Welcome to a Thursday, Commanders o7

Am I allowed to do this? Casual, 'unrelated to announcements' Thursday forum post from a CM?
Will anyone even see it??
I don't see why this would be weird...right? Conventional isn't always necessarily the most exciting/beneficial way to do things, so I'll put myself on the line.

o7 Commanders! How are things going today, out in the Galaxy?
We're still working through your continued feedback and remain ever grateful for it.
I live in a small village, and when we moved here from London I was a litle freaked out by the way everyone said "good morning" to complete strangers, but it's actually a small nod to the fact that we're a community. Now I get to freak out newcomers with a hearty "good morning" :)

So, good morning to you Sally! May your coffee cup be ever full.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Hopefully the dev team are already aware of this (I had some contact with @Frontier_Help on twitter about it), but could you please check on the status of https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/40259 ? Whilst the 'docked' menu isn't acting as weird as it was in Update 4 it's still got a bug in Update 5.

I'll once more repeat my position that I don't think the behaviour even needed changing from "defaults to Refuel". That's always what I want to do first thing when docked.

Thanks Athan! I actually hadn't seen this so will take a look :) Thank you!


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
I live in a small village, and when we moved here from London I was a litle freaked out by the way everyone said "good morning" to complete strangers, but it's actually a small nod to the fact that we're a community. Now I get to freak out newcomers with a hearty "good morning" :)

So, good morning to you Sally! May your coffee cup be ever full.

A VERY hearty good morning to you! I am allllll about gestures of "Hello fellow human!", as you might have noticed a bit too often haha!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Morning Sally! Here's one of my favourite images from Terry Gilliam's cult classic "Brazil" which feels highly pertinent at the moment.


Have a great day,
Am I allowed to do this? Casual, 'unrelated to announcements' Thursday forum post from a CM?
Will anyone even see it??
I don't see why this would be weird...right? Conventional isn't always necessarily the most exciting/beneficial way to do things, so I'll put myself on the line.

o7 Commanders! How are things going today, out in the Galaxy?
We're still working through your continued feedback and remain ever grateful for it.

Where you may ask questions here that I will probably sound like I'm replying to by copy/pasting from a textbook of 'Community Manager Canned Responses' (I'm not and never will be), I'm still here to listen to all things because you're important. There, I said it.

Have a great day today o7
Going well thanks. Had a weird experience getting killed on a “clean out the scavengers” mission at one of the more remote outposts out by the North America nebula. My suit was (or became?) wanted and I ended up in the Quarry, California Sector. Too far to taxi to my ship. I wandered the outposts by taxi for a while, but all the ship wranglers were away from desk. Eventually I found one that was in business and I could recall the ship - at the fourth settlement I visited I think.

It was eerie to be stuck on foot after 6 years stuck in seats. But fun. Now I’m exploring around that area and the Alliance bases there.

Perhaps the suit status is a bug? But it led to an adventure, so all good.

:D S
I'm going to ask, and I don't know if you know the answer, and can even answer, but It's worth a shot. Sorry for the early big chunk to chew on^^

The pre alpha and even late alpha planet generation was drastically better in overall quality than the one we have now, for a majority of planet. I'm not going to bother you with tons of screenshots to compare (I have a lot), but if you look at those one (same planet), you can see a decrease in quality (noise and overall texture quality). Atmosphere also changed from volumetric (nice weather and cloudy effect) into a shader one (regular painted skybox).
villae pre alpha.jpeg

It is also true on the ground, rock scattering have been severely reduced, texture downgraded in resolution, drastically decrease in "noise", some texture apparently removed etc...

Some of this footage was labelled "ingame footage", yet they are exceptionally rare, and the planets in said footage doesn't have nearly the same quality in today's Odyssey.
Some planet still have that kind of quality, as I've seen screenshots of them, but they seem incredibly rare compared to the one with very low resolution texture and poor noise. I personally never saw one myself, only screenshots.

My question is, will we have the promised planet generation finally added to Odyssey, or was it downgraded for some reason (optimization ?) and what we have is all that we will get for the foreseeable future ?
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