Welcome to the forums - Community Manager Introductions

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for joining us here on our forums!

I'm Ed, I'm the Senior Community Manager here at Frontier Developments. I'm the lead of the community team, and also one of the lucky people who gets to appear in front of camera from time to time, on livestreams, interviews and even on stage with Will and Bo! You might have seen me talking about the game with the devs at last year's FX... if not, you can see the link here.

At Frontier we take pride in communicating and engaging as much as much as we possibly can with our community. I have the pleasure of working with a wonderful and experienced community team; you'll see myself, Will, Bo, Paige, and Brett here on the forums as much as we possibly can be (read about the rest of the team in the posts below!) We also host regular livestreams over at Twitch.tv/frontierdevelopments, and you can follow our accounts on Twitter to hear from us almost every day. We continue to work with the incredible Elite Dangerous and Planet Coaster communities too, and we can't wait to get involved with a new set of keen Jurassic enthusiasts!

These forums will be just one of the places to go for the latest news, updates, patch notes, competitions, livestream announcements, community activity, and more... we'll keep you up to date on all of our official accounts, and on the Steam page too.

Find me on Twitter @edwardclewis (can't promise I won't talk about my band, movies and boardgames though).

Stay in touch... we will!


Will Flanagan

Howdy folks!

Whether you're a new or returning face, it's a pleasure to see you here on our new Jurassic World Evolution forums. Welcome!

I'm Will, one of the Community Managers here at Frontier Developments, and you're likely to meet me on our livestreams alongside Ed and Bo very soon. Off-screen, I'm also one of your contacts here at Frontier, so don't be afraid to get in touch with me - I'll do my utmost to answer your questions and queries. I’m also working behind-the-scenes to bring you creative and entertaining content!

Having already played a bit of the game, you’d be right to feel excited, and I can’t wait to hear what you think about Jurassic World Evolution! Out of all the dinosaurs that have been revealed so far, my favourite is that gentle giant, the Parasaurolophus. What’s yours?

For those that don’t know, I’m an avid chocolate-fiend, gamer and appreciator of anime-related content.

Look forward to meeting you on the forums and in our streams very soon! You can also follow me on Twitter: @monsieurwillie


Paige Harvey

Hey guys,

It's awesome to see you here and I hope you enjoy your time on the Jurassic World Evolution Forums!

I'm Paige, the Social Media Manager for Frontier Developments, so I deal with getting all that juicy dinosaur information out to you. It's truly incredible what the team here has been able to do with the game, and having played it myself, I'm sure you're going to love it. As time goes on, opportunities will be available for us here at Frontier to show your off on our social channels (things like fan art, video content, let's plays, screenshots, blogs etc) and you'll hear about these opportunities here on the forums.

On a personal note, I'm an avid gamer with a love of open-world exploration and survival horror games. I love tattoos, cats and playing the guitar, and my favourite Dinosaur is the Ankylosaurus!

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PaigeHHarvey and I look forward to talking to you all again soon!


Bo Marit

Lead Community Manager
Hi everyone!

Lovely to see you here in our Jurassic World Evolution forums - glad to have you!

My name is Bo, one of the Community Managers at Frontier Developments and one of the Stream Team here (alongside the awesome Ed and Will). You may have already seen my name pop up on the JWE reddit and social media pages, as I've been having a great time reading your comments, thoughts, and enthusiasm there.

Aside from hosting livestreams, I love working together with content creators, creating fun content for our communities, and organising... anything, really! I love planning things, and bringing structure to the organised chaos that is my brain (and my inbox).

On a more personal note, I train in aerial sports (mostly trapeze, corde lisse, and pole), spend too many hours gaming or binge watching Netflix, and try to explore the world as often as I can.

Without being too much of a tease, the game is looking absolutely fantastic and I cannot wait to share it with you all!
My favourite dinosaur is the velociraptor (mainly because of their snarky faces). How about you?

You can follow me on Twitter if you want to get to know me better or have the latest updates on Frontier games: https://www.twitter.com/BoMarit89

Speak soon!
[heart] Bo

Brett C

Hi folks, I am Brett C, I’ve been here at Frontier Developments since 2015, I have been around here since 2006 as a moderator. If you haven’t guessed yet, I am one of the community managers here at Frontier. My day to day duties as one of the community managers is to oversee and manage our discussion forums, work with the brilliant moderators, and keep a watchful eye - while taking part in discussions from time to time. I welcome good, constructive and positive discussion on the forum, with good discussions fostering good brain storming sessions with our developers!

I have had a long think about what my favorite dinosaur in the entire Cretaceous period... and to be honest, it’s a very difficult choice to make, as each dinosaur was unique and different in some form or fashion. I thought about the Rex or the triceratops… For some odd reason though, I keep coming back to the Parasaurolophus... am positive that I spelt that right! I think one of the reasons why I like the Parasaurolophus as much, as it has been found on much of the present-day north American continent/plate and is a rather neat fossil design. In my area of the world, Kansas is not very popular for many dinosaurs’ fossils/species, as most of Kansas was considered under water, oceans at that - millions of years ago. So, most of the finds around here generally are of marine and some flying species. However, going back further in time, Kansas is home to the Hamilton Quarry just outside of current day Hamilton Kansas (that’s in southeast Kansas)! Feel free to read up on that if you so ever desire. :)

So, with that said, welcome to our forums! I welcome everyone who wishes to voice their feedback and discuss Jurassic World Evolution!
Hi Guys! Thanks for the warm welcome from you all, knowing you all as much as i do from the various live streams you all participate in on a regular basis, I am glad to see so many people i recognise the names of. Hopefully in the coming months you will all get to know me as well as I know you. (On a side note, pretty sure this thread should be locked, so we 'normals' can't post here, if so feel free to remove this post. If it's fine for me to be posting a reply in this thread, I will remove the part in brackets :D)
Nerf the raptors!

Just kidding! Having logged just over 1000 hours this past year in Elite Dangerous mostly as an explorer, I often feel the need to claim "the first" for things, and since these are the forums that means being the first to call for a nerf (the fact that I know nothing about what I'm asking to be nerfed is, in fact, a qualifying prerequisite.)

Looking forward to picking up JWE when it's released, and to the glorious day when we can finally have JWE and PC fully integrated into ED!

"Hey, let's drop in on that new coaster in Sothis!"


"Oh....well, I'll be sure to post lots of shots of me standing in front of various rides, from multiple angles!"

- ....
What? This isnt the JWE forums, just another sub-forum with a bit different colour scheme. I cant have JWE related signature, avatar, etc. as my sig is reserved for Elite on these forums..

Sad panda is sad and this was quite weak solution.. :(
Thanks for the welcome guys! Having gotten to know you through Planet Coaster, I look forward to continuing the journey forward through JWE!
What? This isnt the JWE forums, just another sub-forum with a bit different colour scheme. I cant have JWE related signature, avatar, etc. as my sig is reserved for Elite on these forums..

Sad panda is sad and this was quite weak solution.. :(

Didn't they say during the forum re-org several months ago that the next step was to move away from away from vboards or whatever to something different?
Hi guys, I like the new forum style. :cool: Maybe JWE should have a separate forum and a link to the forums on the official site.
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Hello all!

TK here, when not flying spaceships i hope to be meddling in Dino genetics.

Nice to see so many familiar faces here

We need a dino equivalent to o7
Thank you community people from FDev for the warm welcome.

You do know that many Dino Fossils are found in salt mines yes?:D

I, err, we, my son and I are realy looking forward to JWE, nice to have this good looking forum to post our experiences.

o7, is oh seven even appropriate here....?
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