What happens when you die in Odyssey?

Every man and his dog is starting a thread about Odyssey so I thought I would too ;)

Right at the moment in the game the player is tied to a vehicle, be it a ship or SRV. When that ship or SRV dies the logic is you somehow escaped and are now placed at a rebuy screen or your ship. With Odyssey the player won't be tied to such a vehicle and could potentially get killed. What happens then? Do you end up in the closest hospital? Do you just respawn? or will the logic be your person is just a telepresence so you appear back in your ship?

These questions and more will probably be answered in later dev dairies but thought I'd ask them anyway so we can speculate :)
Have you ever played other fps/shooter games where death is a possibility?

Then think of the myriad ways they deal with respawning and Frontier will pick one of them.
Sure but I'm also wondering what the logic behind it will be particularly as FD say they're striving for realism. ie. Did you really die and were revived? Were you just a telepresence?
On a serious note, no one knows. Based on realism, if you die, you die. (Think Ivan Drago Rocky IV). I suspect it will be similar to how you die in a ship...Whether you respawn at a Ship/SRV/Station remains to be seen. You know as much as I know as much as FDev has released to this point. Simple
On a serious note, no one knows. Based on realism, if you die, you die. (Think Ivan Drago Rocky IV). I suspect it will be similar to how you die in a ship...Whether you respawn at a Ship/SRV/Station remains to be seen. You know as much as I know as much as FDev has released to this point. Simple
My guess would be the last docked station or your orbiting ship... It got to have some kinda danger zone so you don't respawn 5 feet from where you died.
It wipes your save and all your ship and credits.
you have to create a new commander and start over!

I've lost a total of 5 ships in the game, none since 3301/2015, and no SRVs outside of beta testing.

Let's have some fun out there lads instead of perpetually grinding toward meaningless epeen. :)
It's probably telepresence, as boring and lazy as that sounds.
But breathing is talked about in the promo video and first steps so I think it got to be a physical person in videogame world respawning back at a station seems more logical where they have some state of the art reanimation heath care.
Death is but a transcendence to a different plane. You just can't tell anyone.

Walking around and dying in ED you probably just reappear in your ship, of course after re-buy. Wonder what the in-game cost would of your soul and its container will be?

Or maybe you have to buy a new pressure suit?

I've lost a total of 5 ships in the game, none since 3301/2015, and no SRVs outside of beta testing.

Let's have some fun out there lads instead of perpetually grinding toward meaningless epeen. :)
I've never docked a srv I have always boomed my way back to my ship.
You're ok as long as you have enough credits to rebuy your body. Otherwise you get put back into a starting body, and have to grow up all over again.
Sounds familiar :)

Could actually be similar to how it happens, except you have to rebuy a suit and the "grow up all over again" is where you have no weapons and have to find / buy / steal some to re-join in the combat.
Death is but a transcendence to a different plane. You just can't tell anyone.

Walking around and dying in ED you probably just reappear in your ship, of course after re-buy. Wonder what the in-game cost would of your soul and its container will be?

Or maybe you have to buy a new pressure suit?
The suit dies not the player I could see that happening.. we're have a wardrobe utility module built in to the ship like the planety landing module
You wake up in hospital and doctor comes round to tell you they have patched you up, then presents you with a bill.
Could be. Will everyone end up in the same (ie. closest) hospital though? If melee is a thing there could be a few punch ups in the hospitals!
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