Well... thanks for taking the fun out of mining...

So mining is not exactly what you can call fun in playing Elite, and laser mining the worst of them all... I did a lot of that but then I got interested in core mining and subsurface mining, and I was actually enjoying it, a lot! (I like the mini-game). Maybe developers don't like that... cause now I don't know what exactly you did with your subsurface mining but spend almost 3 hours in different hotspots and couldn't find more than 1 or 2 of the sub deposits of the material the hotspot was about. Lets also not forget that the core asteroids you find, you cant laser mine or subsurface them since you will bug the core and no longer be able to collect with an abrasion blaster... so in summary, thank you for ruining the small joy of mining for me. God forbid we have fun at a money-making activity in the game right?

So... back to laser mining and tons of boring stuff to do! yey
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So mining is not exactly what you can call fun in playing Elite, and laser mining the worst of them all... I did a lot of that but then I got interested in core mining and subsurface mining, and I was actually enjoying it, a lot! (I like the mini-game). Maybe developers don't like that... cause now I don't know what exactly you did with your subsurface mining but spend almost 3 hours in different hotspots and couldn't find more than 1 or 2 of the sub deposits of the material the hotspot was about. Lets also not forget that the core asteroids you find, you cant laser mine or subsurface them since you will bug the core and no longer be able to collect with an abrasion blaster... so in summary, thank you for ruining the small joy of mining for me. God forbid we have fun at a money-making activity in the game right?

So... back to laser mining and tons of boring stuff to do! yey

I agree. I had 250 tons of LTD I’ve been saving over the past couple weeks. I finally got my ship full, I decide to head out to sell. I fire up inara and can’t find anything above 850k... odd. So, maybe no demand. Over the course of the next couple days, I would dodge pirates as I dropped back in to the asteroid field. Dodge the pirates in super cruise, dodge other players with my load. Once back in the asteroid field, I would just continue to collect until prices went back up.
THIS is where I knew something went totally jacked up. I spent 2 1/2 hours and found Literally 2 bright shiny asteroids. Both Alexandrite. This was a LTD hot spot. I thought i landed in an area that was mined. Jumped and re engaged somewhere else. 1 1/2 hours scanning, not one single bright asteroid. Jumped and reengaged another area. An hour later, I found another alexandrite. Over the course,of a few days, I found 1 LTD in a Void opal HS. i Kept hitting the Net to see if those updates had something to do with it, the Term NERF kept popping up then I found there was an Overlap Glitch. Ahhhh I see. Now i understand why the update. Ok. BUUUUUUUUUT. I think the Clamps are WAY TO TIGHT in the Hot Spots. Took me three days and not one void opal in a void opal HS. Just saying....
Yes, I mean, I don't mind the nerf as long as it makes sense, but this is plain stupid, they just ruined the only activity that allows players to follow up with the ridiculous game prices, and I mean ridiculous because if you try to do the quest or take rewards from other activities unless you find a trading loop you won't get enough return of investment. And I don't even want to start with what that means for Fleet carrier owners. So what is the big idea Frontier? nerf the out of everything that is working and leave the ty parts there? are you trying to test how ridiculously unrewarding you can make this game? is that the goal?
@Dean Corso ... I full agree with sentiment that last patch to mining was bad (and I myself really like to do mining occasionally as relaxing activity). However it seems that at least part of changes were unintended so there still is hope that final "nerf" to mining incomes will look differenly as it is now. With this said however comes a fact that ED offers enough ways how to get finances, unless you wanted buy fleet carrier in 2 days like it was possible pre patch 3. With knowledge how this game works is with casual playing possible rise your assets by 0,5-1 billion per month (yes, playing in wing makes this process much smoother going), which is light years different case like it was five years ago when I started play this game.

Some decent sources of income:
  • some of states (like infrastructure failure) offers good opportunites for decently paid cargo hauls
  • some commodities have each day some decent routes (eddb.io is good source of data for find these) and sometimes you can find really well paid hauls ...and from my experience is not uncommon that you will visit some really nice looking places doing so.
  • when allied with local faction there is for certain states possible get extraordinary well paid missions (either deliver cargo, or find and deliver commodity)
  • passegers are not so good for profit, but still you can (when allied) find nicely paid passengers missions
  • doing wing version of pirates massacre missions offers quite well opportunity to stack these mission from various employers towards the same target. For different employer each kill counts as 1, so with some planning (and knowledge) you can get paid few millions per single pirate kill. These mission (wing variant) lasts whole week, so there is enough time to fulfill them also for casual play.
  • war wing massacre missions pays the best money to you if you play in group/wing where every member shares his mission. From single conflict (war) is such way easily possible get 1 billion during shortest war duration (4 days)
  • exploration done in a way where are visited vaulable planets (google Road to Riches) also pays nice money.
  • surface scan missions pays 1-3M and can be done really fast using ship scanner (is not needed land and deploy SRV)
This is just list of activities which I like to do, there are other, exist also places (usually on borders of the bubble) which offers special opportunities. And numerous things you will learn only because you will try do something what you have heard about. Also playing in active group have its own magic. This game offers opportunity to have fun in numerous areas, mining is just one of them.
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Thanks @Martind Forlon, this is useful info and I agree with you, there is always a way to make income. I also understand most of it is unintended or at least I hope it is, so I'm anxious to see how it all ends. I'm just a little frustrated for now since I really liked sub surfacing things :D
I for one am done supporting FDev for a game they are obviously at odds with the players on how it should be played.
I should have paid attention and seen it a long time ago, but I had high hopes for this game.
Not anymore - eyes wide open, bottom line is, they don’t give a crap about anything but how they feel the game should be played.
And if you aren’t suffering, then you’re not playing their version of Elite.
And you know what? That’s their right. It is their game, they can do with it what they want.
On the same token, it is my money and Frontier isn’t getting a dime from me.
They aren’t giving me the game I want, then they aren’t going to get my support.
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