What is jumponium?

I'm a newbie, and I need some help.

There are a lot of threads which mention this (to me) mystical substance. They all seem to assume that everyone knows what it is and how to use it.

Can anyone please tell me what jumponium is, and how to use it?

Jumponium is the colloquial name for FSD injection which has three grades: G1 for +25% jump range, G2 for +50% jump range, and G3 for +100% jump range.

The materials you listed above are the correct ones and you will find the recipes on your right panel, inventory tab, under synthesis.

Me and other explorers use jumponium to explore sparse areas of the galaxy with ships that have large FSD ranges. Depending on how far into such areas you want to go, you will need quite a few charges of all three grades.

If you do decide to delve into such areas, make sure you have enough charges for a return trip otherwise you may get stuck (although our community is brilliant and will help if at all possible). Even though you can get G1 materials with a mining laser you will need an SRV for the other grades and it's more efficient that way. Depending on the ship you are using put preference mainly on G1 and G2 injections because G3 materials are more difficult to acquire.

You cannot use an injection together with a neutron star supercharge, it's one or the other.

Please ask any questions if you have. I spend 90% of my exploration time in sparse areas, and many others do as well. We are all happy to help in any way.
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It's given the rather perjorative term because many feel that FD perhaps should have used such a pseudoscientific term for their magic space-boost juice, rather than actual names of real-world chemical elements. There is no logical reason why injecting a miniscule amount of vanadium into the fuel line of a hydrogen fusion reactor, like the ones that allegedly power our spaceships, would do anything other than make the reactor work slightly worse because you've contaminated the hydrogen. One of the reasons why 21st century scientists still have trouble with making a working, economically viable fusion reactor is the difficulty in keeping contaminants (like vanadium) out of the fusion chamber once the reaction starts and things start to heat up inside. Deliberately adding vanadium into the fuel certainly shouldn't magikally make ship go far.
It's given the rather perjorative term because many feel that FD perhaps should have used such a pseudoscientific term for their magic space-boost juice, rather than actual names of real-world chemical elements. There is no logical reason why injecting a miniscule amount of vanadium into the fuel line of a hydrogen fusion reactor, like the ones that allegedly power our spaceships, would do anything other than make the reactor work slightly worse because you've contaminated the hydrogen. One of the reasons why 21st century scientists still have trouble with making a working, economically viable fusion reactor is the difficulty in keeping contaminants (like vanadium) out of the fusion chamber once the reaction starts and things start to heat up inside. Deliberately adding vanadium into the fuel certainly shouldn't magikally make ship go far.

Same goes for flying into the jet cone of a Neutron star, much more likely to make ship go boom than ship go far, but I think FDEV have a dislike of including things like wormholes, not because of their unlikeliness, or of the impossibility of making the ship go far, but the problem of creep. Once a wormhole can make your ship to 200ly why can't one make it go 20,000ly or even 60,000ly just as easily, it's to keep a lid on jump range creep, it's magic, that's what it does and no more basically!
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