What GPT ideas could we create as external tools for Elite?

The Gartner Hype Cycle.

Companies in this space have followed the classic Silicon Valley marketing playbook. I can't count how many times I've been annoyed by someone in my field (education) claiming that it is a "gamechanger" and that "the university is dead". Almost without exception, they have an AI product to hawk.

Most interestingly for me, I read somewhere (I want to say Ars Technica, but I can't find the article now) that the engineers behind ChatGPT were initially surprised at how competent it was at translation.
I love how there's a whole separate term for the hype cycle as applied to AI specifically, because it's happened to AI so many times it deserves a term of its own.
still is tempted to write up a rant about how these scripts that take data from the internet and jumble it up a bit, sometimes randomly*, are not “AI” and in no way intelligent, but “marketing” has to make them look more interesting to the average consumer or non-nerd somehow so it is another term that has lost all meaning, then doesn’t (really) because it was already mentioned in the thread

… but I still am tempted.

*Just look at how many pictures it generates of a woman being a stylized, pretty, flawless one with the “perfect body” proportions as instilled by ‘societal standards’. Someone I know via inara has related quite a few troubles in the regard of getting a non-normalized image with one of the scripts, for a female character model.

Try to ignore the extra finger here and there, though…
*Just look at how many pictures it generates of a woman being a stylized, pretty, flawless one with the “perfect body” proportions as instilled by ‘societal standards’. Someone I know via inara has related quite a few troubles in the regard of getting a non-normalized image with one of the scripts, for a female character model.
what's really funny is the number of bizzare... centaur... creatures it creates because it's been trained on head-and-shoulder portraits, doesn't actually know the difference between a neck and a waistline (because, as a synthetic data construct, it doesn't really "know" anything at all) and so if you try and tell it to create a full-length portrait it'll start with a chest-up picture but then it'll just... put another neck and shoulders underneath instead of legs.
The definition of artificial intelligence is broad though. It's everything from something that is smart enough to do one simple task to something that can pass the Turing test. We've had AI in games for ages, it's just not the kind of AI that makes people clutch at pearls.

The current wave of AI is impressive enough to generate some pearl clutching is all.
still is tempted to write up a rant about how these scripts that take data from the internet and jumble it up a bit, sometimes randomly*, are not “AI” and in no way intelligent, but “marketing” has to make them look more interesting to the average consumer or non-nerd somehow so it is another term that has lost all meaning, then doesn’t (really) because it was already mentioned in the thread

… but I still am tempted.

*Just look at how many pictures it generates of a woman being a stylized, pretty, flawless one with the “perfect body” proportions as instilled by ‘societal standards’. Someone I know via inara has related quite a few troubles in the regard of getting a non-normalized image with one of the scripts, for a female character model.

Try to ignore the extra finger here and there, though…
I made the mistake of logging on to my old book face account a week or so ago to find my timeline almost entirely populated by AI generated ads supposedly from "women" most of whom seemed to have a 10cm waist, with hips and chests you'd circumnavigate in an SRV.
If this is what a "perfect body" is now things seem to become somewhat unhinged...
And yet, it's better than 90% of concept art created by humans, and in only 3 seconds. And if this can be done right now, imagine what it will do in 3 more months. In one year we went from seeing a deformed Will Smith eating spaghetti to SORA. Truly incredible things are coming next 2025.
Except it's created by humans, which means it has some underlying thought process. People are strange that way. We consider art to be the expression of human thought but often regarding naturally generated objects and circumstances. If a human created art regarding how AI views humanity's view on nature, that would be interesting. Since AI doesn't have introspection or epiphany, it's really uninteresting outside of the commercial aspect.
Except it's created by humans, which means it has some underlying thought process. People are strange that way. We consider art to be the expression of human thought but often regarding naturally generated objects and circumstances. If a human created art regarding how AI views humanity's view on nature, that would be interesting. Since AI doesn't have introspection or epiphany, it's really uninteresting outside of the commercial aspect.
You assume a lot from human subjectivity, AI can probably be more interesting than the human mind itself. The human mind has already stalled its evolution, however today, you are seeing the dumbest AI that you will ever see again in your life, because tomorrow will be better than today, and afterward, even better. AI is not limited by time or space and has an evolutionary speed unprecedented in the nature of species. "It is" a new species.
The human mind has already stalled its evolution,

Yah, which goes to show the general understanding of what evolution is, is still pretty much abysmally bad!

. AI is not limited by time or space and has an evolutionary speed unprecedented in the nature of species. "It is" a new species.

No, no it isn't, it doesn't come anywhere near the definition of species, and its development is not evolutionary in the manner that scientists use that word, it's not driven by evolutionary pressures for a start because there's no evolutionary pressure that would lead it to produce bad pictures of human beings, it does these things in relation to an input and not a evolutionary driver of any kind.
AI can probably be more interesting than the human mind itself.
Only because "AI" is understandable - understanding the human mind is still beyond our grasp.
The human mind has already stalled its evolution
For the time being, at least, since we have pretty much eliminated all sorts of evolutionary pressure.
because tomorrow will be better than today, and afterward, even better.
at least as long as someone is willing to finance the hype train and can find ways to circumvent or violate copyright and privacy regulations.
AI is not limited by time or space
Ooops - how? I mean, "AI" right now is very much limited by time and space (and power), so what AI are you referring to that is not in such a way limited?
has an evolutionary speed
? "AI" isn't evolving - at the most, it is being evolved. By humans. It has no feedback loop through interactions with the real world that would propagate one type and cull another, the decisins about changing and culling are all done by humans, who are driven by now mainly by financial interest. And, looking at what I get presented as "AI" in my work, a lot of those are simply trying to ride the hype train.
There is no "I". It's all just dumb algorithms.
That still can manage a sufficently reasonable facsimile of average human communication so that it passes what has been considered the benchmark test for intelligence. Whether that says something about "AI", the perception of the "average human" or the quality of the bechmark tests is definitely open to interpretation.
There is no "I". It's all just dumb algorithms.
That still can manage a sufficently reasonable facsimile of average human communication so that it passes what has been considered the benchmark test for intelligence. Whether that says something about "AI", the perception of the "average human" or the quality of the bechmark tests is definitely open to interpretation.
This reminds me of the Chinese room thought experiment, might be of interest.
The last thing I want is NPCs in this game telling me that glue is a tasty pizza topping and burning down a rainforest every time it does it.

There are plenty more efficient ways to get NPC text. Given the API costs and how much data a text file takes up it would literally be cheaper to just give an intern the list of NPC types, their current dialogue trees, and just go "knock out a few more options to fill out these lists".
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