We're a side show

Ignore me

I've just come across this thread, not read it all.

How about taking a leaf out of Kate Russel's book and bombard FDev with pics of stars until they listen to us?

It worked for the Rammers. Just a thought.

EDIT: Sorry, ignore me. This isn't our way. I'll get back in my box.
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Im loving the idea of stackable exploration, maybe we could get an exploration "heat map" overlay on the galaxy that shows (from red to green) which systems have been deeply explored, and which require more data.

I agree with this. At the moment there are 3 classes of body

1) Unexplored - you'll get the 50% tagging bonus
2) Explored - normal value
3) "Known" - zero value

At the moment there doesn't actually appear to be any mechanism to purchase data discovered by players, so in practice category 2 splits into 2A - purchasable data systems and 2B non-purchasable data systems.

I would much prefer a system where there is, as today, a big reward for the first to discover something, following by diminishing returns for subsequent explorers, until the value is zero and then it becomes public knowledge.
EDIT: Sorry, ignore me. This isn't our way. I'll get back in my box.

Honestly I think it's a good idea. Were not sending them threatening messages or being crybabies, just flooding them with oodles of pretty pictures to justify how important exploring is to us and to the game.
Im loving the idea of stackable exploration, maybe we could get an exploration "heat map" overlay on the galaxy that shows (from red to green) which systems have been deeply explored, and which require more data.

Im actually confused as to why we dont already have sampling. Its the same mechanics as mining, just on a larger scale and/or in space. We could have sample drones for nebulae gasses, soil samples, we could use our scoop to collect off of gas giants. Honestly this wouldn't even be a new feature, it would just be some new commodities using mechanics that are already built in, we don't even NEED planetary landing to make more in depth scientific research possible. We just need someone at FDev to consider it a worthy expansion/patch
+Rep for this. Loving the vibrant community with great solutions!

Honestly I think it's a good idea. Were not sending them threatening messages or being crybabies, just flooding them with oodles of pretty pictures to justify how important exploring is to us and to the game.
Pick images that showcase cool effects we'd like to see in-game too! But they must be real photographs. :D
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I believe the exploration updates will occur around the same time that the Federal Dropship and the Orca gain relevance within the game.
I agree. Asteroids need to be nerfed. They are waaaay OP.

On a more serious note: I think there are - somewhere out there - asteroid belts made of solid gold. Or near enough to solid. And planetoid-size carbon crystals. And stuff like that. I was a bit bummed that they added painite to lure miners in to RES pew pew pew sessions, but why not have a few humongous mining strikes 3000ly from the bubble? Out there, you could have some crazy discoveries. We don't need alien wrecks or anything like that, but stretching the game toward deep space mining or recovery (how about a missing black box from an explorer?) would be pretty cool and plausible, besides. I am still looking for my solid platinum asteroid. I found one last night that was 40% platinum 20% gold but I mined it to bits and didn't find any more.
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So, after waiting for a week to be able to do some exploring out of old times' sake, not because there's anything new that is luring me in, I am again re-affirmed in my position.

Exploration is a side show and takes a back seat to each and every other feature in this game. As an explorer I feel as appreciated as a stand-up comedian at the Neurenberg trials.
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unfortunately - I have to agree whole heartedly Ziggy....side show is a good description of exploration at this point in time.
Aside from Godwin's Law beginning to kick in I think how FD has handled the "ExploGate" issue shows how poorly they are set up against cases like these that involve a substantial loss or corruption of data. One would assume that such a big server update/transaction would not go without serious backups going on 24/7. I mean they said it themselves that exploration data is the biggest chunk of data in the game, right?

It baffles me that they still speak of it in terms of "some of you experience this" or "several players have this issue". Maybe they have to, dunno. But yes, it strengthens the impression that exploration is not nearly as important as other things. They don't say it of course. But Galadriel would say "I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I can smell it in the air."
Well, Michael Brookes did mention recently that he was on a trip to Sag A - https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189800&page=23&p=2925258#post2925258
Having the Executive Producer out spending some time in the black may do us some good.
Is it evil for me to hope he gets a crash, and loses all his exploration data to that point, so he'll understand the frustration experienced by other explorers going through that and might push for a way to be able to reinstated the data, while not finishing the sentence?

Whether it is or not, I do not hope all that, but wish him a safe journey.
Exploration is solid!
New bugs to explore and new ways to explore them!
Still hanging on to a fool's hope that they will expand exploration mechanics some time during the Horizons season. There's still something alluring about setting off to the black for tens of thousands of ly for me, but man, it can certainly use some substance. I want to use probes, collect / drill for samples, feel like I'm in danger when I'm close to a black hole.. that kind of stuff.
Is it evil for me to hope he gets a crash, and loses all his exploration data to that point, so he'll understand the frustration experienced by other explorers going through that and might push for a way to be able to reinstated the data, while not finishing the sentence?

Whether it is or not, I do not hope all that, but wish him a safe journey.

At the time he posted that I'd just bought this:
View attachment 68016

...and considered posting something like "Hey Michael, cool to hear you're off to Sag A*, wanna meet up somewhere along the way for a couple of uh, screenshots" :D
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