with the game its worth looking into thanks, i think its more of a later on thing.
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