Elite / Frontier What keep you bussy in Frontier?

Hi spacerangers.

Im dutch
I wander what you are doing in space.
For me its all about cruize and sell a bit so i can earn my feul back,thats enough for me.
I lost my old save games and now i started all over again from the start.
Edit my save game is a bit cheap to me but im not in a hurry,i HAD a nice ship with nice guns and bla bla bla but this time i take my time to earn it back again.
10 years ago i played it with some friends who made a route for me or told me where to sell,i was just the pilot :D (as team play)
Together we made money fast and we had a big ship (man those where times,flying with a beer through space,feels a bit like the space junkie's from the movie heavy metal)
NOW i fly and ejoi to look at the stars,dont use fast time and fly all the way on manual controll.(without beer :p )
Even iff it take a month to reach the next planet then i dont care,i just go AFK for a month and check out by time.(i can use alt-tab and use my computer for other things to,thats realy cool to me)
10 years ago it was all about money and action,now i just wana cruize VERY slow.
I think i did quit play games but this is the onley thing whats left,and i never quit.(that is how it feels,i do have games installes but i dont ejoi then as much as i enjoi frontier)
I also wana say something about the grafics.
That game dont need beatifull grafics,personal i think i just need a bit grafics to see what happpen or where to find a planet,it dont need to look good as long as the flight is a bit realism,the game play is the power in this programm,no other game can do what frontier can do and thats more importand then nice grafics as freelancer.
Like freelancer is cool but dock a planet it a bit to arcade to me.(i mean far away from realism)
I prefer a cool flight to the moon then all that space action,they just damage my precious ship and i dont want them to do that! :D
I dont know anyone in my city who still play this,im glad i found this forum.
So....what keeps you bussy in Frontier and what does frontier mean to you?

Best wishes to you all


Ok no reaction,maybe i schould ask it this way.
Did u travel to the end of space,got a high criminal or militair score?
Iff not,what keep you bussy?
Comon people lets show off...........:cool:
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